Komissar wrote:Эх, даже и не начинайте. А то как перейду к "Детской болезни левизны в коммунизме" или к "Очередным задачам советской власти" ...
А "Государство и революция" можно?
Moderator: Sw_Lem
Lite wrote:Дама wrote:Мадам Лиза, ваша письменная речь всегда правильная. Так что не стоит тратить свое время, отвечая людям, презирающих почтовых невест.
Тоже неплохо сказано! "Молодая пешеход добежал до переход"...
madam Liza wrote:Вы сделали заявления, которые задели многих на этом форуме. Вполне естественно вам будут возражать.Komissar wrote:Видите, madam Liza, я ни в одном постинге не упомянул Вас лично или даже косвенно, а Вы мой ник протащили уже по полдюжине постингов.
Вам так нравится совершать личные наезды?
осторожная wrote:Lite wrote:Дама wrote:Мадам Лиза, ваша письменная речь всегда правильная. Так что не стоит тратить свое время, отвечая людям, презирающих почтовых невест.
Тоже неплохо сказано! "Молодая пешеход добежал до переход"...
Лайт, вот тут пешеход побежал первый раз. (Продолжая цитировать классикова - Идет Мендельсон... идет Мендельсон... Идет Мендельсон в записи!!!)
Озвучьте, пожалуйста, Апрельские тезисы, а то я по ним зачет в свое время провалила...
осторожная wrote: Индийским программистам (как я боюсь этого словосочетания) папы-мамы жен по тем же сайтам знакомств жен подыскивают, и они их сюда цельными пароходами гонят.
Komissar wrote:madam Liza wrote:Т.е.е если бы была я не одна, то это уже были бы не наезды?Komissar wrote:Не вижу "многих". Вижу только Вас с прямыми наездами.
Что именно Вам непонятно в моей фразе?
осторожная wrote:Между прочим, Россию по количеству интернетных жен бьет не только Бразилия (условно), но и Индия, причем делает она это как Красноярский край Бельгию.
nice of you to call me this morning. It has been so long since we spoke. I am glad that you are allright.
I want to tell you about my experiences, since last winter.
I have been communicating with a girl from Moscow, 30 years old. She is Armenian, born in Samarkand, but her family is from Baku. She lives with her parents and has never been married, she even never had a boyfriend before. We met in Moscow in january. She showed me the town, the monuments, musea. She is interested in art and history. She works for a company, that makes stickers, labels and small print-work. She wrote me that she was only interested in serious relationship and marriage. She wrote that she had a good character, cheerful and optimistic. I met her mother in her appartment. They were not poor, they all work and have a good income. She told me that she never met the right man in Moscow because the men were all very rude and badly educated. She was tired of the big city, tired of her work. She was two times in Germany, where she stayed with friend of her parents. I saw pictures of her, made in Koln and in Belgium.
When we were in Moscow, she was very silent. Of coarse we only spoke Russian and it was very difficult for me. I can speak Russian quite well, but cannot understand quick conversation. She was friendly but kept her distance. She did not fall in love with me. But she liked me. She wanted to visit me and see how I live in Holland. We kept writing to eachother and after 2 months she erased all her information from the agencies on internet. She wrote me, that she was feeling certain that we would be together, later this year. But first she wanted to come to visit me. She came on the first of May, for 11 days. It had been very difficult for her to get a visa, you will understand. Even with her new passport and visa, she was kept at Amsterdam airport for 1 hour for checking on her passport, they checked everything. In Bergen op Zoom she lived in a hotel. We visited my parents, of course my house, different towns in Holland and Belgium. She was very interested. She was however quite silent again. It was hard for me to speak with her, not because of the Russian, but because she hardly began talking by herself. But she never complained, when I asked her how she liked things, she answered "normalno". We had quite some fun in places like Amsterdam and Antwerp. She liked my parents and they liked her. She brought present from her parents to mine. But she did not fall in love, we never made love or even kissed. However, she allways was very kind and friendly, we had a good time together. When she left I asked her what she would do next, what she had in mind. She only answered "I'll write".
