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Xenia_2003 wrote:Бруклин ничего так смотрится, сегодня были - понравилось...

в Бруклине тоже есть райончики - :roll:
я впервые попав в Бруклин очутилась именно в таком. Впечатление изгажено на всю оставшуюся.
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Post by WildVlad »

makay855 wrote:а Queens, как и Manhattan большой и разный. Смотря где ходить. В р-не где я живу (Асториа), большого отличия от Манхаттанского гадюшника не видно. :pain1:
С новой аватарой!
I hated LA
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Misha wrote:
olley wrote:Представьте, что у вас есть дом/кондо. Удачно купленное и может даже выплаченное. Район вас устраивает. И тут приходит некто, производящий "манхэттенизацию" этого района и говорит, что дом надо сносить. Вас эта новость сильно обрадует?

После Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, мне придет в голову простая мысль о конце света :D

Кстати, сорри за офф-топик, - а как Вам этот фильм? Это моя любимая
книжная серия, и, по-моему, совершенно непереводимая на другие
языки, в т.ч. и на кинематографический. Понравился?
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Post by makay855 »

WildVlad wrote: С новой аватарой!

Thanks!!! :gen1:
Вообще-то кредит за ето получает Vik_NJ, за что ему еще раз большое спасибо :D
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Post by makay855 »

Не могу удержаться, расскажу.

Место - Manhattan. Вчера стоим поздно вечером с сестрой, ждем subway (часов 12 вечера). Рядом с нами стоит здоровенная бандура - trash can (под 2 метра высоты). На бандуре знак - WET PAINT (окрашено, типa).

Идет african-american, что-то напевает и бурчит себе под нос. Подходит - и как по етой бандуре/траш kану - хрясь со всего размаха. :mrgreen:

Тут же начинает чертыхаться, искать салфетку и пытается вытереть руку которую испачкал в черной краске. Мы стоим рядом, с трудом удерживаясь от смеха.

Он - нам (но более-менее миролюбиво) - ну вы-то что тут стоите, не могли что-ли мне сказать что тут окрашено?

Мы: ???? (ну там написано, в принципе)

Он продолжает: - Why could't you tell me that it's painted????

Слава Богу, что тут подошел поезд, хотя и не наш, мы в него быстренько запрыгнули, т.к. перспектива остаться с етим charming personality еще на 10-15 мин. мне не улыбалась. И смех, и грех.
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A Brighter Look for Staten Island's Front Door
Some riders have cameras and some have dead eyes. Their traveling companions are fearless pigeons and wobbly men with long stares. They press against a glass gate, watching the boat come, and then they sit on dark pews with boxes beneath marked Life Preservers. Earlier riders' initials are carved in the wood. The ones with cameras stand outside where the wind blows cold, as the boat passes the ramparts of Governors Island, and the Statue of Liberty and all her friends. The people stand and balance and the boat slowly finds its way into dock; a platform drops and then the people are gone.

The ride, made 52 times each weekday on the Staten Island ferry from Manhattan, can be a romantic idyll or a daily chore, but it always ends the same, at the St. George Terminal, on the northern end of the fifth borough.

On Friday, the city plans to show off a $124 million overhaul to this point of entry and departure, and the borough's partisans hope history will recall the grand opening as a new beginning for all of Staten Island.

"It's been a long time coming," said Tamara Coombs, chairwoman of the Ferry Riders Committee of the St. George Civic Association. "It really transforms a large part of the experience."

To this way of thinking, the old terminal, with the ambience of a high school gymnasium, represents the old Staten Island, a place with an inferiority complex dating to the 19th century, when one of its ports housed a yellow fever quarantine. In 1898, when the city of Brooklyn was dragged into New York against its will, Staten Island joined voluntarily, seeking improved schools, libraries and police. But a reputation as a dumping ground can be a self-perpetuating thing; the people who voted in favor of consolidation ended up decades later getting the Fresh Kills landfill.

