Izvinite za translit. Ya snova vozvrashaus' k teme poezdki za granicy (ya naxojys' v USA legal'no po status parole) do polycheniya GC. Ya znau ob Advance Parole. No menya smyshaet,chto v byklete,vudannom mne v posol'stve USA posle proxojdeniya interv'u (aprel' 98) napisano, chto do polycheniya GC ya ne mogy pokinyt' predelu USA.
Ya priexala v USA iz Ukraine v fevrale 2000 g. Na GC bydy podavat' tol'ko v fevrale 2001. Mofy ya seichas s'ezdit' v Moskvy? Zaranee blagodarna za pomosh'
Status parolee. Srochno s'ezdit' v Moskvy i VERNYT'SYA
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Status parolee. Srochno s'ezdit' v Moskvy i VERNYT'SYA
Я [b:ce48e6d7b3]не immigration attorney.[/b:ce48e6d7b3] Могу ошибиться. Но, по-моему, если вам действительно очень надо поехать в Москву, то нужно получить Advance Parole. Цитирую с сайта INS:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote[quote:ce48e6d7b3]Advance Parole: If you have applied for immigration benefits, you may need Advance Parole to be able to return to the United States if you travel abroad. It may be sought by, but not limited to, asylum applicants, [b:ce48e6d7b3]parolees[/b:ce48e6d7b3]([i:ce48e6d7b3]выделено мной, V-CA[/i:ce48e6d7b3]), people with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and people who are applying to Adjust to Permanent Resident Status. Advance Parole may be given at the discretion of the District Director or the Service Center Director having jurisdiction over your place of residence. If you do not apply for Advance Parole before you leave the country, you will abandon your application with the INS and you may not be permitted to return to the United States. [/quote:ce48e6d7b3]
Подробности здесь: <A HREF="http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/howdoi/travdoc.htm">How Do I Get a Travel Document?</A>
Я [b:ce48e6d7b3]не immigration attorney.[/b:ce48e6d7b3] Могу ошибиться. Но, по-моему, если вам действительно очень надо поехать в Москву, то нужно получить Advance Parole. Цитирую с сайта INS:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Arial">quote[quote:ce48e6d7b3]Advance Parole: If you have applied for immigration benefits, you may need Advance Parole to be able to return to the United States if you travel abroad. It may be sought by, but not limited to, asylum applicants, [b:ce48e6d7b3]parolees[/b:ce48e6d7b3]([i:ce48e6d7b3]выделено мной, V-CA[/i:ce48e6d7b3]), people with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and people who are applying to Adjust to Permanent Resident Status. Advance Parole may be given at the discretion of the District Director or the Service Center Director having jurisdiction over your place of residence. If you do not apply for Advance Parole before you leave the country, you will abandon your application with the INS and you may not be permitted to return to the United States. [/quote:ce48e6d7b3]
Подробности здесь: <A HREF="http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/howdoi/travdoc.htm">How Do I Get a Travel Document?</A>
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Status parolee. Srochno s'ezdit' v Moskvy i VERNYT'SYA
У меня GC пока тоже нет. Подала заявку на Advance Parole. В INS сказали, что будет готово через 10 дней.
Посмотрим :-)
Посмотрим :-)
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Status parolee. Srochno s'ezdit' v Moskvy i VERNYT'SYA
Izvinite, no est' eshche odno "NO" - s parolem, poluchennym po bezhenskoy programme, do GC Vy ne mozhete ezdit' da rodinu, t.e. v stranu ishoda... Vas ne vpustyat obratno - i status bezhentsa, i parole na v'yezd v USA dayutsya ODIN RAZ!