Sam Adams wrote:Это же отностится и к LinkedList.
На практике он и будет выбрасывать exception. Я же написал - теоретически.
Sam Adams wrote:Gennadiy wrote:Sam Adams wrote:А что, во время итерирования коллекций в Java можно изменять содержимое коллекции?
Теоретически если коллекция представляет собой Linked List, то вполне возможно удалять элементы во время итерирования.
Но в том то и дело что ArrayList это не linked list, а динамический массив.
Теоретически, если _любая_ коллекция написана, следуя рекомендациям, то она обязана выкидывать исключение при обращении к итератору после изменения коллекции. Это же отностится и к LinkedList.
Gennadiy wrote:2005 wrote:Похоже никогда никто не исправит уже кривые руки MS.
А при чем тут кривые руки? В стандартную поставку .NET входят немодифицирующие итераторы. Никто вам не мешает написать свой модифицирующий.
Gennadiy wrote:Sergey_P wrote:Протестую, мой проще и универсальней (будет с любой коллекцией работать)
Чисто с практической точки зрения это не всегда так.
Очень часто коллекция или предается как параметр by value в процедури или представляет собой read-only property.
В таком случае, кроме создания новой коллекции, итерации, копирования, понадобится также очистка старой коллекции и копирование из новой в старую. В зависимости от того сколько элементов удаляется, это может быть и медленнее и конкретно потребует больше памяти.
Code: Select all
Iterator it = inC.iterator();
ArrayList outC = new ArrayList();
String s = (String);
SUMMARY: Eight years experience of professional Software development in the area of Application software and Web
• Solution Concept to Execution: Unique competency in translating business issues into customer solutions including opportunity identification, requirements development, software development management, delivery, support, and analysis.
• Very good Experience and expertise in WEB Application Development using ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, Java, C++, C, MS SQL Server, My SQL, Ms Access, Java Script, XML, CSS, HTML, DHTML.
• Innovative Application of Technology: Unique capability to understand capabilities of technology to solve a particular business problem or create business opportunity.
• Product development: Full lifecycle experience in scooping, designing, developing, deploying, and supporting enterprise scale business application and business intelligence software, using both waterfall and iterative development methodologies.
• Extensive experience in Back – ends like SQL Server, My SQL, Ms Access, and Oracle.
• Strong quantitative analysis skills to lend insight to highly ambiguous and sensitive business problems.
• Around 8years of experience in IT industry worked with all phases of SDLC in Architecture, Analysis, Design, development, testing and documentation for Web, Distributed and eCommerce applications in Education, Banking & Financial, Logistics, Point Of Sales, and e-marketing sectors.
• Expertise in writing T-SQL, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, triggers to meet new features to be incorporated in the system to implements business rules.
• Worked extensively in the areas of Business and Web based Applications using distributed and N-Tier Architectures.
• Good Communication and Interpersonal skills with lot of End-User Interaction.
• Good knowledge of Web server IIS 6.0 / PWS
• Expertise in Requirements Gathering, Analysis, System Designing, Development, Debugging, implementation and Documentation. .
• Excellent team leadership skills.
SKILLS: Language: Visual Basic. Net, ASP.NET, C#, C++, Java, Java beans, Web Technologies: .NET Framework 2.0/1.1/1.0, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Web Services, ASP 3.0, JSP 2.0, Servlets, ActiveXControls, COM+, COM, DCOM, MTS, HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, Web Objects, HTML workshop, GUI: VB.NET, Dream Weaver MX, Web Matrix, Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 2000, UNIX, Windows 98, Data Access: ADO.NET, OLEDB, ODBC, RDBMS: SQL SERVER 7.0/2000, DB2, ORACLE, MS ACCESS, Open Base, MySQL 1.3, Reports: Crystal Reports, Data Reports, Designing Tools: Photoshop, Flash, Front Page, Image Maker, Servers: IIS, PWS, Java Server, Media Tools: Windows Media Player
Developer/Programmer/ Analyst
The CITI Group New York has a Work Effort Tracking System (WTS) which needed to be upgraded. The project consist of two phases: first phase is to enhance the product by adding some new features to it and secondly, the task is to migrate the Java code to .NET platform with SQL on backend.
• Involved in the design and planning of the project with the project Manager
• Involved in developing Client/Server Architecture.
• Responsible for design of thin (JSP) and thick (Swing) clients.
• Developed the templates for the web design using Dream Weaver MX.
• Developed a tracking system that provides project management capabilities to 350 concurrent users in 11 dept under CTI global engineering.
• Developed a highly efficient reporting system that manages work efforts using separate dashboard views for employees, supervisors, directors and for seven other roles.
• Currently implementing Oracle database to sustain the DB load for Europe users and providing read only capabilities to Europe based managers.
• Developed windows forms and screen layouts in Visual Studio .NET using C#, Win Forms, XML.
CITIGROUP, NYC (Mar. 05 to Date)
• Designed the object and data model for a large extranet. Used XSLT and XML to separate the presentation from the business logic.