"The low point came in the 1950's or '60's, when the pollution was at its worst," said Barnett Shepherd, who teaches borough history at the College of Staten Island. "We feel that we are the stepchild."

The roots of the ferry terminal's role in the psychological life of the borough are just as deep. Richard Dickenson, the borough historian, tells it this way: As part of an effort to consolidate several ferry ports in 1886, a flamboyant developer named Erastus Wiman needed to renew a lease from a businessman named George Law. Said Mr. Wiman to Mr. Law: If you lease it again, I'll canonize you.

"And when the terminal came together, Wiman called it St. George," Mr. Dickenson said, adding that the tale was "probably true."

He said, "It's a good story, in any case."

Means of transport have a way of growing iconic, like the Los Angeles freeways, the subway tunnels of Manhattan, the bicycle paths of Amsterdam and the canals of Venice, and the ferry terminal took that kind of place in the life of Staten Island. Today, 19 million passengers come through each year, according to Jim DeSimone, the ferry's chief operations officer. The ferry is the borough's only direct link to Manhattan, and for those without cars, it is the most practical way in and out. Besides, it is free.

The sole photograph on the front of the "Explore Staten Island" tourism fliers depicts a ferryboat.

"It's more than transportation, it's a floating public space," Ms. Coombs said. "They save seats for each other, they plan birthdays and weddings. It's also a great pickup spot. It's also a symbol of the borough."

And so the rehabilitation project, proposed in 1999 as part of the city's efforts to revitalize its waterfront, was described by officials as part of a rebirth for Staten Island, along with new museums and a stadium for a New York Yankees farm team. The work coincided with construction of a $201 million, 200,000-square-foot terminal in Lower Manhattan, which opened in January. A groundbreaking for the St. George Terminal was held on Sept. 6, 2001, five days before ferry service and other public transportation took on a new urgency.

Working with the existing structure, the architecture firm H.O.K. designed a 350-foot arch facing Staten Island, to be illuminated at night as an artistic reference to the borough's bridges.

"The idea was to create as many modern interventions as we could," said Kenneth Drucker, a design partner at H.O.K. "The challenge was to reuse as much of the existing structure as possible."

Confined to the building's existing footprint, the designers raised the roof of the main waiting chamber about 20 feet on average, adding Y-shaped metal beams atop the support columns. Where tile had dominated the wall, they called for glass and metal, revealing views of sky and water. The effect is like prying the top off a can of corn, only you are the corn (and you have eyes).

The chamber's concrete floor became a seascape of greens and blues and aquamarines, mapping the ferry's route across the harbor. Electronic sensors stand silent sentry at the chamber's end, counting passengers. For now, a light-emitting-diode screen flashes "Welcome to the St. George Ferry Terminal," though the city has vague plans for messages useful to those who already know where they are.

A real estate broker is marketing 20,000 square feet of retail space at about $125 a square foot, seeking tenants as obvious as Dunkin' Donuts and as unusual - for a ferry terminal - as beauty salons and fitness centers.

"The people coming off the boat, they're brainwashed; there hasn't been anything there for years," said the broker, Wayne Rose. "I want to stop people. I want to slow them down."

There is space for a restaurant with broad bay views, but for now the only food comes from a cart selling 85-cent coffee during the morning rush and flowers in the evening.

To some, the changes are not as important as what they represent.

" 'Respect' might be a little too reverent, but it's a recognition or acknowledgment that Staten Island is part of the city," said Mr. Dickenson, the borough historian.

For now, just days from the grand opening, workers still drive through the outer chambers on vehicles with motorized ladders, passing hunks of metal destined for one place or another. A broad stone walkway leading toward the minor league baseball stadium is blocked as a construction zone, and the landscaping will not be done until the end of the year, said Mr. DeSimone, the chief operations officer.

