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Re: PPC Beta 4.64 - "Livin'Thing" 12-13-2005

Post by Ultra »

8K wrote:Никак в толк не возьму, почему их колбасит, если iPAQ выключить и потом снова включить? Вот уже больше года не могут исправить.

Та же ерунда. iPAQ 4355. Попробовал перенести все карты с SD карты на внутреннюю RAM - стало работать стабильнее, однако всё равно в итоге подвисает.
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Post by SergeL »

Покатал последнюю бету. Впечтления :)

Специально включал и отключал девайз в включенным БТ - ни разу не повис.

Понравилось - теперь программа сама переключает катру на ночной режим в зависимости от времени суток.

Не понравилось - новый алгоритм расчета маршрута. Вел через черти что.... :(
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Post by 8K »

SergeL wrote:Покатал последнюю бету. Впечтления :)

Специально включал и отключал девайз в включенным БТ - ни разу не повис.(

А где программа установлена? Встроенная оперативка, встроенная флэшка, внешняя карточка? Тот же вопрос про карты.
Увидев друга, Портос вскрикнул от радости...
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Post by SergeL »

8K wrote:
SergeL wrote:Покатал последнюю бету. Впечтления :)

Специально включал и отключал девайз в включенным БТ - ни разу не повис.(

А где программа установлена? Встроенная оперативка, встроенная флэшка, внешняя карточка? Тот же вопрос про карты.

SD карточка. И программа и карты.
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Post by 8K »

SergeL wrote:
8K wrote:А где программа установлена? Встроенная оперативка, встроенная флэшка, внешняя карточка? Тот же вопрос про карты.
SD карточка. И программа и карты.

Блин, и у меня так же. А обновлений bluetooth я на сайте HP не нашел, кроме как для внешней клавиатуры.

Нет в жизни щастя.
Увидев друга, Портос вскрикнул от радости...
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Post by SergeL »

8K wrote:
SergeL wrote:
8K wrote:А где программа установлена? Встроенная оперативка, встроенная флэшка, внешняя карточка? Тот же вопрос про карты.
SD карточка. И программа и карты.

Блин, и у меня так же. А обновлений bluetooth я на сайте HP не нашел, кроме как для внешней клавиатуры.

Нет в жизни щастя.

A BIOS апгрейдил?

Для моего вот тут драйвер лежит. Называется HP iPAQ Pocket PC Bluetooth Security Driver.
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Post by 8K »

SergeL wrote:A BIOS апгрейдил?

У меня точно та же версия стояла при покупке, но на всякий случай я его еще раз прошил где-то в ноябре/декабре. Оказывается, из виндузовой директории можно файлы удалять легко.

А драйвер-то у меня, наверное, обновленный. У меня 2003SE, а у тебя 2003.
Увидев друга, Портос вскрикнул от радости...
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Post by SergeL »

8K wrote:
SergeL wrote:A BIOS апгрейдил?

У меня точно та же версия стояла при покупке, но на всякий случай я его еще раз прошил где-то в ноябре/декабре. Оказывается, из виндузовой директории можно файлы удалять легко.

А драйвер-то у меня, наверное, обновленный. У меня 2003SE, а у тебя 2003.

А ты не пробовал положить мапополис и карты в ROM и погонять? Может дело в SD карточке?
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Post by 8K »

SergeL wrote:А ты не пробовал положить мапополис и карты в ROM и погонять? Может дело в SD карточке?

Раньше так и было. Но в те времена мапополис просто вис. В свете последних обновлений он стал спрашивать, к какому девайсу цепляться, а потом ассертиться, но не виснуть.

На самом деле, держать все нужные мне карты в памяти не выходит. У меня же всего 64 метра (из которых 20 уже заняты при старте голой операционки). А встроенного ROM'а хотя и 85 метров, но надо же и бэкапы там держать под рукой. И игрушки. А карты нужные примерно 40 метров занимают.

