CompuGeek wrote:Что меня умиляет - это то что например в Нью-Йорке живет вообще народ со всего мира. "Панаехалии туут" даже на английский не переводится. Копы по улицам регистрацию не проверяют по причине отсутствия таковой (большой привЭт мэру Лужкову). И тем не менее никто друг другу не мешает, всем хватает места, работы и денег.
Да ладно, все тут есть. Hate crime называется. Anchorage, Alaska, after white youths videotaped themselves shooting Native Alaskans with paint balls, CRS worked with community groups, citizens, as well as state and local officials to calm community concerns. In response to the incident, CRS trained Anchorage Police Department Academy recruits to increase the ability and skills when interacting with people of color. CRS provided officers with additional tools and conflict resolution skills. Participants were provided an overview of services of perspective organizations and shared strategies in strengthening police-minority community relations and methods of prevention and reduction of racial tensions.
In Springfield, Missouri, an African American male in the company of a white female was stabbed at local Denny's restaurant by a group of white males. CRS worked with the NAACP, local and federal law enforcement personnel, the Assistant District Attorney, as well as the victim and his family, to help maintain stable community relations and assure that the situation was being fully addressed.
Near San Diego, California, elderly immigrant workers were attacked by white youths. The body of a Latino immigrant youth was also discovered in the same vicinity as the attacks on the workers. To help address community concerns, CRS facilitated the distribution of factual information about the case to a wide range of interests in the community to reduce escalating tensions.
When an African American employee of a construction company in Marquette, Kansas, reported that he had been racially harassed for several months by fellow employees through racist graffiti and name-calling, CRS worked with the NAACP and the construction company to improve race relations in the workplace and develop an action plan.
After a Jewish synagogue was vandalized by four Arab- American males in the Bronx, New York , CRS met with Jewish community leaders, Arab-American community leaders, and local officials. CRS helped open lines of communication for the parties to express their concerns and discuss ways to improve relations between the local Arab and Jewish communities
И, говоря о Нью-Йорке, я его очень люблю конечно, но мне очень не хочется чтобы мой родной город в России превращался в его подобие