Резюме на похвалу / критику

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Резюме на похвалу / критику

Post by Little-lion »

Ищется работа в Канаде. В связи с этим выкладываем резюме на критику или похвалу, а также на предложение вакансий:

Little Lion's Husband

Summary of Qualifications

· Highly skilled Information Technology professional with over ten (12) years of experience in system analysis, software design, development and testing
· Extensive experience in developing commercial application software using Java, J2EE, C++, C, Tcl/Tk, Oracle Pro*C, PL/SQL, Perl, ActionScript and related tools
· Capable of performing equally well in leadership, self-managed or team roles
· Experienced in working on variety of platforms including HP-UX, SUN Soliaris, AIX, Linux, Windows
· Excellent (inter-personal, written and oral) communication skills combined with strong problem-solving and analytical skills
· Professional knowledge of network and network applications (Client-Server model), protocol stacks, telecommunications principles (inc. SONET/SDH, ATM, LNP), SNMP, CMIP, network management, TMN concepts
· Extensive experience in network management system design
· Knowledge of Quality Management standards, software design and development cycle

Work Experience

01.2001 - present
Innovative Technology Solutions Inc. (NJ, USA; http://www.itsits.com.)
Software designer

Project: Service Management System for LNP - ASMS
Development Environment: C, C++, Pro*C, SQL, Oracle, HP-UX, AIX, DSET Tools, Tools.h++
A Local Number Portability (LNP) offering from Telcordia Technologies, used by major telecommunication companies (Verizon, Qwest, Bell Canada, Telus, Videotron, Allstream, other), to provision and port Local Telephone Numbers.
· Re-engineered and optimized CMISE Gateway component
· Improved application performance by optimizing transactions and redesigning data structures
· Provided multiple functional enhancements for CMISE Gateway
· Re-engineered the authentication and security key handling mechanism
· Developed utility to interpret and control program logs
· Provided interoperability testing of application with NPAC
· Provided 24x7 technical product support to all Northern American project customers

Project: XML-Corba Adaptor

Development Environment: Apache Xerces-C, Inprise Visual Broker, Windows 2000
The goal of this project is to provide a set of tools for automatic translation of XML messages to CORBA requests using CORBA DynamicAny Module specification
· Provided architectural design and coding

Project: Network Monitoring system - NetMonSecure

Development Environment: Java, JSP, Java Script, Apache Tomcat, MRTG, MySql, Linux
NetMonSecure is a real-time network monitoring and security management system. It provides instant threat awareness and mitigation with a unique automation and correlation technology.
· Integrated MRTG software to collect, process and display data about network utilization
· Provided scripts and utilities for application, database and XML configuration files upgrade

Project: Issue Resolution System - VIP

Development Environment: Java, JSP, Java Script, Apache Tomcat, Macromedia Flash ActionScript, Macromedia Communication Server, Windows 2000
VIP issue resolution system provides integrated for quick and well organized environment for issue resolution. It incorporates voting support, document tracking, text, voice and video chat and conferencing, discussion forum.
· Architectured and implemented the system

Project: Object Recognition System

Development Environment: Java, Windows 2000
This system provides framework for object recognition systems development.
· Researched and analyzed publicly available scientific information
· Implemented several new object recognition algorithms
· Implemented several well known object recognition algorithms
· Architectured and implemented the system

Project: Library management system – ITS Koha

Development Environment: Perl, Koha, Linux
This project provided Library Information System for NJ State public library. This is 100% Web-based application written in Perl.
· Provided assistance in preparation of contract technical proposal
· Provided functional enhancements to Koha Open Source Library System
· Developed scripts for retrospective data conversion

04.1997 – 12.2000

Telesoft Russia JSC (Moscow, Russia; http://www.tlsoft.ru)

Systems Analyst / Team Leader

Project: SDH Network Management System - SDHNM
Development Environment: DSET tools, Tcl/Tk, C, GDMO, CORBA, BaseWorks, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Pro*C, HP-UX, C, C++, Tcl/Tk, UML, Rational Rose
SDH network management system used by Rostelecom (Leading Russian Long Distance Telephone company). Provides SDH network configuration management, alarm monitoring, collecting and processing of SDH network performance data.
· Compiled user requirements for SDH network management systems
· Provided analysis and development of Q3 interface specifications (GDMO, CORBA) and negotiated these specifications with SDH equipment providers
· Consulted with system users, other industry organization and division staff
· Conducted technical meetings and negotiations with Telecommunication equipment vendors
· Prepared time and cost estimates of proposed projects and systems applications
· Designed interoperability test specification for Q3 interface of SDH network management system
· Designed and implemented Agent Emulator (DSET tools, Tcl/Tk, C)
· Designed SDH network management system architecture (DSET tools, BaseWorks, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Pro*C, HP-UX, C, C++, Tcl/Tk)
· Designed SDH network management system database conceptual and logical schema and implementation (UML, Rational Rose)

Promoted to position of Systems Analyst / Team Leader

04.1995 – 04.1997

Telesoft Russia JSC (Moscow, Russia; http://www.tlsoft.ru)

Software Developer

Project: Fault management system - NetKit
Development Environment: C, ESPL, Ingres, Soliaris
NetKit – Fault Management system for Telecom Italia network.
· Designed and developed interfaces for telecom equipment
· Implemented application

