На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Привет! Вопрос к тем, у кого дети родились уже в Штатах или приехали сюда в младенческом возрасте. На каком языке они заговорили? Моя дочь(6 месяцев) сидит с русской няней, дома мы говорим по-русски, когда куда-то выбираемся, то чаще всего с американскими друзьями, поэтому говорим и с ней , и между собой по-английски. Дети вокруг нее тоже, естественно, по-английски. Не перемешается ли у нее все в голове?
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Какая разница ! Приехав в феврале этого года, мои дети (5 и 10 лет) уже играют со своей русской подружкой, общаясь по-английски. При этом "официальный домашний язык", конечно же, русский. Например, никакие просьбы от детей по-английски не принимаются (хорошая мотивация :-)
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Еще в России я знала семью, где отец говорил на двух языках, а мама только на одном. Не потому что отец иностранец, а потому что точно такая же ситуация была еще с его родителями. Он целенаправленно говорил с ребенком на двух языках с самого начала. Ребенок и заговорил на двух языках одновременно, причем не различая по первости где какой, так что мама не всегда дите понимала. Но примерно в 2.5 или 3 года, произошло разделение. Она стала отличать один от другого. Кстати, выращенный таким же способом папа, прекрасно говорит на двух языках.
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Dear Amy,
it depends on your own effort & desire (both parents).
We would like our children to be bilingual, to save our traditions, culture, etc. We have a rule at home - to speak only Russian. We don't encourage them, when they occasionally using English (it's easier). My both kids were born here. My oldest son is 7y.o. He has no problem whatsoever with English at school. He speaks Russian & English fluently with no accent, able to read & write in both languages ( no tutors, only parents' effort), we both work full-time.
My 2y.o. "speaks" Spanish (former baby-sitter), mixing Russian & English words. We're not concerned. Pretty soon she'll start to distinguish languages. I read her Russian books in Russian, English - in English.
I've seen a lot of kids of Russian-speaking parents, who doesn't speak (or speak terribly) Russian. Some of them come to this country & forget their language in 2-3 years. I don't understand that. My opinion, parents don't care, or they trying to learn English with the kids' help.
But I think it's very important not to forget who you are & where you from. Our kids will appreciate that in a long run. Who knows, may be when they grow up, the'll decide to live, or work in Russia. So, Russian would be handy. When you know 2 languages, it's easier to learn more.
So, you'll do your kids a favour, taeching them Russian. But it's hard to keep up over years, you'll find yourself switching to English all the time. Be consistent & good luck.
Sincerely, Corina
it depends on your own effort & desire (both parents).
We would like our children to be bilingual, to save our traditions, culture, etc. We have a rule at home - to speak only Russian. We don't encourage them, when they occasionally using English (it's easier). My both kids were born here. My oldest son is 7y.o. He has no problem whatsoever with English at school. He speaks Russian & English fluently with no accent, able to read & write in both languages ( no tutors, only parents' effort), we both work full-time.
My 2y.o. "speaks" Spanish (former baby-sitter), mixing Russian & English words. We're not concerned. Pretty soon she'll start to distinguish languages. I read her Russian books in Russian, English - in English.
I've seen a lot of kids of Russian-speaking parents, who doesn't speak (or speak terribly) Russian. Some of them come to this country & forget their language in 2-3 years. I don't understand that. My opinion, parents don't care, or they trying to learn English with the kids' help.
But I think it's very important not to forget who you are & where you from. Our kids will appreciate that in a long run. Who knows, may be when they grow up, the'll decide to live, or work in Russia. So, Russian would be handy. When you know 2 languages, it's easier to learn more.
So, you'll do your kids a favour, taeching them Russian. But it's hard to keep up over years, you'll find yourself switching to English all the time. Be consistent & good luck.
Sincerely, Corina
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Большое спасибо всем ответившим. У меня возник еще один вопрос к тем, у кого здесь родились дети (или к тем, кто привез сюда младенцев) Когда дети подросли, бывали ли вы с ними в России? Как все это происходило? Какие у детей были впечатления? Сравнивали ли они Россию и Америку?
