
Визы, паспорта и т.д.
Posts: 3
Joined: 09 Jan 2000 10:01


Post by Blacky »

Here I would like to collect some of your thouts on a variety of life situations that an immigrant can come accros while in the US.
Could be anything:immigration,finanses,insuarance,job
Feel free to add.

A person is in US,he runs out of status(more than 8 month),and wins the DV lottery.
Can he go back to Russia and get the Green Card through the Embassy?

Can anybody shere some thouts,has anybody done that yet?

I know that "out of status" situation sucks according to the new Immigration law,but do they really check on that at the Embassy? Besides all the other qualificatios are more than perfect for the winner. o add

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