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Post by авокадо »

доигрался, серенький? :roll:
29.08.2008 11:02 : Следом за осетинами и абхазами представители других диаспор, которые живут в Грузии, высказывают претензии к руководству страны
Одна провинция даже угрожает отделением. Претензии к Тбилиси звучат со стороны азербайджанцев, которые живут в Грузии. Они, как пишет сетевой портал ньюзру.ком, обвиняют президента Саакашвили в нарушении прав части населения. Азербайджанцы занимают область Квемо-Картли в Грузии. Там живет до пятисот тысяч представителей этой национальности. Люди не имеют элементарных прав... В частности, не могут получать образование на родном языке, у них отбирают земли.

В свою очередь, армянские политологи призывают официальный Ереван надавить на Тбилиси. Поскольку, как считают некоторые эксперты, власти Грузии держат в напряженном состоянии экономику Армении. И создают препятствия для товарообмена с другими странами. Политолог Левон Мелик-Шахназарян предлагает пригрозить Грузии отделением от страны региона Самцхе-Джавахетия. По мнению политолога, Грузия никогда не пойдет на агрессивные меры против армянского населения. Иначе Тбилиси по его словам может потерять не только эту провинцию, но и Аджарию.


кстати, 500 00 азербайджанцев, это, вроде, четверть населения нынешней Грузии... :upset:
Сейчас и есть то самое время...
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Post by Ion Tichy »

Хоть плачь, хоть смейся... Надеюсь, это все-таки стеб, хотя от наших придурков можно всего ожидать.
Комиссия по награждению общественными наградами и памятными знаками учредила медаль "За принуждение к миру". Этой награды удостоят миротворцев, принимавших участие в операции на территории Южной Осетии и Абхазии, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.
Кстати, на сомом ИТАР-ТАСС информации про медаль не нашел - "По Вашему запросу результатов не найдено."
Как же это вы без гравицаппы пепелац выкатываете из гаража? Это непорядок...
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Post by Yvsobol »

Ion Tichy wrote:Хоть плачь, хоть смейся... Надеюсь, это все-таки стеб, хотя от наших придурков можно всего ожидать.
Комиссия по награждению общественными наградами и памятными знаками учредила медаль "За принуждение к миру". Этой награды удостоят миротворцев, принимавших участие в операции на территории Южной Осетии и Абхазии, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.
Кстати, на сомом ИТАР-ТАСС информации про медаль не нашел - "По Вашему запросу результатов не найдено."

Ето не шутка. Другое дело, что ето - не государственная награда, а общественная. Как говорят в Одессе - две большие разницы.
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Post by dag03060 »

Ion Tichy wrote:Хоть плачь, хоть смейся... Надеюсь, это все-таки стеб, хотя от наших придурков можно всего ожидать.
Комиссия по награждению общественными наградами и памятными знаками учредила медаль "За принуждение к миру". Этой награды удостоят миротворцев, принимавших участие в операции на территории Южной Осетии и Абхазии, сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС.
Кстати, на сомом ИТАР-ТАСС информации про медаль не нашел - "По Вашему запросу результатов не найдено."

А чё тут такого. У американцев, вон, есть медаль Оккупационой Армии: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_of_Occupation_Medal.
Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.
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Post by klsk »

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/16/world ... nted=print
September 16, 2008
Georgia Offers Fresh Evidence on War’s Start
This article was reported by Dan Bilefsky, C. J. Chivers, Thom Shanker and Michael Schwirtz and written by Mr. Chivers.

TBILISI, Georgia — A new front has opened between Georgia and Russia, now over which side was the aggressor whose military activities early last month ignited the lopsided five-day war. At issue is new intelligence, inconclusive on its own, that nonetheless paints a more complicated picture of the critical last hours before war broke out.

Georgia has released intercepted telephone calls purporting to show that part of a Russian armored regiment crossed into the separatist enclave of South Ossetia nearly a full day before Georgia’s attack on the capital, Tskhinvali, late on Aug. 7.

Georgia is trying to counter accusations that the long-simmering standoff over South Ossetia, which borders Russia, tilted to war only after it attacked Tskhinvali. Georgia regards the enclave as its sovereign territory.