Наверное, придется сдаваться разработчикам, хотя весь мой предыдущий опыт (хотя и не с мапополисом) говорит, что это пустая трата времени.
Увидев друга, Портос вскрикнул от радости...
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VERSION 4.65 beta - 2 February 2006 - "Stayin' Alive"

Post by SergeL »

С пылу с жару

VERSION 4.65 beta - 2 February 2006 - "Stayin' Alive"

For your beta-testing pleasure, Mapopolis proudly presents beta version 4.65.

and download this:


Release Notes:

VERSION 4.65 beta - 2 February 2006 - "Stayin' Alive"

* Restructures program code related to all full screen dialog windows. (There are no visible enhancements or bug fixes attached to this change, but it may introduce bugs.)
* Divides GPS Options window into a second window for GPS Communications.
* Adds user options for LED blinking on/off and which LED (General Program Options) This addresses the vibration bugs.
* Auto-start GPS option moved from General Program Options to the new GPS Communications window.
* Automatic day/night color switching is more pro-active about changing the colors at the right times (may fix bugs).
* Adds user option to control whether to set the mobile device clock from the GPS data.
* Will no longer set the clock from GPS data during GPS log playback, regardless of user options.
* Adds square display layouts for the following screens: choose maps, GPS data, GPS Satellites, Show Locations, hardware buttons.
* By default, now accepts Enter key as "OK" when the input focus is on a full screen dialog window (and not focused on a checkbox or other control).
* Fixes help in WM5 (WM help system, peghelp.exe, was hanging with a wait cursor or failing to come up).
* Fixes missing SIP button in the Find Contacts window.
* Fixes crash from second use of Find Contacts window.
* Fixes bug causing some devices to show an error message about the event "\\.\Notifications\NamedEvents\Mapopolis."
* Fixes a bug in the calculation of turn costs during route calculations (too much weight was being assigned to some turns due to a programming error).
* Fixes a bug that caused the title bar to appear incorrectly after switching between portrait and landscape modes.
* Fixes title bar flickering when switching between non-map windows with the Hide Pocket PC Title Bar option enabled.
* Now supports on-the-fly landscape/portrait display mode switching in full-screen dialog windows. There is no longer a need to close and reopen these windows in order to get the appropriate layout after switching between landscape and portrait modes
* Fixes title bar overlap and other map drawing bugs on the Treo 700w.
* Some release packages have a new file naming convention

Mapopolis_Debug_Pocket_PC_vXXX.XXX -> Mapopolis_DIAGNOSTIC_ONLY_Pocket_PC_vXXX.XXX

Mapopolis_WinCE_4.20_ARMV4I_Core_vXXX.XXX -> Mapopolis_WinCE_4.20_Lite_Core_vXXX.XXX

Mapopolis_WinCE_4.20_vXXX.XXX -> Mapopolis_WinCE_4.20_Full_Standard_vXXX.XXX
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Post by 8K »

8K wrote:Наверное, придется сдаваться разработчикам

В итоге купил себе новый приемник на день рождения - все сняло как рукой. Можно включать/выключать приемник/ПДА в любом порядке - никаких зависонов.

А вышеупомянутую новую бету кто-нибудь пробовал уже? А то они уже 66-ю породили. Я прям не успеваю за прогрессом.
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Post by SergeL »

8K wrote:
8K wrote:Наверное, придется сдаваться разработчикам

В итоге купил себе новый приемник на день рождения - все сняло как рукой. Можно включать/выключать приемник/ПДА в любом порядке - никаких зависонов.

А вышеупомянутую новую бету кто-нибудь пробовал уже? А то они уже 66-ю породили. Я прям не успеваю за прогрессом.

У меня 64. Пока доволен. Щас анонс на 66 запостю :)
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VERSION 4.66 beta - 20 February 2006 - "Feels So Right"

Post by SergeL »

VERSION 4.66 beta - 20 February 2006 - "Feels So Right"

For your beta-testing pleasure, Mapopolis presents beta version 4.66. Go to here:

and download this:


And in case you wish to roll back, if you have a PPC or WM 5 device that is also a phone, you can roll back to 4.63...

And if you have a PPC *or* Windows Mobile 5 device that is NOT a phone, you can roll back to 4.64...

Win users please see 4.66 release notes.

Release Notes:

VERSION 4.66 beta - 20 February 2006 - "Feels So Right"