The outdoor walkway, still stained with gum gone black, leads up past a series of bus stops toward the stately government buildings of Bay Street. Crowds come toward the terminal at a sprint and away from it at a shuffle, and the car service drivers hustle among them.

One day last week, the ferry riders followed the ramp through the terminal and into the main chamber, where Sean Davis, 24, who commutes to a job in Manhattan, took in a view of the uplifted ceiling and the map on the floor.

"It's a lot cleaner and brighter," he said. "I don't really think about it. I just ride. Back and forth."

When the gates opened for the next trip to Manhattan, the riders shuffled on as a herd. From the loudspeakers, a voice warned them not to leave their personal belongings on the boat. Then the ferry cut out into the water, tourists in front, around the barges toward the skyscrapers in a broad familiar arc, past the same old Statue of Liberty again.
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Post by makay855 »

http://www.licbdc.com/news/2005/1-24-04 ... census.htm

A мне вот ета статья понравилась - одно дело все ето видеть, а другое дело - когда на цифрах с фактами доказывают, что ето другая Америка. К сожалению, подавляющее число иммигрантов приезжают без особых skills и языка, и поетому вынуждены пахать за гроши, при етом живя в самом дорогом городе Америки. Конечно, тут можно перестать улыбаться или забыть как ето делается. У меня ландлорд - грек, так вот он никогда не улыбается. :( 30 лет таксистом в NYC отработал.

The continued influx of immigrants hiked the percentage of the city's population that is foreign-born from 28 percent in 1990 to 36 percent in 2000.

"If we didn't have immigrants, we wouldn't have a city of 8 million people," Salvo said. The 2000 Census was the first time the city passed the 8-million mark.

The analysis showed that Queens lived up to its reputation as the most diverse county in the nation. The borough had both the largest number and share of foreign-born residents - 1,028,339, or 46.1 percent of Queens' population. Brooklyn was second, with 931,769, or 37.8 percent of its population.

"Queens and Brooklyn alone account for more than two-thirds of the immigrant population in the city," Salvo noted.

Among the report's findings:

The largest immigrant neighborhood in the five boroughs, in both 2000 and 1990, was upper Manhattan's Washington Heights. Among its 90,300 immigrant residents in 2000 were people from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Cuba and Mexico.

Flushing came in second, with 86,900 foreign-born residents, most of them from China, Korea, India and Colombia.

Astoria, long known as a Greek-immigrant stronghold, came next, with 84,700 foreign-born immigrants from Greece, Bangladesh, Ecuador and Mexico.

Brooklyn's Bay Ridge-Bensonhurst area was in fourth place, with 78,600 foreign-born residents from China, Italy, Russia and Ukraine.

Elmhurst rounded out the top five, with 74,600 foreign-born residents hailing from China, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico.

Neighborhoods in the Bronx and Staten Island did not make a list of the 20 largest immigrant neighborhoods.

The top three countries of origin for immigrants to the city did not change from 1990 to 2000. The Dominican Republic still led the trio, followed by China and Jamaica. People from those countries settled mostly in Washington Heights, Flushing and Flatbush, respectively.

Other neighborhoods with a large share of foreign-born residents were Jackson Heights, Flushing, Corona and Woodside. In each of these, more than six of every 10 residents were born outside the United States.

By the numbers

Immigrants to New York City flocked to these neighborhoods, according to 2000 Census data.

