Поиски первой работы...первое resume...

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Поиски первой работы...первое resume...

Post by jj »

Первая работа...хех...Не даром говорят, что это самое сложное для иммигранта...
Мой опыт наверняка будет полезен тем, кто приехал в Америку не по H1...(там ситуация совершенно другая и об этом написано предостаточно :wink: )...
Давайте поговорим о поисках первой работы "непрограммистом"...а к примеру, бухгалтером ...Как составить такое resume, что б оно "работало" ? Что-бы приглашали на интервью? Что-бы после интервью получить офер?

Для начала - несколько наблюдений:
1. На резюме, посланное по факсу, ответов в разы больше, чем на те, что посланы по email или регулярной почтой...
Касалось бы, электронной почтой не пользуется сейчас разве что ленивый...но тем не менее (в том числе сужу по компании, в которой работаю), резюме посланные по факсу складываются в отдельную папочку...а вот электронные резюме...почему то не особенно :pain1:
Далее, порядка 50% ответов , полученных по электронной почте,у меня было от рекрутеров...
Так что факс в поисках работы - немаловажно...
2. Answer maсhine...
Постоянно сидеть дома и ждать звонков от работодателей - невозможно... Автоответчик очень выручает в этом случае...
По моему опыту: если работодатель позвонил с намерениями пригласить вас на интерью - он обязательно оставит вам message... Другой вопрос - если ему , к примеру, не понравился голос ...или приветствие на автоответчике :)
3. Заведите базу данных (например в excel) и ведите там учет всех отправляемых resume и поступивших откликов...У вас будет точная картина о том, как работает ваша resume...
Во-первых, это поможет вам избежать ситуаций, когда вы посылаете resume в одно и тоже место несколько раз... Если вы собираетесь послать resume вторично (может, позиция приглянулась :wink: ), наверно стоит изменить что-то в "начинке"...
Во-вторых - вы увидите, какая из "версий" резюме работает лучше... Кроме того, обратите внимание на какие позиции на интервью вас приглашают больше и т.д.
И вообще - это поможет вам лучше"самоорганизоваться" :)
4. Зачастую, именно в самом объявлении на работу содержатся "ключевые слова", которые потенциальный работодатель хотел бы увидеть в resume...поэтому есть смысл корректировать resume под отдельное предложение...Или заготовить несколько вариантов - на все случаи жизни :)
5. Советую обратить особое внимание на cover letter...Посылать resume без сопроводительного письма лучше всего тогда, когда работодатель об этом специально пишет в объявлении... Cover letter обычно содержит информацию, на которую вы бы хотели сделать особый акцент...

это далеко не полный перечень того, что мне хотелось бы сказать...
убежала на работу - вечером продолжу...
Присоединяйтесь , плиз :wink:
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Post by Elinika »

Alice, ваши наблюдения очень полезны.
По моим наблюдениям е-маил работала очень хорошо при рассылке resume. Я думаю что это большой роли не играет как посылать. Все-таки самое главное, это грамотно составить само resume.
У меня было где-то 5 различних вариантов resume: некоторые включали российский опыт работы и учебы, другие нет. Одни варианты имели больше работ, другие меньше.. Все зависит от того что хочет работодатель. Нужно всегда внимательно читать требования. Если вы даже по какой-то причине не очень подходите, все равно можно написать в cover letter почему вы думаете вы хороший кандитат для этой позиции.
Еще главный момент – не отчаиваться. Однажды, я послала 100 resume в разные места и везде получила отказ. Опускались руки, но я продолжала рассылать resume и люди звонили… Вообщем, главное терпение! Удачи всем! :)
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Post by Oxo_Xo »

А в какой области Вы искали работу и где брали столько мест куда можно послать резюме. Я пока, конечно, только поверхностно просматриваю, но 100 бухгалтерских позиций не найти и за месяц.
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Post by Elinika »

Я забыла сказать что я рассылала resume по всем штатам Америки. Я думаю что 100 найдется. Специальность: accounting и banking.
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Post by jj »

6. Продолжаю свое "повествование" :)
За время поиска работы мною было отправлено примерно 300 resume (из них порядка сотни по email... и около 20 регулярной почтой...
Статистика ответов (я сделала базу данных в access с первого отправленного resume):
- где-то 5-6 звонков от рекрутеров - от числа resume, посланных по электронной почте...
- НИ ОДНОГО звонка на resume, посланного обычным мэйлом...
- примерно на каждое десятое resume, посланное по факсу был звонок или приглашение на интервью...
Конечно, все эти данные очень условные...так как не всегда удавалось "проследить" путь resume...но все-таки они дают какую-то картину...
Resume я рассылала только по NY (в частности Manhattan & Downtown Brooklyn)...о других местах (штатах) я не знаю ...

