Интересно. На этот протокол ссылаются некоторые историки Холокоста. Например
http://cghs.dade.k12.fl.us/holocaust/fsolution.htm wrote:The first step taken for this was the Wannsee Conference (1942), in which everything was planned. Hitler asked Reinhard Heydrich, an aide to Heinrich Himmler, to organize this conference.
Concentration camps were of top priority to discuss in the conference. First of all, the Nazis would trap the Jews in ghettos; then they were taken to death camps. Auschwitz, located in southern Poland, was the main and most important concentration and extermination camp. About 1 to 3 million people were killed here, which is about one-third of all the Jews killed in the Holocaust.
Вот выдержка из этого Wannsee протокола:
a) the expulsion of the Jews from every sphere of life of the German people,
b) the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people.
Не было там планов по уничтожению. Ни слова, ни намёка.
[...Поправка...] Я был не прав. Более внимательное изучение с помощью других участников позволило найти в нём такое место:
Another possible solution of the problem has now taken the place of emigration, i.e. the evacuation of the Jews to the East, provided that the Führer gives the appropriate approval in advance.
These actions are, however, only to be considered provisional, but practical experience is already being collected which is of the greatest importance in relation to the future final solution of the Jewish question.
. . Under proper guidance, in the course of the final solution the Jews are to be allocated for appropriate labor in the East. Able-bodied Jews, separated according to sex, will be taken in large work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes.
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