I need information about H-2B

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I need information about H-2B

Post by Dalex »

I'm a programmer. Employer wants to apply for an H-2B for me but I don't have enough information about such kind of visa. Will I be able to convert such visa into H-1B? Will that be possible to prolong it after first year in the US? Thanx a lot.
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I need information about H-2B

Post by IL »

Dear programmer, your employer pereputal H1B s H2B. Visy H2B ne byvaet.
Izvini za angliiski. [img:afc73ccbaa]http://www.privet.com/ubb/tongue.gif[/img:afc73ccbaa]
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I need information about H-2B

Post by Sheriff »

Виза H-2B бывает. Прочтите эту ссылку http://travel.state.gov/visa;tempwkr.html

Для программиста я думаю все же нужно оформлять H-1B.

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