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Last summer my 7y.o. son was in Moscow for the first time. In general, he didn't like it there.
He could relate to Gorky Park, something like Great America, Six Flags USA. He patiently attended different sightseeings, but didn't enjoy it much. Wasn't enthusiastic about country house (dacha).
One example. Once he had to go to the bathroom. We went to a movie theatre, I asked a janitor for toilet paper. While she was looking for it, Jason entered the restroom & came right out, saying "I'll hold til we come home". When poor woman finally found toilet paper, I said sorry, he changed his mind.
After a while he got used to everything. He did like people. But was very happy to return back home.
Jason has not verbalized anything negative, neither compared Russia & Usa, just didn't want to stay there longer than necessary.
Sincerely, Corina
He could relate to Gorky Park, something like Great America, Six Flags USA. He patiently attended different sightseeings, but didn't enjoy it much. Wasn't enthusiastic about country house (dacha).
One example. Once he had to go to the bathroom. We went to a movie theatre, I asked a janitor for toilet paper. While she was looking for it, Jason entered the restroom & came right out, saying "I'll hold til we come home". When poor woman finally found toilet paper, I said sorry, he changed his mind.
After a while he got used to everything. He did like people. But was very happy to return back home.
Jason has not verbalized anything negative, neither compared Russia & Usa, just didn't want to stay there longer than necessary.
Sincerely, Corina
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Народ! А кто осветит ситуацию с 3-язычной семьей? Например, "русскоязычные украинцы" в Америке. Не я же один такой мичуринский гибрид?
Пока интерес чисто спортивный. но все же..
Пока интерес чисто спортивный. но все же..
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Наверно у меня что-то вроде этого...Дочка родилась в Иерусалиме,
живет а Америке , родной язык русский. Что и является правдой,
родной язык-язык на котором впервые заговорил ребенок.
На английском она пока не говорит, мы тут еще мало времени...но с англоязычными детьми играет вовсю, да мы и не сомневаемся на этот счет;
с ивритом сложнее, мы с женой на нем говорим только когда надо чтобы нас русскопонимаюшие не поняли [img:730ef05e5d]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:730ef05e5d], правда она слушает песенки и в садике немного говорят на иврите...ну а русский пока проще всего - мы дома по-русски.
Наверно у меня что-то вроде этого...Дочка родилась в Иерусалиме,
живет а Америке , родной язык русский. Что и является правдой,
родной язык-язык на котором впервые заговорил ребенок.
На английском она пока не говорит, мы тут еще мало времени...но с англоязычными детьми играет вовсю, да мы и не сомневаемся на этот счет;
с ивритом сложнее, мы с женой на нем говорим только когда надо чтобы нас русскопонимаюшие не поняли [img:730ef05e5d]http://www.privet.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img:730ef05e5d], правда она слушает песенки и в садике немного говорят на иврите...ну а русский пока проще всего - мы дома по-русски.
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Corina, большое спасибо за ответы! Если я правильно поняла, Jason ходит в школу? Как в вашей школе с математикой? Действительно ли в большинстве public schools с преподаванием точных наук проблемы? Или все зависит от конкретной школы, преподавателя, ученика, родителей, etc?
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На каком языке заговорит ребенок?
Level of math is lower than expected, but don't forget about totally different educational system ( a lot of people compare public schools here with special math schools in Russia, which is wrong). They go to school 12 years (instead of 10 in Russia), 5 days a week (vs 6 days). So, the program's spreaded out a little. But they still able to go to good universities. As you said, Amy, a lot depends on parents. We give Jason extra homework (sometimes by fax). He could operate 4-5 digit numbers (including negative numbers), learned times table last year, introduced to rutes, cubes, squares, beginning of programming. He seems to be doing well, hungry for more information. I talked to teachers to give him extra work at school. Jason goes to a public school in a good school district. I like the school, it's concepts, competent teachers, discipline. Jason has good academic results according to state testing. We'll see how it goes, if we won't be happy with something in the future, we'll try a private (or Catholic) school.
But so far so good (knock the wood).
Sincerely, Corina
But so far so good (knock the wood).
Sincerely, Corina