После несостоявшейся атаки на Иран в начале апреле, о высокой вероятности которой много писали, на иранском информационном наступило относительное затишье (если не считать инцидента с британскими козлятами, который изначально был выведен из поля игры). Но в последнее время разные американские политики стали делать заявления открыто призывающие к атаке на Иран (John Bolton, Joseph Lieberman). Вот, что они говорят.
John Bolton:
"If we can't get enough other countries to come along with us to do that, then we've got to go with regime change by bolstering opposition groups and the like, because that's the circumstance most likely for an Iranian government to decide that it's safer not to pursue nuclear weapons than to continue to do so. And if all else fails, if the choice is between a nuclear-capable Iran and the use of force, then I think we need to look at the use of force."
Joseph Lieberman:
"I think we've got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq," he said. "And to me, that would include a strike over the border into Iran, where we have good evidence that they have a base at which they are training these people coming back into Iraq to kill our soldiers."
С одной стороны, такие заявления из уст двух евреев, посвятивших свои карьеры лоббированию интересов Израиля, не должны удивлять. С другой стороны настораживает следующее:
Predictions within the US military are that Bush will do what is needed to stop Teheran before he leaves office in 2009, including possibly launching a military strike against its nuclear facilities.
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