B1/B2 visa for a parent

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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by asitel »


Whould appreciate your comments:

I have H1B. I work in the States. I want to invite one of my parents or parent-in-low to come to visit us. They are over 60. How easy is getting B1/B2 for them (in Kiev) if person inviting them has H1? Is it better to wait until getting EBGC? Or citizenship? Are chances for them to get B1/B2 visa any different depending on my status here (H1 or GC or citizen)? I want to minimize risk stamping their pasports with possible refusals from Embassy. I would greatly appreciate you to share your experience.

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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by maxic »

По слухам (подчеркиваю: по слухам), сейчас в Киеве гостевые визы родителям выдают практически всегда. Что-то там произошло в связи с приездом Клинтона, типа временного послабления. Не скажу, система это или нет, но тесть моего двоюродного брата (профессора в NC, сидящего на H1B), на днях получил гостевую без проблем.
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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by asitel »

Anybody else, any comments, please?

Do I have to provide any kind of special invitation or just simple one? Someone told me it's better to go to nottary place (lawyer?) to have some kind of verification/authorisation that this invitation is real, that I really have such sallary or money on an account to take care if needed. What do you think?
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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by vasia »

My mother was rejected four times during last fout years. I was in different visa status during this years. She also told me that only a few people from more than two hundreds receieved B1/B2 visa.
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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by asitel »

2 vasia: When you invited her did you have H1? or GC? Was she denied visa in Kiev? Did she ever got to come to USA after that (having 4 denials)?
Sorry for many questions, but it's importent to me.
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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by vasia »

I was on J-1 visa and then on GC. This was in Kiev consulate. She never visited us here because of visa denial.

May be this year situation will change, as some people mentioned above.
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B1/B2 visa for a parent

Post by xstudent »

It's not all that bad.. My parents and my parents-in-law just visited us here in the US for a couple of weeks. They had no problem getting B1 visas, even though neither of them ever visited the US before. More info: they live in Moldova; my status here is F1 and my wife is L1.

Good luck!!

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