• Developed data-access layer using ADO.NET
• Designed and developed the database along with several stored procedures, views and transactions using SQL Server 2000.
• Developed Windows services to complete the database transaction. The records from database are pulled in XML format so that it is saved in XML after processing
• Developed web services modules using ASP.NET and VB.NET.
Environment: ASP.NET, C#, Java, DreamWeaver, Visio, HTML, Flash, MySQL, Java scripting, MySQL, Visual
Studio 2003
FROST BANK, HOUSTON (Apr. 04 – Mar. 05)
FROST BANK is a leading provider of banking and financial services like credit card management, teller services, demand deposits, loans, consumer credit, clearing, delinquency and line of credit. This application provides online corporate credit card services to clients. The system provides the web-based interface for credit card implementation for its corporate customers. E-statement server provides the facility for the clients to view their statements, transaction history, merchant details, and disputes. It also provides the facility to inquire about the transactions. Card management modules allow maintaining the accounts i.e. creating new accounts, modifying the existing accounts etc.
• Involved in writing Java codes to translate into .Net Framework.
• Involved in translating the customer requirements into Design specifications and ensured that the requirements translate into software solution.
• Designed interactive web pages with front –end screens using ASP.Net, C#, VB and HTML technology for the e-statement server as per the requirements
• Developed core functionality with the .NET Framework (C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET)
• Created a DLL for Data Access Layer, used ADO. Net.
• Deployment of windows components and web services for online transactions using C# and exposed them through SOAP and HTTP.
• Implemented input validation using the ASP.NET Input Validation Controls.
• Developed Style Sheets with XML to display statements.
• Designed Custom Web Controls implementing more usability into the displaying transactions in Data Grid control.
• Developed C# objects to store/retrieve files directly from SQL Server posted to/from the browser using the ASP.NET.
• Handled Configuration (Session, authentication and authorization, custom errors, tracing and so on) for the online transactions by the customer and creating user login and privileges.
• Developed Security Layers for web page security and User Authentication in VB.Net.
• Handled Run Time Errors & Design Time Errors by implementing appropriate Error Handlers in C# and VB.Net.
• Designed Class diagrams, Use cases and sequence diagrams in UML.
Environment: .NET Methods, ASP.NET, XML, WEB SERVICES, SOAP, WSDL, HTML, JavaScript, SQL Server
Architect /Developer
Banking System
The Open Bank system is a Total Branch Automation system fro a bank. It is a GUI & Client – Server based application. It is designed to cater the needs of Indian Banks, considering RBI rules, Guidelines and present market scenarios. The product is fully scaleable from a single standalone teller application (ALPM: Advanced Ledger Posting Machine) to complete inter-branch automation. The system provides solution for banking system it maintain whole records of members and also keeping record of daily transaction of saving account, loan account and also fixed deposit account, and reporting of Trial balance, P & L account and balance sheet.
• Role was Team Member, Module of Development, Generating DLL, and Coding.
• Was also involved in Data Retrieval, Testing and Implementation of my Module.
• Main area of experience has been developing forms in ASP.NET, report development, Database ADO.NET Connectivity.
• Tested the Application as per the Test patches prepared.
• Made study the details of the project to client before deployment on the client side.
Environment: ASP. Net, VB.NET, XML, Crystal Reports, MS SQL –Server 2000, Development of HTML,
Tax Computation/Web and Windows based
Architect/Senior Developer
The package is been developed to record all the transaction by the local retailers or Individuals to compute the total Taxes /Vat payable by the end of the financial year. The application has to be windows based where it can be deployed to clients office or accounts manager, it also has to be web based for the taxation authorities where any individual can login and file his Income Tax /Vat Returns. The application has to be customer friendly with guidelines and help provided at every step to ensure the better services to the client.
• Responsible for requirements gathering from business analysts.
• Systems Design Responsible for overall application technical system design. Analyzed business requirements; conducted feasibility studies considering alternatives, and recommended solutions.
• Worked with the project team to ensure adherence to the Software Development Life Cycle.
• Involved in developing and coding of the project.
Environment: C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, Web Services, XML, flash, UML, SQL Server 2000.
Health Care Specialists
Developer / Team Member
Healthcare Specialists is an online community product that allows hospitals and provider to access healthcare information from any of the several available health plans. Instead of providers going to the web site of each insurer and managing several logins etc, HCS provides a seamless integration of multiple insurers through a uniform easy to understand interface. This was an existing product written in ASP.NET. Completely redesigned the application to improve usability, performance and added several additional modules.
• Studied and Analyzed Requirement Specifications.
• Database design and development.
• Platform migration planning and strategy
• Release strategy
• Application migration development.
• Data load automation using DTS
• Used ADO.NET and data objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader, Dataset, and data table, access to SQL data sources.
• Security module and access control
• Management reporting and automatic billing
• Designed the User Interface
• Used .NET Remoting to access objects from other legacy servers.