7. По поводу resume...Замечательный FAQ составил matus (см. соседний топик о resume)...
Огромное спасибо!
Кроме того, в этом разделе уже открыто пару топиков о том, как лучше составить resume...поэтому не буду повторяться...
Лишь добавлю, что существует много программ для составления resume...Конечно, рассчитывать на то, что программа все сделает за вас - бесполезно...но умные фразы "подцепить" там можно...
У меня есть неплохая програмка resume maker...я бы могла выложить ее где-то в сети...желающие могли бы воспользоваться...
Может быть, у кого-то есть идеи как это можно осуществить?

8. Ура! Вас пригласили на интервью... О том, как себя вести, что говорить и что одевать на интервью - написано немало...нет смысла повторяться...
От себя могу лишь заметить, что все что написано - правда...
Американцы также приходят на интервью в костюмах и белых рубашках... Им задают точно такие же, на мой взгляд слегка странноватые и совсем не легкие вопросы о том, If you had to live your life over again, what would you change?!?... Where do you want to be 10 or 15 years from now?!?...or...What is your greatest weakness?!?.....и они с серьезными лицами отвечают... :lol:

9. После интерью неплохо бы послать follow up letter c благодарностью за уделенное внимание и о том что you are looking forward to hearing from... or you are the perfect person for this position... или еще что-то в таком же духе...

пока заканчиваю...будут еще мысли - допишу...
Да, хочу добавить:
вся информация - по NY...а New York, как говорят, не та Америка.. :wink:
Good luck!
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Post by Сергей Ковтун »

AIice wrote:У меня есть неплохая програмка resume maker...я бы могла выложить ее где-то в сети...желающие могли бы воспользоваться...
Может быть, у кого-то есть идеи как это можно осуществить?

Наверно проще всего через бесплатные хостинги (навроде narod.ru, ну или какой-нибудь другой). Там создается якобы домашняя страничка, на нее можно поместить описание программы (в смысле что она умеет делать). И дается ссылка на саму программу, которая лОжится в тот же каталог, что и страничка. А дальше: зашел-прочитал-кликнул-загрузилось. Будут вопросы - пишите "мылом"
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Post by Oxo_Xo »

РАботает ли вывешивание резюме на каких либо сайтах типа Монстра или Дайса?
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Post by Elinika »

Oxo_Xo wrote:РАботает ли вывешивание резюме на каких либо сайтах типа Монстра или Дайса?

Работает, но в основном для работ в Hi-tech industry.
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Post by jj »

Сергей Ковтун wrote:
AIice wrote:У меня есть неплохая програмка resume maker...я бы могла выложить ее где-то в сети...желающие могли бы воспользоваться...
Может быть, у кого-то есть идеи как это можно осуществить?

Наверно проще всего через бесплатные хостинги (навроде narod.ru, ну или какой-нибудь другой). Там создается якобы домашняя страничка, на нее можно поместить описание программы (в смысле что она умеет делать). И дается ссылка на саму программу, которая лОжится в тот же каталог, что и страничка. А дальше: зашел-прочитал-кликнул-загрузилось. Будут вопросы - пишите "мылом"

Программу ResumeMaker Deluxe можно посмотреть вот здесь...только у меня версия 9.0...
(для справки: объем программы на CD 534 Mb...при пересылке будет еще больше...выложить пока никуда не удалось...)
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Post by thinker »

AIice wrote:9. После интерью неплохо бы послать follow up letter c благодарностью за уделенное внимание и о том что you are looking forward to hearing from... or you are the perfect person for this position... или еще что-то в таком же духе...