Neighborhoods Total Pop. Foreign Born % For. Born % change '90 rank '00 rank

Washington Heights 168,585 90,336 53.6 10.1 1 1

Flushing 137,865 86,911 63.0 36.4 3 2

Astoria 165,197 84,731 51.3 32.1 2 3

Bay Ridge-Bensonhurst 193,977 78,585 40.5 73.8 8 4

Elmhurst 106,107 74,693 70.4 32.4 5 5

Gravesend-Homecrest 157,849 70,343 44.6 83.3 14 6

Flatlands-Canarsie 183,745 68,860 37.5 86.2 16 7

Jackson Heights 100,995 64,242 63.6 50.1 9 8

Corona 98,609 61,398 62.3 42.3 10 9

Sunset Park-Industry City 120,464 59,209 49.2 73.9 17 10

Total, New York City 8,008,278 2,871,032 35.9 37.8 - - THE TOP 10 CITY NEIGHBORHOODS WHERE FOREIGN-BORN RESIDENTS LIVE
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Post by осторожная »

Сегодня в книжке одной жительницы хорошей части Парк-авеню встретила хорошую фразу:
"Нe was cute, but he spoke with this borough accent - like the word 'dog' has tho syllables: 'doo-wog'. He was totally bridge-and-tunnel!".

Последняя фраза - просто наповал. 8)

А Квинс интересен только с одной точки зрения - как историческая родина "любителей итальянской оперы" 8) . :mrgreen: Если там еще нет экскурсий по местам боевой славы, это серьезное упущение турагентств. :D
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Post by makay855 »

осторожная wrote:Сегодня в книжке одной жительницы хорошей части Парк-авеню встретила хорошую фразу:
"Нe was cute, but he spoke with this borough accent - like the word 'dog' has tho syllables: 'doo-wog'. He was totally bridge-and-tunnel!".

Последняя фраза - просто наповал. 8)

ну снобизм Манхаттанитес мне никогда не нравился. :pain1: Oт Queens и Brooklyn тут далеко не уйдешь (а тем более от Washington Heights). :wink:

осторожная wrote:А Квинс интересен только с одной точки зрения - как историческая родина "любителей итальянской оперы" 8) . :mrgreen: Если там еще нет экскурсий по местам боевой славы, это серьезное упущение турагентств. :D

Tony Benett оттуда, а кто еще? На Manhattane тоже как бы есть Little Italy. :roll:
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Post by осторожная »

makay855 wrote:Tony Benett оттуда, а кто еще? На Manhattane тоже как бы есть Little Italy. :roll:

В мафиозных романах часто описывают детство того или иного персонажа, проведенное в Квинсе.
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Post by makay855 »

http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USNY0 ... ce_units=1

ну как же меня достала холодная, ветренная и дождливая погода в NYC. :х
такое впечатление что лето и тепло никогда не настанет!!!!! 12 C в Мае...
Sorry, наболело. Второй раз за 4 месяца болею. Вот. :cry:

Очень хочется вот такой погоды, и желательно с конца Марта :wink:
http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/USMO0 ... ce_units=1
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Post by Serenalife »

makay855 wrote:хттп://шеатхер.яхоо.цом/форецаст/УСНЫ0059ц.хтмл?форцеунитс=1

ну как же меня достала холодная, ветренная и дождливая погода в НЫЦ. :х
такое впечатление что лето и тепло никогда не настанет!!!!! 12 Ц в Мае...
Сорры, наболело. Второй раз за 4 месяца болею. Вот. :цры:

Очень хочется вот такой погоды, и желательно с конца Марта :шинк:

Приезжайте к нам греться :) У нас +85 Ф, и океан очень теплый.
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Serenalife wrote: Приезжайте к нам греться :) У нас +85 Ф, и океан очень теплый.

Спасибо, у вас такие комары под вечер... ужас. Уже в марте грелись :|
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Post by осторожная »

Люблю, не люблю... В Нью-Йорке есть Barney's.... и от этого факта никуда не деться. :)
Вся буквально суббота будет бездарно потрачена на шопинг.:)
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Post by lolka »

осторожная wrote:Люблю, не люблю... В Нью-Йорке есть Barney's.... и от этого факта никуда не деться. :)
Вся буквально суббота будет бездарно потрачена на шопинг.:)

Barney's ето ДА.... Но ведь ето не всe! Вопреки здравому смыслу, поделюсь рыбными местами (у меня вся прошлая суббота ушла :P).
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