Open vs. Closed

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Open vs. Closed

Post by Vermillion »

Объясните мне пожалуйста, почему слово "закрыто" пишется Closed, а "открыто" - Open. Ведь пассив же, по логике должно быть Opened?
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Post by Айва »

О пассиве тут вообще речь не идёт,<open> и <closed>- оба прилагательные (открытЫЙ, закрытЫЙ). А различие в словообразовании просто запомнить надо :pain1:
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Post by Иоп »

У меня есть одно прежположение по поводу различия в словообразовании. Возможно, дело в том, что слово close уже занято, как "близко", и использовать его на двери - значит вводить в заблуждение людей...
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Post by Жел Товатый »

да, у меня тот же вопрос, почему the door is closed, but the door is open ??? Должно же быть the door is opened. :pain1:
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Post by Lite »

Жел Товатый wrote:да, у меня тот же вопрос, почему the door is closed, but the door is open ??? Должно же быть the door is opened. :pain1:

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Post by Cabby »

I'm not an expert :) , but I'll try to explain it. I'm assuming this is about, say, a sign in a shop window. We say "Open" because the store wasn't simply "opened" - it was opened a while ago, and is still "open". I think that it's because of the verb "to be" in the present tense, which is assumed - and that's probably why it's confusing to Russians. For example: "the shop is open" is correct. You can't say "the shop is opened" - it "was opened", and is now open. It makes no sense to an English speaker to say that the shop "is opened" - why say that when that's not what's important? Nobody cares if somebody opened the shop a while ago - they only care if it's open now, when they want to buy something. :)

If it helps - for "the door is closed" - you can just say that it's "shut". It makes things simpler, and it might be easier for you to remember because it doesn't have that "-ed" ending. I'm sorry I can't think of why we say the door's "closed". I don't have my grammar book handy and for me, that's just the way it is... :pain1: :D
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Post by Иоп »

Is "open" an adjective in this case?
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Post by Айва »

Иоп wrote:Is "open" an adjective in this case?

Yes. As well as "closed" (check in a Dictionary)
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Post by Иоп »

"close" is also an adjective, but it has another meaning than "closed". Can it be the reason, why it is never said "the store is close"?
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Post by Lite »

Cabby wrote:I'm not an expert :) , but I'll try to explain it. I'm assuming this is ...... [/b]... :pain1: :D

But we do ask "When it's open?" vs. "When it's closed?"
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Post by Lite »

Иоп wrote:"close" is also an adjective, but it has another meaning than "closed". Can it be the reason, why it is never said "the store is close"?

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2. denying access: where access or passage is denied
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