The intercepts circulated last week among intelligence agencies in the United States and Europe, part of a Georgian government effort to persuade the West and opposition voices at home that Georgia was under invasion and attacked defensively. Georgia argues that as a tiny and vulnerable nation allied with the West, it deserves extensive military and political support.

Georgia also provided audio files of the intercepts along with English translations to The New York Times, which made its own independent translation from the original Ossetian into Russian and then into English.

Russia, already facing deep criticism and the coolest audience in European capitals since the cold war, is arguing vigorously against Georgia’s claims. Last week, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin expressed bafflement at what he saw as the West’s propensity to believe Georgia’s version of events.

In an interview arranged by the Kremlin, the Russian military played down the significance of the intercepted conversations, saying troop movements to the enclave before the war erupted were part of the normal rotation and replenishment of longstanding peacekeeping forces there.

But at a minimum, the intercepted calls, which senior American officials have reviewed and described as credible if not conclusive, suggest there were Russian military movements earlier than had previously been acknowledged, whether routine or hostile, into Georgian territory as tensions accelerated toward war.

They also suggest the enduring limits — even with high-tech surveillance of critical battlefield locations — of penetrating the war’s thick fogs.

The back and forth over who started the war is already an issue in the American presidential race, with Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, the Republican vice presidential candidate, contending that Russia’s incursion into Georgia was “unprovoked,” while others argue that Georgia’s shelling of Tskhinvali was provocation. Georgia claims that its main evidence — two of several calls secretly recorded by its intelligence service on Aug. 7 and 8 — shows that Russian tanks and fighting vehicles were already passing through the Roki Tunnel linking Russia to South Ossetia before dawn on Aug. 7.

By Russian accounts, the war began at 11:30 that night, when President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia ordered an attack on Russian positions in Tskhinvali. Russian combat units crossed the border into South Ossetia only later, Russia has said.

Russia has not disputed the veracity of the phone calls, which were apparently made by Ossetian border guards on a private Georgian cellphone network. “Listen, has the armor arrived or what?” a supervisor at the South Ossetian border guard headquarters asked a guard at the tunnel with the surname Gassiev, according to a call that Georgia and the cellphone provider said was intercepted at 3:52 a.m. on Aug. 7.

“The armor and people,” the guard replied. Asked if they had gone through, he said, “Yes, 20 minutes ago; when I called you, they had already arrived.”

Shota Utiashvili, the director of the intelligence analysis team at Georgia’s Interior Ministry, said the calls pointed to a Russian incursion. “This whole conflict has been overshadowed by the debate over who started this war,” he said. “These intercepted recordings show that Russia moved first and that we were defending ourselves.”

The recordings, however, do not explicitly describe the quantity of armor or indicate that Russian forces were engaged in fighting at that time.

Competing Accounts

Gen. Lt. Nikolai Uvarov of Russia, a former United Nations military attaché, who served as a Defense Ministry spokesman during the war, insisted that Georgia’s attack surprised Russia and that its leaders scrambled to respond while Russian peacekeeping forces were under fire. He said President Dmitri A. Medvedev had been on a cruise on the Volga River. Mr. Putin was at the Olympics in Beijing.

“The minister of defense, by the way, was on vacation in the Black Sea somewhere,” he said. “We never expected them to launch an attack.”

As for the claim that Russian forces entered the enclave early on Aug. 7, General Uvarov said military hardware regularly moved in and out of South Ossetia, supplying the Russian peacekeeping contingent there.

“Since we had here a battalion, they need fuel, they need products; naturally you have movement of troops,” he said. “But not combat troops specifically sent there to fight.” He added, “If it were a big reinforcement, then we wouldn’t have lost about 15 peacekeepers inside.”

Georgia disputed the Russian explanation, saying that under peacekeeping documents signed by both sides in 2004, rotations of the Russian peacekeeping battalion could be conducted only in daylight and after not less than a month of advance notification. There was no notification, Mr. Utiashvili said.

Why, he asked, was the duty officer at the Roki Tunnel apparently caught off guard, if this was, as the Russians said, a routine deployment of peacekeepers?

