Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

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Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by олег2004 »

Добрый день!
Созрел следующие вопрос. Выпускникам каких специализаций Ph.D. in Business проще всего найти работу в академии при прочих равных?
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Re: Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by snetesin »

олег2004 wrote:Добрый день!
Созрел следующие вопрос. Выпускникам каких специализаций Ph.D. in Business проще всего найти работу в академии при прочих равных?

The best bet is "well-defined" areas. For example, almost any business school has finance, accounting, marketing, management and operations departments. Other specializations become trickier. For example, few schools have information systems departments or decision processes departments. Hence, demand for IS and DP majors is volatile.
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Re: Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by олег2004 »

snetesin wrote:
The best bet is "well-defined" areas. For example, almost any business school has finance, accounting, marketing, management and operations departments.

А среди данных основных специальностей, на что самый большой спрос на рынке труда?
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Post by snetesin »

If the number of candidates per hiring slot is the adequate measure of demand, it is probably about the same. In terms of salaries accounting/finance leads.
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Post by kuznechik »

а как вообще PhD in business называется? так и называется PhD in Business? :pain1:
Бизнес очень расчиренное понятие, а , по-моему тонкая специализация, там же над определенным проэктом работать нужно.
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Post by snetesin »

kuznechik wrote:а как вообще PhD in business называется? так и называется PhD in Business? :pain1:
Бизнес очень расчиренное понятие, а , по-моему тонкая специализация, там же над определенным проэктом работать нужно.

PhD in Finance, PhD in Marketing etc.
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Post by kuznechik »

snetesin wrote:
kuznechik wrote:а как вообще PhD in business называется? так и называется PhD in Business? :pain1:
Бизнес очень расчиренное понятие, а , по-моему тонкая специализация, там же над определенным проэктом работать нужно.

PhD in Finance, PhD in Marketing etc.

Ну конечно же! нет такого понятия как PhD in Business.
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Post by ts »


How much more difficult is it to get into a Wharton PhD program than into its MBA program?

From what I understand the requirements for the two are very very different. While MBA admission requirements stress work experience heavily, PhD cares about academic experience only.

While this makes sense, how do PhD students interact with MBA students? I mean they have to be taking courses together, right? Right now it seems to me that your PhD students are sort of isolated from MBAs.

Also, can someone with only a BS degree and not much academic experience get into a Wharton PhD program? From FAQ on their website this seems tough if not impossible.

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Post by snetesin »

ts wrote:snetesin,

How much more difficult is it to get into a Wharton PhD program than into its MBA program?

From what I understand the requirements for the two are very very different. While MBA admission requirements stress work experience heavily, PhD cares about academic experience only.

While this makes sense, how do PhD students interact with MBA students? I mean they have to be taking courses together, right? Right now it seems to me that your PhD students are sort of isolated from MBAs.

Also, can someone with only a BS degree and not much academic experience get into a Wharton PhD program? From FAQ on their website this seems tough if not impossible.


Admission rate is about 10% for MBAs and 3-5% for PhDs. Since requirements are very different, it makes it easier for some people to get into PhD program than into MBA program and vice versa. PhD student do TA work for MBA courses (conduct office hours etc). There are very few courses that both PhDs and MBAs take (sometimes none). It is possible to get in with BS and no academic experience but chances are very low.
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Post by олег2004 »

snetesin wrote: It is possible to get in with BS and no academic experience but chances are very low.

What do you mean by academic experience?
If I have several years of teaching experience at a University in Russia and a Ph.D. degree in the same field, will it significantly increase my chances of being admitted?
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Post by snetesin »

Yes, some publications would be more valuable though.
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Post by олег2004 »

snetesin wrote:Yes, some publications would be more valuable though.

Неужто американские профессора просматривают публикации в среднесортных российских журналах? А в настоящие журналы, так кто же туда пустит. Как говорится "съест то он съест, да кто же ему даст".

Вопрос: если иметь несколько публикаций во второсортных журналах + штук 10-15 вузовских конференций в РФ, это поднимет шансы на поступление?
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Post by Cliff »

олег2004 wrote:
snetesin wrote:Yes, some publications would be more valuable though.

Неужто американские профессора просматривают публикации в среднесортных российских журналах? А в настоящие журналы, так кто же туда пустит. Как говорится "съест то он съест, да кто же ему даст".

Вопрос: если иметь несколько публикаций во второсортных журналах + штук 10-15 вузовских конференций в РФ, это поднимет шансы на поступление?

Да, потому что у остальных аппликантов скорее всего этого не будет.
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Post by snetesin »

It is not the content of publications that matters but the evidence of research experience. This helps convince the admissions committee that you are serious about academic career.
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Re: Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by JohnnyB. »

snetesin wrote:
олег2004 wrote:Добрый день!
Созрел следующие вопрос. Выпускникам каких специализаций Ph.D. in Business проще всего найти работу в академии при прочих равных?

The best bet is "well-defined" areas. For example, almost any business school has finance, accounting, marketing, management and operations departments. Other specializations become trickier. For example, few schools have information systems departments or decision processes departments. Hence, demand for IS and DP majors is volatile.

А как насчет работы в Industry (не академ.) после окончания PhD in IS?
Есть ли спрос? Есть есть, каков уровень стартовых зарплат?
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Re: Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by Cliff »

JohnnyB. wrote: А как насчет работы в Industry (не академ.) после окончания PhD in IS?
Есть ли спрос? Есть есть, каков уровень стартовых зарплат?

IS в смысле Computer Science или Management Information Systems?
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Re: Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by JohnnyB. »

Cliff wrote:
JohnnyB. wrote: А как насчет работы в Industry (не академ.) после окончания PhD in IS?
Есть ли спрос? Есть есть, каков уровень стартовых зарплат?

IS в смысле Computer Science или Management Information Systems?

IS в смысле Ph.D. in Business. Information Systems,
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Post by CAIIIKA »

kuznechik wrote: Ну конечно же! нет такого понятия как PhD in Business.

А почему так уверенно? У моего мужа, например, Ph.D. in Business. Он, почему-то, маркетинг рекомендует для карьеры в академии, хоть это и не его спезиализация.

Я 7 лет назад поступила UCLA v Business school Ph.D. на information systems или decision science, не помню. Я в итоге не пошла, предпочла Computer Science. А в бизнес школу меня приняли хоть у меня и показаний не было. Простой русский политех и немного работы программером в России.
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Re: Особенности спроса на Ph.D. in Business

Post by Stanford Wannabe »

Не стал открывать новую тему, вместо этого скину сюда интересное видео:
Doctorate in Business Recruiting Forum: Panel Discussion
Prospective students gathered at Stanford to learn how their degree in Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, or the Social or Natural Sciences could lead to an academic career in business. Panelists shared insights into a career in business academia and participants heard from business school faculty and current students. Potential students learned about admissions criteria, financial aid, and student life at 20 doctoral business programs in the United States. Panelists included Robert Urstein, Assistant Dean, PhD Program; Anat Admati, George GC Parker Professor of Finance and Economics; Baba Shiv, Professor of Marketing, Eric So, PhD candidate 2012. Recorded: October 13, 2009 Graduate School of Business PhD Program: www.gsb.stanford.edu DocNet Consortium of Business Doctoral Programs: www.businessdoctoralprograms.org

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