sappy wrote:Транспортировка:
California Penal Code section 12285(c)(7) requires that registered assault weapons may be transported only between specified locations and must be unloaded and in a locked container when transported.
The term "locked container" means a secure container which is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device. This includes the trunk of a motor vehicle, but does not include the utility or glove compartment. For more information, refer to California Penal Code Section 12026.1.
Please be aware that failure to comply with these mandated handgun requirements could result in criminal prosecution (Penal Code Section 12072(g)).
По поводу транспортировки: IL почти копирует требования, но они касаются не только assault weapons, а любого огнестрельного оружия.