* Enhances Choose Maps window and fixes all related bugs
* Enhances Find Contacts window and fixes all related bugs
* Removes Restriction: It is no longer necessary to select ALL FOLDERS in Choose Maps in order to enable the proper functioning of loading detail maps from MRMs or any other functions which previously had this requirement
* Improves implementation of mapopts.bin file - future versions will be able to load a past version's state file
* Improves performance with large contacts databases (900+ contacts)
* Adds left/right keypad toggling between similar SEARCH windows: Find Address, Find Intersection, Find Place, Find Contact, and Find Coordinates
* Adds option to set the start/end points of a route by using the Find Coordinates interface.
* Adds [Enter] key now accepted as OK when the input focus is on most list view controls (recall route, etc)
* Adds late-binding for aygshell.dll, to support both Core and Standard WinCE in one "Mapopolis_WinCE_vXXX.XXX" release
* Changes the timing of auto-switching colors. Now checks on 5 minute intervals (down from 10), and is completely detached from the GPS thread and the GPS clock sync option.
* Fixes bug that was allowing a background task to close windows and return to the map display, for example while looking at the splash screen at application startup
* Fixes bug in all search windows, which would say "please select one item" even though one item was selected
* Fixes bug with "Tools > Find Route > Select Address" taking you to the Landmarks interface
* Fixes bugs with LEDs blinking when the feature is disabled or after it should have stopped
* Fixed a memory management bug which was causing the use of recycled memory in many places. This should improve stability.
* Additional internal changes related to the following systems: MRU list, map file list, map state data, GPS, contacts database, window management
* The separate WinCE builds have been combined into a common build that is self-adaptive to Core vs. Standard OS builds
* Cannot reproduce any problem with GPS position failing to update on the map, and suspect that has been corrected by unrelated changes

VERSION 4.65 beta - 2 February 2006 - "Stayin' Alive"

* Restructures program code related to all full screen dialog windows. (There are no visible enhancements or bug fixes attached to this change, but it may introduce bugs.)
* Divides GPS Options window into a second window for GPS Communications.
* Adds user options for LED blinking on/off and which LED (General Program Options) This addresses the vibration bugs.
* Auto-start GPS option moved from General Program Options to the new GPS Communications window.
* Automatic day/night color switching is more pro-active about changing the colors at the right times (may fix bugs).
* Adds user option to control whether to set the mobile device clock from the GPS data.
* Will no longer set the clock from GPS data during GPS log playback, regardless of user options.
* Adds square display layouts for the following screens: choose maps, GPS data, GPS Satellites, Show Locations, hardware buttons.
* By default, now accepts Enter key as "OK" when the input focus is on a full screen dialog window (and not focused on a checkbox or other control).
* Fixes help in WM5 (WM help system, peghelp.exe, was hanging with a wait cursor or failing to come up).
* Fixes missing SIP button in the Find Contacts window.
* Fixes crash from second use of Find Contacts window.
* Fixes bug causing some devices to show an error message about the event "\\.\Notifications\NamedEvents\Mapopolis."
* Fixes a bug in the calculation of turn costs during route calculations (too much weight was being assigned to some turns due to a programming error).
* Fixes a bug that caused the title bar to appear incorrectly after switching between portrait and landscape modes.
* Fixes title bar flickering when switching between non-map windows with the Hide Pocket PC Title Bar option enabled.
* Now supports on-the-fly landscape/portrait display mode switching in full-screen dialog windows. There is no longer a need to close and reopen these windows in order to get the appropriate layout after switching between landscape and portrait modes
* Fixes title bar overlap and other map drawing bugs on the Treo 700w.
* Some release packages have a new file naming convention

Mapopolis_Debug_Pocket_PC_vXXX.XXX -> Mapopolis_DIAGNOSTIC_ONLY_Pocket_PC_vXXX.XXX


Mapopolis_WinCE_4.20_vXXX.XXX ->

VERSION 4.64 beta - 12 December 2005 - "Livin' Thing"
* Searches for "Company Name" in the Find Contacts window
* Blinks LED to indicate turn coming
* Sets Pocket PC Time from GPS signal
* Adds automatic switching between day/night color schemes

VERSION 4.63 beta - 7 Decemeber 2005

* Adds enhanced error reporting window to replace "Should Not Occur Error Code 1-*"
* Fixes bug with Proximity Alerts settings window not appearing in landscape mode
* Fixes language installer bug
* This is a maintenance release - VGA enhancements to follow - please stay tuned!

VERSION 4.62 beta, 1 December 2005

* Fixes lost user options bug
* Fixes inversion between landscape and portrait mode window layouts for the General Program Options
* Fixes name of Dutch female voice to say "Vrouw" in voice installer application
* Map copier application now centers dialog windows instead of showing them in the upper left corner

VERSION 4.61pre, 2005-11-28

* Adds feature to hide contacts which do not include street address data (Find > Contact Address)
* Adds landscape display layout for the Find Coordinates window
* Fixes compatibility with contacts database in Windows Mobile 5
* Fixes toolbar icon appearance under Windows Mobile 5
* Fixes reporting of lost GPS fixes with certain GPS receivers
* Fixes GPS lockup condition resulting from a corrupted data stream
* Adds handling of unexpected GPS communication behavior when certain GPS receivers are turned off
* Fixes "Too many files" error when uninstalling
* Improves stability of Desktop PC apps (map copier, installer, etc)
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Re: VERSION 4.66 beta - 20 February 2006 - "Feels So Right"

Post by 8K »

SergeL wrote:VERSION 4.66 beta - 20 February 2006 - "Feels So Right"

Yeah... Right...

