Privet wrote:С другой стороны, есть некоторые аргументы, которые трудно отбросить. Например, внутри лагеря работала подпольная группа, которая была в контакте с союзниками. Они ничего об этом не знали при всём при том, что территория крематориев была видна снаружи.
Вы бы не могли привести источник этой информации?
Пока я нашел прямо противоположное:
In 1942 Pilecki discovered that new windowless concrete huts were being built with nozzles in their ceilings. Soon afterwards he heard that that prisoners were being herded into these huts and that the nozzles were being used to feed cyanide gas into the building. Afterwards the bodies were taken to the building next door where they were cremated.
Pilecki got this information to the Tajna Armia Polska who passed it onto the British foreign office. This information was then passed on to the governments of other Allied countries. However, most people who saw the reports refused to believe them and dismissed the stories as attempts by the Poles to manipulate the military strategy of the Allies.
Пилецки был организатором подполья в Освенциме.