Georgian officials said they provided the materials last week to the United States and France, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, in addition to two reporters for The Times. The Times hired an independent Ossetian linguist in Russia to translate the recordings.

Vano Merabishvili, Georgia’s minister of interior, said he was told of the intercepts by Georgian intelligence within hours of their being recorded. The information, he said, was relayed to Mr. Saakashvili, who saw them as a sign of a Russian invasion.

Pressed as to why more than a month passed before the conversations came to light, Mr. Merabishvili said the file with the recordings was lost during the war when the surveillance team moved operations from Tbilisi, the capital, to the central city of Gori. Georgian intelligence officers later sifted through 6,000 files to retrieve copies, he said.

The Times provided a range of American government and military officials with copies of the independent translations for comment. They cautioned that while the conversations appeared to be from genuine cellphone intercepts, no complete or official assessment could be made without access to the entire file of cellphone audio gathered by the Georgians. They said the question of provocation and response in the conflict remained under scrutiny in Washington.

“We continue to look at that, both in terms of our intelligence assessment and then from what we get from on the ground,” said one senior American military officer who follows the situation in Georgia and agreed to discuss the matter on the condition of anonymity because it involved intelligence matters. “We have not been able to establish the ‘Who shot John?’ — the first shot.”

Talk of Armor in Tunnel

Georgia said its main evidence consisted of two conversations on Aug. 7 between Mr. Gassiev at the tunnel and his supervisor at the headquarters.

In the first conversation, logged at 3.41 a.m., Mr. Gassiev told the supervisor that a Russian colonel had asked Ossetian guards to inspect military vehicles that “crowded” the tunnel. Mr. Gassiev said: “The commander, a colonel, approached and said, ‘The guys with you should check the vehicles.’ Is that O.K.?”

Asked who the colonel was, Mr. Gassiev answered: “I don’t know. Their superior, the one in charge there. The B.M.P.’s and other vehicles were sent here and they’ve crowded there. The guys are also standing around. And he said that we should inspect the vehicles. I don’t know. And he went out.” A B.M.P. is a tracked armored vehicle that vaguely resembles a tank. It was one of the principal Russian military vehicles seen in the war, and in the peacekeeping contingent.

At 3:52 a.m., Mr. Gassiev informed the supervisor that armored vehicles had left the tunnel, commanded by a colonel he called Kazachenko. The colonel’s first name was not mentioned. According to unrelated Russian press reports after the war, Col. Andrei Kazachenko served in the 135th Motorized Rifle Regiment. The regiment provided peacekeepers in South Ossetia and fought in Tskhinvali during the war, General Uvarov said. The general said he had no information about Colonel Kazachenko.

Georgia’s claims about Russian movements appear to be at least partly supported by other information that emerged recently. Western intelligence determined independently that two battalions of the 135th Regiment moved through the tunnel to South Ossetia either on the night of Aug. 7 or the early morning of Aug. 8, according to a senior American official.

New Western intelligence also emerged last week showing that a motorized rifle element was assigned to a garrison just outside South Ossetia, on Russian territory, with the aim of securing the north end of the tunnel, and that it may have moved to secure the entire tunnel either on the night of Aug. 7 or early in the morning of Aug. 8, according to several American officials who were briefed on the findings.

On Sept. 3, Krasnaya Zvezda, the official newspaper of the Russian Defense Ministry, published an article in which a captain in the 135th Regiment, Denis Sidristy, said his unit had been ordered to cease a training exercise and move to Tskhinvali on Aug. 7.

After a query by The Times about the article, the Russian newspaper published an article last Friday in which the captain said the correct date for the advance to Tskhinvali was Aug. 8. Efforts to reach Captain Sidristy were unsuccessful.

A U.S. Official’s Account

Matthew J. Bryza, the deputy assistant secretary of state who coordinates diplomacy in the Caucasus, said the contents of the recorded conversations were consistent with what Georgians appeared to believe on Aug. 7, in the final hours before the war, when a brief cease-fire collapsed.

“During the height of all of these developments, when I was on the phone with senior Georgian officials, they sure sounded completely convinced that Russian armored vehicles had entered the Roki Tunnel, and exited the Roki Tunnel, before and during the cease-fire,” he said. “I said, under instructions, that we urge you not to engage these Russians directly.”