Project: Telecommunication network management system - CSPR
Development Environment: C, Pro*C, SQL, Oracle, Oracle Forms, HP-UX
CSPR - Application for Telecom Italia network capacity planning
· Designed system GUI using Oracle Forms
· Provided SQL stored procedures for network data analysis using Oracle PL/SQL

06.1991 – 04.1995

Research Development Department of Moscow Technical University of Telecommunication and Informatics. (Moscow, Russia; http://www.mtuci.ru)
Software Engineer

Project: network monitoring system

Development Environment: C, C++, Assembler, Novel Netware - NetSpy
NetSpy system was used in Ministry of Telecommunication of Russian Federation for monitoring remote workplaces.
· Proposed, designed and implemented the system

Project: Design of multiprocessing fault-tolerant system - SPRUT

Development Environment: Assembler

SPRUT is an experimental multiprocessing fault-tolerant system
· Designed hardware and software architecture, provided coding and testing


11.1993 - 12.1997
MS in Computer Science, Diploma cum laude
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. Moscow, Russia

09.1987 - 07.1993
Bachelor Degree in Telecommunications, Diploma cum laude
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics: Moscow, Russia


Winner of national competition for abroad training scholarship awarded by President of Russian Federation, 1995
(Italy, Turin, October 1995 - December 1995)


Russian, English, Italian

Available upon request
Никогда не бойся делать то,чего не умеешь. Помни,что ковчег бы построен любителем. Профессионалы же построили "Титаник"
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A. Fig Lee
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Post by A. Fig Lee »

Very good. I like format.
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Post by Little-lion »

somebody else? Anything?
Никогда не бойся делать то,чего не умеешь. Помни,что ковчег бы построен любителем. Профессионалы же построили "Титаник"
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Slava V
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Post by Slava V »

в целом, очень достойное резюме (на мой вкус); несколько мелких комментариев

> professional with over ten (12) years of experience
напишите over 12, а то глаз спотыкается

> Knowledge of Quality Management standards, software design and development cycle

imho, "Knowledge" звучит как "я знаю все эти слова" ;)
working knowledge звучит чуть убедительнее

фразы типа
> · Implemented several new object recognition algorithms
> · Implemented several well known object recognition algorithms

ничего не говорят о технической сложности решения или выдающихся способностях автора резюме; я бы подобные пункты переписал или убрал

References Available upon request - можно убрать , это и ежу понятно

кстати, сколько страниц все это занимает в напечатанном виде?
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Post by saalex »

Мне резюме очень понравилось, мне кажется может служить достойным образцом для подражания.


Очень интересно, а как на него компании и рекруитеры реагируют, много звонков?
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Post by Little-lion »

Slava V wrote:в целом, очень достойное резюме (на мой вкус); несколько мелких комментариев

кстати, сколько страниц все это занимает в напечатанном виде?

Cпасибо, кое какие ваши комментарии мне понравились.
Это занимает три страницы.
2 saalex: мы только начали поиск работы, так что пока рано говорить.
Никогда не бойся делать то,чего не умеешь. Помни,что ковчег бы построен любителем. Профессионалы же построили "Титаник"
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Slava V
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Post by Slava V »

Little-lion wrote:Это занимает три страницы.

я бы на Вашем месте ужал где-то до 1.8 страницы (чтоб внизу второго листа )_обязательно_ оставалось пустое место) - слишком длинные резюме тут не любят
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Post by Little-lion »

может и стоит ужать.
народ, а как могут реагировать на смену позиции с Team leader в России на Software designer тут?
Или это не страшно?
Никогда не бойся делать то,чего не умеешь. Помни,что ковчег бы построен любителем. Профессионалы же построили "Титаник"
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Slava V
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Post by Slava V »

а кто такой Software designer ? имеется в виду architect? (system design) или UI designer?
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A. Fig Lee
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Post by A. Fig Lee »

saalex wrote:Мне резюме очень понравилось, мне кажется может служить достойным образцом для подражания.


Очень интересно, а как на него компании и рекруитеры реагируют, много звонков?

May be irrelevant. In Canada it is slow process.
3 pages - ok. When you have something to say it is not bad.
Верить нельзя никому - даже себе. Мне - можно!
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Post by Chelya »

Согласен с предыдушими отзывами. Software designer надо поменять на Software Architect. Лучше Senior Software Architect (если подходит). Я бы еще указал что-то вроде - lead a team of 10 people..., worked with clients to gather the requirements and implent proper business rules... Такого рода веши показывают лидершип абилити, понимание процесса и беспроблемность обшения с клиентом - что для многих будет важно.
Wisdom has two parts: 1. Having a lot to say. 2. Not saying it.
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Post by AK »

Chelya wrote:...Software designer надо поменять на Software Architect. Лучше Senior Software Architect ...

CIO :mrgreen:
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Post by Little-lion »

A. Fig Lee wrote:Очень интересно, а как на него компании и рекруитеры реагируют, много звонков?

May be irrelevant. In Canada it is slow process.
How slow? Let's say i we've send 100 resumes yesterday, when should we expect the calls from the reqruiters/employers? :-)
Никогда не бойся делать то,чего не умеешь. Помни,что ковчег бы построен любителем. Профессионалы же построили "Титаник"

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