Два бага навскидку: карта теперь не вращается, даже если соответствующую галку поставить в настройках. Раньше всегда вверх ехал, а теперь то вниз, то вправо, то влево.

И временами пропадает сперматозоид, которым они текущее положение на карте отмечают. Типа сама карта едет, т.е. GPS работает. А сперматозоида нет.

Вечером снесу ее нафиг, и поставлю то, что раньше было (декабрьская, по-моему, версия).
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PPC Beta 4.67 - "Fixing a Hole" - Feb 24, 2006

Post by SergeL »

PPC Beta 4.67 - "Fixing a Hole" - Feb 24, 2006

For your beta-testing pleasure, Mapopolis presents beta version 4.67. Go to here:

and download this:


And in case you wish to roll back, if you have a PPC or WM 5 device that is also a phone, you can roll back to 4.63...

And if you have a PPC *or* Windows Mobile 5 device that is NOT a phone, you can roll back to 4.64...

Win users please see 4.66 release notes.

Release Notes:

VERSION 4.67 beta - 24 February 2006 - "Fixing a Hole"

* Adds horizontal scroll bar to custom list view controls throughout the program, when needed (Smartphone edition had this already, but implementation has been improved)
* Adds option to SELECT new GPDn: ports for GPS communications.
* Hides the crosshairs on Smartphone edition when GPS is running
* Changes all Find Something windows to treat Done/OK as Cancel when closing the window if there were no items to select from, for the purposes of reporting errors such as "please select one item"
* Fixes bug which would say "Please Select An Address" in the Find Address window when a street was selected without entering a house number
* Fixes bug in which the GPS position did not update in the map display
* Fixes bugs in Favorites list management
* Fixes tab order for windows on Smartphone: GPS Communication Options and Map Color Settings
* Fixes bug in Smartphone Hardware Button Settings, in which pressing '1' would not return to the 1-6 page
* Fixes behavior of "Auto Select Major Roads" when changing folder selection in Choose Maps - the MRMs will be automatically selected in the newly selected folder, if enabled
* Fixes bug which failed to save map position and zoom parameters when exiting the program
* Fixes bug in Choose Maps resulting in the loss of recent selection changes when pressing the Auto Select MRMs button
* Fixes bug in [X] Also Open Contiguous which was opening too many maps
* Fixes bug in Add/Edit Landmark window not initializing to the correct default icon
* Fixes bug in Sound Settings, which would sometimes fail to update the voice list correctly after performing a Refresh
* Fixes a bug with thread management and LED blinking
* Fixes cosmetic issues with the status box
* Fixes crash following the use of an MRM county map icon to close a map
* Fixes error 2300-X at startup on WinCE systems
* Fixes error 3700-X after selecting duplicate maps
* Fixes error 3700-X when adding a landmark
* Fixes "too many files" error when uninstalling from the Desktop PC, and clarifies comfirmation message to indicate that all files in the program directory will be deleted
* Defaults the option OFF for [X] Allow Blinking LED

VERSION 4.66 beta - 20 February 2006 - "Feels So Right"

* Enhances Choose Maps window and fixes all related bugs
* Enhances Find Contacts window and fixes all related bugs
* Removes Restriction: It is no longer necessary to select ALL FOLDERS in Choose Maps in order to enable the proper functioning of loading detail maps from MRMs or any other functions which previously had this requirement
* Improves implementation of mapopts.bin file - future versions will be able to load a past version's state file
* Improves performance with large contacts databases (900+ contacts)
* Adds left/right keypad toggling between similar SEARCH windows: Find Address, Find Intersection, Find Place, Find Contact, and Find Coordinates
* Adds option to set the start/end points of a route by using the Find Coordinates interface.
* Adds [Enter] key now accepted as OK when the input focus is on most list view controls (recall route, etc)
* Adds late-binding for aygshell.dll, to support both Core and Standard WinCE in one "Mapopolis_WinCE_vXXX.XXX" release
* Changes the timing of auto-switching colors. Now checks on 5 minute intervals (down from 10), and is completely detached from the GPS thread and the GPS clock sync option.
* Fixes bug that was allowing a background task to close windows and return to the map display, for example while looking at the splash screen at application startup
* Fixes bug in all search windows, which would say "please select one item" even though one item was selected
* Fixes bug with "Tools > Find Route > Select Address" taking you to the Landmarks interface
* Fixes bugs with LEDs blinking when the feature is disabled or after it should have stopped
* Fixed a memory management bug which was causing the use of recycled memory in many places. This should improve stability.
* Additional internal changes related to the following systems: MRU list, map file list, map state data, GPS, contacts database, window management
* The separate WinCE builds have been combined into a common build that is self-adaptive to Core vs. Standard OS builds
* Cannot reproduce any problem with GPS position failing to update on the map, and suspect that has been corrected by unrelated changes