• Front-end validation are done by java Script and server side programming by ASP.NET
• Involved in writing the stored procedures, functions, indexes, DTS packages etc in backend
• Release management and customer interface
Environment: C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, Web Services, XML, flash, UML, SQL Server 2000.
IPRO TECHNOLOGIES LTD. (Feb. 98 – Apr. 02)
Infinity Computers U.K
Software Consultant
Internet Payment Gateway is a secure online payment-processing system that allows Internet-based businesses to authorize process and manage credit card transactions directly from the Web site. The server sends the data through the authorization network to the appropriate card issuer's bank, using a secure connection where numbers are checked for discrepancies to prevent fraudulent misuse.
• Extensively used ASP.NET to develop the front end screens
• C# is used in ASP.Net pages to take the advantage of object oriented .Net Framework class library.
• Developed business, database objects and security objects using C# and ADO.NET.
• Used ADO.NET Disconnected Dataset model to access the Database and compared the performance with already existing Data Retrieval methods in the System.
IPRO TECHNOLOGIES LTD. (Feb. 98 – Apr. 02)
• Worked with security policies and Principal Permission security classes in .NET for encrypted signing Data, Code access and role based security checks. Created XML web service to retrieve an XML feed from an online store based on the user search criteria and display the search results to the users.
• Used .Net framework class library, built user Interface that separated Application Logic from Presentation code using Code behind pages.
• Used Server side Controls, event driven code, Tracing and Debugging features, just in time compilation, Caching Services for better performance
• Used C# to develop COM components.
• Used private as well shared assemblies.
• Used C#, for XML web services in project.
• Implemented .Net Error handling techniques
Environment: ASP.Net,, COM, JavaScript, XML, HTML, SQL Server 2000, Visual Studio.NET, SQL
Server 2000, Windows XP/2000
Web Developments and Deployments
The project involved development and deployment of various web sites
These are the biggest different web sites where I have worked with my company team on development; these sites were developed to advertise cum sell the products online.
Environment: Macromedia Dream weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Image Ready, Flash, HTML, Java Scripts, MySQL
Developing Classes Using OOA
Environment: Worked on various applications, module developer with special emphasis on Object oriented
programming using C/C++, VC++
EDUCATION: Masters in Computer Application.
Masters in Finance.
Bachelors in Computer Science.
PG Diploma in advance software engineering from Ipro Technologies 1997-1998
PG Diploma in advance software programming from NIIT India 1998- 2001
• Certified MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional).
• Certified MSAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer).
• DOS, computer concepts, local area network
• Concepts and tools of quality management.
• Programming logic and techniques, RDBMS concepts.
• Oracle with developer.
• C++ programming, software engineering and ISO concepts.
• FOX Pro, page maker and coral draw.
• Developing distributed applications using C++
• Developing COM components with visual C++
• Personal quality managements
• Information search and analysis skills
• Web designing with HTML
• Designing database for web using ASP.
Gennadiy wrote:andrey_a1 wrote:Мы говорим по состоянию на время ТОГО разговора?
Сейчас я верю, что больше.
Я же сказал, что не знаю сколько было тогда. Но не думаю что могло так поменяться.
Gennadiy - 01/07/2005 wrote:P.P.S. iGate - Mastech не смогли договориться с начальством и оно (начальство) кандидатуры от этой компании видеть больше не хочет.
kbv wrote:А то по опыту знакомых с iGate обычно не получается договориться если клиент дает меньше 55-60 в час iGate'у
Gennadiy wrote:Резюме fake от первого до последнего слова. Интервью это было что-то. Жаль на диктофон не записал.
andrey_a1 wrote:Заметим - не договорились с начальством UBS, а не с их посредниками.
AFAIK 55 в данной местности в данное время.
KP580BE51 wrote:за то время когда вы где-то там "приобретали что-то там бесценное", тут все успели пережениться, позаводить детей, и начать делать крьеру. Вы - ноль.
Gennadiy wrote:andrey_a1 wrote:Заметим - не договорились с начальством UBS, а не с их посредниками.
О каких посредниках вы говорите? Мастех это уже есть посредник. Других посредников насколько я знаю там не было.
Gennadiy wrote:AFAIK 55 в данной местности в данное время.
Кто-то левый написал про то, что iGate хочет "обычно". При чем тут это?
Gennadiy wrote:Насколько я краем уха слышал, там проблема совсем не в деньгах была.
Начальству не понравилось как Мастех дело ведет, а не сколько он хочет (уж больно тот начальник обидчивый был). Именно поэтому и отказались с ними дело иметь. Просто деньги настолько бы не спугнули. Жаль только человека который в эту мельницу попал.
Sergey_P wrote:Gennadiy wrote:Резюме fake от первого до последнего слова
SKILLS по завету DP пропустил, пошел сказу к проекту
Первая строчка насторожила но еще не show stopper
Дальше читать не стал, глянул в середину - полный атас