Dulcinea_del_Toboso wrote:Advantage wrote:nester wrote:Logic wrote:1) Израиль не бомбит гражданские цели
Лол, вы бы с той же Advantage определились бы что-ли.
Дороги,мосты, аэропорты, электростанции, пункты государственного и военного управления, государственные и военные руководители, узлы связи, командные пункты, средства ядерного нападения, склады ядерных боеприпасов, аэродромы, базы ВМС и т.д - это
стратегические объекты противника.
Израиль с первых часов нападения определяет эту ситуацию как "война".
Абсолютно однозначно.
Все ети дороги , мосты, електростанции- обьекты жизнеобесчения страны и интернатионал лo строго запрешает нападения и разрушения гражданских обьектов. Даже напяленняя Израилем маска " воины" не огорождает ету страну от сушествуюших законов. Интернатионал Kриминал Kорт дает четкое определение WAR CRIMES- умышленное нападение и уничтожение граждаских обьектов.
Это не более чем ваши выдумки. Определение военной цели дается в Дополнительном Протоколе номер один (статья 52) к Женевским конвенциям 1977 года. The legitimate military target is defined as one “which by [its] nature, location, purpose, or use makes an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.”
Legitimate military targets include: armed forces and persons who take part in the fighting; positions or installations occupied by armed forces as well as objectives that are directly contested in battle; military installations such as barracks, war ministries, munitions or fuel dumps, storage yards for vehicles,
airfields, rocket launch ramps, and naval bases.
Legitimate infrastructure targets include lines and means of communication, command, and control—railway lines,
bridges, tunnels, and canals—that are of fundamental military importance.
Legitimate communications targets include
broadcasting and television stations, and telephone and telegraph exchanges of fundamental military importance.
Legitimate military-industrial targets include factories producing arms, transport, and communications equipment for the military; metallurgical, engineering, and chemicals industries whose nature or purpose is essentially military; and the storage and transport installations serving such industries.
Legitimate military research targets include experimental research centers for the development of weapons and war matériel.
Legitimate energy targets include installations providing energy mainly for national defense, such as coal and other fuels, and plants producing gas or electricity mainly for military consumption. Attacks on nuclear power stations and hydroelectric dams are generally, but not always, prohibited by the laws of war.