VERSION 4.65 beta - 2 February 2006 - "Stayin' Alive"

* Restructures program code related to all full screen dialog windows. (There are no visible enhancements or bug fixes attached to this change, but it may introduce bugs.)
* Divides GPS Options window into a second window for GPS Communications.
* Adds user options for LED blinking on/off and which LED (General Program Options) This addresses the vibration bugs.
* Auto-start GPS option moved from General Program Options to the new GPS Communications window.
* Automatic day/night color switching is more pro-active about changing the colors at the right times (may fix bugs).
* Adds user option to control whether to set the mobile device clock from the GPS data.
* Will no longer set the clock from GPS data during GPS log playback, regardless of user options.
* Adds square display layouts for the following screens: choose maps, GPS data, GPS Satellites, Show Locations, hardware buttons.
* By default, now accepts Enter key as "OK" when the input focus is on a full screen dialog window (and not focused on a checkbox or other control).
* Fixes help in WM5 (WM help system, peghelp.exe, was hanging with a wait cursor or failing to come up).
* Fixes missing SIP button in the Find Contacts window.
* Fixes crash from second use of Find Contacts window.
* Fixes bug causing some devices to show an error message about the event "\\.\Notifications\NamedEvents\Mapopolis."
* Fixes a bug in the calculation of turn costs during route calculations (too much weight was being assigned to some turns due to a programming error).
* Fixes a bug that caused the title bar to appear incorrectly after switching between portrait and landscape modes.
* Fixes title bar flickering when switching between non-map windows with the Hide Pocket PC Title Bar option enabled.
* Now supports on-the-fly landscape/portrait display mode switching in full-screen dialog windows. There is no longer a need to close and reopen these windows in order to get the appropriate layout after switching between landscape and portrait modes
* Fixes title bar overlap and other map drawing bugs on the Treo 700w.
* Some release packages have a new file naming convention

Mapopolis_Debug_Pocket_PC_vXXX.XXX -> Mapopolis_DIAGNOSTIC_ONLY_Pocket_PC_vXXX.XXX


Mapopolis_WinCE_4.20_vXXX.XXX ->

VERSION 4.64 beta - 12 December 2005 - "Livin' Thing"
* Searches for "Company Name" in the Find Contacts window
* Blinks LED to indicate turn coming
* Sets Pocket PC Time from GPS signal
* Adds automatic switching between day/night color schemes

VERSION 4.63 beta - 7 Decemeber 2005

* Adds enhanced error reporting window to replace "Should Not Occur Error Code 1-*"
* Fixes bug with Proximity Alerts settings window not appearing in landscape mode
* Fixes language installer bug
* This is a maintenance release - VGA enhancements to follow - please stay tuned!

VERSION 4.62 beta, 1 December 2005

* Fixes lost user options bug
* Fixes inversion between landscape and portrait mode window layouts for the General Program Options
* Fixes name of Dutch female voice to say "Vrouw" in voice installer application
* Map copier application now centers dialog windows instead of showing them in the upper left corner

VERSION 4.61pre, 2005-11-28

* Adds feature to hide contacts which do not include street address data (Find > Contact Address)
* Adds landscape display layout for the Find Coordinates window
* Fixes compatibility with contacts database in Windows Mobile 5
* Fixes toolbar icon appearance under Windows Mobile 5
* Fixes reporting of lost GPS fixes with certain GPS receivers
* Fixes GPS lockup condition resulting from a corrupted data stream
* Adds handling of unexpected GPS communication behavior when certain GPS receivers are turned off
* Fixes "Too many files" error when uninstalling
* Improves stability of Desktop PC apps (map copier, installer, etc)

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