By the night of Aug. 7, he said, he spoke with Eka Tkeshelashvili, Georgia’s foreign minister, shortly before President Saakashvili issued his order to attack. “She sounded completely convinced, on a human level, of the Russian presence,” Mr. Bryza said. “ ‘Under these circumstances,’ she said, ‘We have to defend our villages.’ ”

General Uvarov, the senior Russian official, contended that the Georgians had acted rashly and without a clear understanding of their own intelligence.

According to the cease-fire agreement signed in the 1990s after the first war between Georgia and South Ossetia, Russia was allowed to maintain a 500-member peacekeeping force in the region, he said. And 300 reserve peacekeepers can be deployed in emergency situations, he said.

As the Georgians began their attack, about 100 reserve peacekeepers from the 135th Regiment were put on alert and moved close to the tunnel, he said. They were ordered through the tunnel to reinforce forces in Tskhinvali around dawn on Aug. 8, he said.

The first Russian combat unit — the First Battalion of the 135th Regiment — did not pass through the Roki Tunnel until 2:30 p.m. on Aug. 8, more than 14 hours after the Georgians began shelling Tskhinvali, he said.

The battalion, he said, did not reach Tskhinvali until the next evening, having met heavy Georgian resistance. Georgia disputes that account, saying it was in heavy combat with Russian forces near the tunnel long before dawn. One thing was clear by then. The war had begun.

Dan Bilefsky and C. J. Chivers reported from Tbilisi, Georgia; Thom Shanker from Washington; and Michael Schwirtz from Moscow.
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Post by Герасим »

Saakashvili "planned S. Ossetia invasion": ex-minister

PARIS (Reuters) - Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had long planned a military strike to seize back the breakaway region of South Ossetia but executed it poorly, making it easy for Russia to retaliate, Saakashvili's former defence minister said.

Irakly Okruashvili, Georgia's leading political exile, said in a weekend interview in Paris that the United States was partly to blame for the war, having failed to check the ambitions of what he called a man with democratic failings.

The former defence minister's remarks are significant because Saakashvili has always maintained Russia started the war by invading his country. The Georgian president said he handed EU leaders last week "very strong proof" that Moscow was to blame, though he did not give details.

But Okruashvili, a close Saakashvili ally who served as defence minister from 2004 to 2006, said he and the president worked together on military plans to invade South Ossetia and a second breakaway region on the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia.

http://www.reuters.com/article/wtMostRe ... 8020080914
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Post by ZSM-5 »

Что же это он шефа своего так подставляет? :pain1:
"При желании можно выклянчить все: деньги, славу, власть. Но только не Родину, господа. Особенно такую, как моя."
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Post by авокадо »

ZSM-5 wrote:Что же это он шефа своего так подставляет? :pain1:

да ничего сложного: на его место метит... :pain1:
там уже и Бурджанадзе вовсю суетится 8)
Сейчас и есть то самое время...
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Post by ZSM-5 »

авокадо wrote:да ничего сложного: на его место метит... :pain1:

Дык, далековато от Парыжу до солнечного Тбилиси... Он, ИМХО, сделал тактическую ошибку - надо бы ему не отваливать в Париж, а отсидеть годик в тюрьме, тогда было бы самое то рядитсья в одежды "жeртвы режима"...
"При желании можно выклянчить все: деньги, славу, власть. Но только не Родину, господа. Особенно такую, как моя."
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Post by DonTolik »

ZSM-5 wrote:
авокадо wrote:да ничего сложного: на его место метит... :pain1:

Дык, далековато от Парыжу до солнечного Тбилиси... Он, ИМХО, сделал тактическую ошибку - надо бы ему не отваливать в Париж, а отсидеть годик в тюрьме, тогда было бы самое то рядитсья в одежды "жeртвы режима"...

