Справление нужды в неположенном месте
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- Joined: 04 Aug 2004 07:41
Справление нужды в неположенном месте
словили, составили бумажку, через пару недель в суд. будет какой-то штраф и 2-х часовая лекция (со слов копов). но мне важно другое: при background check при приеме на работу это всплывет? кто-нибудь сталкивался? и, вообще, негативные последствия какие?
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- Location: MN -> Moscow -> Thailand
Я сам с таким не сталкивался, но, насколько я знаю, это ничего страшного - Вас же, надеюсь, не арестовывали с зачитыванием Миранды и снятием отпечатков пальцев? Это административное, а не уголовное нарушение, но при глубокой проверке, конечно, может всплыть, но сомневаюсь, что может повлиять на что-то.
Настоящий хомяк в своей жизни должен сделать три вещи: пожрать, поспать и сдохнуть.
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- Location: Escondido, CA
JERRY: I've had this condition since I was eleven! I've been in and out of hospitals my whole life. I have no control over it. Doctors have told me that when I feel it, the best thing to do is just release it. Otherwise, I could die.
SECURITY GUARD: Well you're still not allowed.
JERRY: Do you hear what I'm saying to you?! I'm telling you that if I don't go, I could die. Die. Is it worth dying for?
SECURITY GUARD: That's up to you.
JERRY: So you don't care if I die.
SECURITY GUARD: What I care about is the sanitary condition of the parking facility.
JERRY: It was life and death.
JERRY: Oh I'm lying. Why would I do it unless I was in mortal danger? I know it's against the law.
SECURITY GUARD: I don't know.
JERRY: Because I could get Uromysitisis poisoning and die. That's why!...Do you think I enjoy living like this?...the shame, the humiliation...You know I have been issued a public urination pass by the city because of my condition. Unfortunately my little brother ran out of the house with it this morning.
JERRY: (C0NT'D) Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place. You want to call the Department of Social Services? Oh, it's Saturday. They're closed today. My luck.
SECURITY GUARD: Well you're still not allowed.
JERRY: Do you hear what I'm saying to you?! I'm telling you that if I don't go, I could die. Die. Is it worth dying for?
SECURITY GUARD: That's up to you.
JERRY: So you don't care if I die.
SECURITY GUARD: What I care about is the sanitary condition of the parking facility.
JERRY: It was life and death.
JERRY: Oh I'm lying. Why would I do it unless I was in mortal danger? I know it's against the law.
SECURITY GUARD: I don't know.
JERRY: Because I could get Uromysitisis poisoning and die. That's why!...Do you think I enjoy living like this?...the shame, the humiliation...You know I have been issued a public urination pass by the city because of my condition. Unfortunately my little brother ran out of the house with it this morning.
JERRY: (C0NT'D) Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place. You want to call the Department of Social Services? Oh, it's Saturday. They're closed today. My luck.
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kron wrote:Hamster, откуда дровишки (транскрипт)? Или сами печатали по памяти? Делитесь.
А гугль на что?