After she had left, I did not hear anything from her anymore for more than 2 weeks. I mailed to her work and home. Finally, last sunday, she mailed me a letter. It was disgusting. She wrote that she had been very offended, because I treated her like a poor Ukrainian girl. I had chosen a bad gostinnitsa for her. (After two days in Bergen op Zoom she told me that she did not like the hotel and then I brought her to another, better hotel). She wrote that I had offended her because I asked about her cell-phone. (When she was here, she used her phone allmost every 5 minutes; her brother and mother called her during the whole day). I did not complain about it, but here such a frequent use of a cell-phone is regarded as strange, and I told her. It gave me the feeling that her family did not trust me. She also wrote that she did not like the country and the town so much. She said it was a derevnia, compared to Moscow. The people were worse than in Moscow, and poorer. And she wrote that she did not like many things about me. She did not say what things. She wrote, that she had been 99% sure about living with me before coming to Holland, but now I had ruined everything because of my "doubt" about her and my offensive questions about her. (in fact I did not ask her so much, because she already had written me very long letters about herself in december). She decided to break and never see me again.
Sunday I wrote a letter back to her. I was very offended and very angry. It was as if another person had written her letter, or as if another person had made her decision. Yesterday she mailed me again. She wrote that she had indeed said too many bad things, she was in complete shock, but still she had drawn her conclusion, that there were more bad things than good things, and that she had been in much stress and a too many bad situations in Holland. That was all.
I am still very angry, because I thought that she was happy here and she never complained, she never told me that some things were not allright. She just smiled all the time, we drove to many interesting cities. In the evenings, she was in her hotel room and made phone calls with her mother. I had no reason to doubt about her, because she had been doing a lot to get her visa, she even payed her own ticket to Amsterdam (she wanted this).
So 3 days ago I still was thinking that she was happy here and that she would soon come back and we would decide to be together. I'll probably never know what her real feeling and intentions were.
Funny that you called the same morning! Maybe I deserved this treatment, I don't know. Of course a person can come and understand that life situation here is too different from Moscow and the people are not nice. But she never said a word, she was interested and we had fun together. She had got so many photo's of my house and town, she knew what European towns were like. She was 2 months in Germany, and had been in different towns.
So I think that she is completely crazy. Maybe she tried to find a perfect man without flaws, or she had big fantasies about Holland. Or... she had found another man herself, just before coming to me.
Now I am very confused what to do. I can of course get in contact with another girl in Ukraine of Russia, but maybe I better not do it again. Or maybe just not from Moscow again. I have seen a lot of big cities, but there I did not like it so much. The Kreml is beautiful, but it is almost invisible between those endless ugly concrete buildings and roads. People there are not better or worse than in any other town in the world, but I could not live there. Maybe people from there cannot live in another town either.
I'm glad that you called and I am glad that I could send you this e-mail.
Maybe we will stay in touch!
Byebye and good luck in Seattle,
Lavash wrote:Komissar wrote: Потом ударим по диамату, истмату - и только вкусив "Три источника и три составных части марксизма", перейдем к ленинизму.
Диамат и истмат сдавали на отлично? А кандминимум по марксистко-лениской философии приходилось сдавать?
Lonely Rose wrote: Недавно позвонила приятелю в Голландию, он стал жаловаться, что девушка из Москвы не захотела за него замуж, город его ей не понравился. Я, конечно, утешала его как могла, посоветовала поискать невесту из маленького городка. ... Немного об этом человеке: 43 года, симпатичный, стройный, интеллигентный, историк, работает в муниципалитете, владеет 6 языками, в том числе и русским, выплаченный домик, good catch for Russian brides
aas996 wrote:Lonely Rose wrote: Недавно позвонила приятелю в Голландию, он стал жаловаться, что девушка из Москвы не захотела за него замуж, город его ей не понравился. Я, конечно, утешала его как могла, посоветовала поискать невесту из маленького городка. ... Немного об этом человеке: 43 года, симпатичный, стройный, интеллигентный, историк, работает в муниципалитете, владеет 6 языками, в том числе и русским, выплаченный домик, good catch for Russian brides
Дельныи совет - для Москвы это совсем не catch.
Материально "aspirational" красивая (без детеи) молодая девушка-москвичка сегодня может наити по краинеи мере то же (и вероятно лучше) прямо в МСК.
madam Liza wrote:У меня создалось впечатление, что проблема тут в языковом барьере..Lonely Rose wrote: Вообщем, прочитав его письмо, я испытала гордость за наших русских девушек, которые и "не тушкой и не чучелом"