Стремно это. В тюрьме можно и загнуться, например, из-за порока сердца или оттека легких.
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Post by remaL »

трофейная техника

"У нас есть домашние заготовки - и мы знаем, что мы будем делать." В. В. Путин
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Post by Сева »

Тбилиси намерен принести извинения Южной Осетии за нападение в 2008 г., инспирированное извне

▪️Основатель правящей партии «Грузинская мечта» Иванишвили заявил, что «Грузия найдет в себе силы извиниться перед осетинами за войну, которую развязал Саакашвили в 2008 году»

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Post by oleg lebedev »

На многих сайтах начали умиляться поступком грузина, но дело, кажется в другом. В данный момент возникла некоторая напряжённость в отношениях России и Ю. Осетии. Осетины хотят жить за счёт России, получать пенсии из бюджета и пр. пряники и при этом абсолютно не иметь никаких своих обязательств. Они отнимают недвижимость у российских граждан если те имели глупость у них купить и ведут себя так как будто Россия им по гроб жизни обязана за что-то. Осетинские суды выносят практически все решения в пользу осетинских граждан даже если это противоречит закону. Российское правительство активизировала этот вопрос недавно и сейчас идут какие-то консультации с осетинами. Грузинский политик узрел ситуацию и решил прозондировать почву на предмет аозвращения Ю. Осетии в Грузию. Вряд ли осетины захотят. Пока они жируют за счёт России им в Грузию точно не надо хотя какие-то интриги смогут плести, блефуя что могут уйти в Грузию.
"Прежде чем вступать в дискуссию, подумай о том, в состоянии ли ты принять мнение другого человека." (Кимоното Херовато)
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Post by SosLipBam »

oleg lebedev wrote: 15 Sep 2024 02:11 На многих сайтах начали умиляться поступком грузина, но дело, кажется в другом. В данный момент возникла некоторая напряжённость в отношениях России и Ю. Осетии. Осетины хотят жить за счёт России, получать пенсии из бюджета и пр. пряники и при этом абсолютно не иметь никаких своих обязательств. Они отнимают недвижимость у российских граждан если те имели глупость у них купить и ведут себя так как будто Россия им по гроб жизни обязана за что-то. Осетинские суды выносят практически все решения в пользу осетинских граждан даже если это противоречит закону. Российское правительство активизировала этот вопрос недавно и сейчас идут какие-то консультации с осетинами. Грузинский политик узрел ситуацию и решил прозондировать почву на предмет аозвращения Ю. Осетии в Грузию. Вряд ли осетины захотят. Пока они жируют за счёт России им в Грузию точно не надо хотя какие-то интриги смогут плести, блефуя что могут уйти в Грузию.
Ю осетия и абхазы просто ошалели.

Русских там грабят, бьют, насилуют, оскорбляют, обдирают и при этом еще Абхазия и Ю Осетия на 100% живут на русские деньги… сдать их Грузии, пусть они мозги грузинам пудрят неблагодарные мрази
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Post by Сева »

oleg lebedev wrote: 15 Sep 2024 02:11 На многих сайтах начали умиляться поступком грузина, но дело, кажется в другом. В данный момент возникла некоторая напряжённость в отношениях России и Ю. Осетии. Осетины хотят жить за счёт России, получать пенсии из бюджета и пр. пряники и при этом абсолютно не иметь никаких своих обязательств. Они отнимают недвижимость у российских граждан если те имели глупость у них купить и ведут себя так как будто Россия им по гроб жизни обязана за что-то. Осетинские суды выносят практически все решения в пользу осетинских граждан даже если это противоречит закону
SosLipBam wrote: 15 Sep 2024 04:18 Ю осетия и абхазы просто ошалели.
Русских там грабят, бьют, насилуют, оскорбляют, обдирают и при этом еще Абхазия и Ю Осетия на 100% живут на русские деньги… сдать их Грузии, пусть они мозги грузинам пудрят неблагодарные мрази
Я об этом аспекте не подумал.
Да, действительно это так, всё имеет место быть.
И скорее всего грузины именно в эту сторону удочку закинули.

Но отпускать их обратно в Грузию нельзя, ибо те тогда смогут в НАТО вступить.
Понятно, что Осетия и Абхазия и сами туда не вернутся, там им ничего не светит, а здесь куча плюшек.

За них сейчас вроде как взялись, кого там арестовывают шерстят вроде

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