Follow up letter посылается, когда вас вызвали на интервю, потом прошло 2 недели, а от них ни слуху ни духу. :pain1: Вот вы и пишите этo письмо, напоминая о себe. А сразу после интевью нужно послать Thank you letter. Оно важнее, и вы в нем во-первых, говорите спасибо за интервю и потраченное на вас время, а во-вторых, указываете, какие ваши скилзы пригодятся на данной работе/позиции. То есть, тем саммым подчеркивате, что вы - perfect match.
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Post by jj »

Продолжаю повествование...
10. Вы послали письмо после interview...
Как правильно подметил thiker, такое письмо носит название thank you letter...
Я могла бы не акцентировать на этом внимание (типа, послали письмо и послали...какая разница, как его называют - главное ведь не название а содержание...) если бы не одно НО...

Существуют различные виды писем, которые можно посылать работодателю в зависимости от различных ситуаций...и которые я хочу предложить вашему вниманию...

Advertisement Letter

Your ad in the _______________ edition of _______________ for a _______________ caught my attention and interest. It appears that my professional qualifications and career interests are very much in line with your requirements.

I couldn’t help but be impressed with the growth your company has accomplished in such a short period of time. It is obviously an exciting time to be part of _______________ (company). If you take the time to review my enclosed resume, I believe you will see that I have the necessary skills to assist your company reach its stated goals.

I am interested in scheduling an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss my qualifications in further detail. I will call you in a few days.


I am interested in a position with _______________ (company). Review of my resume will reveal that I have a strong background in _______________, with _______________ years of _______________ experience. These are the exact requirements you listed in your recent advertisement.

As today's economic and competitive pressures place tighter constraints on business, _______________ professionals with a diverse background can provide greater value when budgets are tight. In my position at _______________ (company), I quickly learned to evaluate and measure biased criteria, handle many duties at the same time, organize material and information methodically, work within a set budget, and meet or exceed expectations.

I will be in the _______________ area on _______________, and would like to arrange a convenient time for us to meet. I know that I can make significant contributions to your company, and welcome the opportunity to demonstrate my potential in person.


If you take the time to review my enclosed resume, you will see that I have the skills and experience required to assist your company reach its stated goals in the near future.

Your advertisement asked for a person who likes taking up challenges and wants to make a difference in the industry. You offer the opportunity to work on state-of-the-art technology; I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing.

If you need someone who has both the technical and people skills to succeed as a/an _______________, I am that person. I will call you next week to arrange an interview. Otherwise, please feel free to contact me at _______________. I look forward to hearing from you.


I saw, with interest, your ad in the _______________ for the position of _______________. I am enclosing my resume for your review in hopes of meeting with you to discuss this exciting opportunity.

My resume is lengthy enough, so I will not overburden you with my credentials. All I can say is that I can attribute all of my success to just one thing — I am extremely dedicated to my profession. I have both the educational and practical experience necessary to do the job!

If you are seeking a candidate with my qualifications, I would welcome a personal interview and will make myself available at your convenience. I will contact you in the near future to schedule a possible interview. Thank you for your consideration and time.
Last edited by jj on 06 Apr 2003 06:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jj »

Broadcast letter

I am seeking a/an_______________ position with a/an_______________ firm, which would utilize my _______________ abilities. I am both experienced in all facets of _______________ and capable of handling a great deal of responsibility.

With my _______________ (number) year _______________ (field) background, I have the depth of experience it takes to make positive contributions. Of key importance has been my ability to handle day-to-day issues while planning and implementing future programs and systems. Some of my achievements are:
· ___________________
· ___________________
· ___________________

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to explore how my experience could best meet your needs. Should you have an appropriate position that is a match for my qualifications and interests, I would welcome a call. Thank you for your consideration.


I am seeking to relocate and apply my skills to an expanding firm like yours. I have been advised by my colleagues that your firm specializes in _______________, a field with which I am very familiar. I am pleased, therefore, to forward a copy of my resume for your review.

Some of my recent accomplishments are:

· _____________________
· _____________________
· _____________________

Should you agree that my skills match the requirements for a position you might have available or expect to become available, I would welcome the opportunity to interview with you. I thank you for your time and look forward to meeting with you.


I understand that your company enjoys an excellent reputation as a/an_______________ firm in the _______________ field. Perhaps you may have an opening for a/an_______________ with my credentials. I am seeking a position in _______________ and have enclosed my resume for review against your current requirements.

I feel that I have qualifications that would be useful to your organization. Some of my past successes include:

· ___________________
· ___________________
· ___________________

Should you have need for a strong professional, I would hope that you would give me a call. Thank you for considering my credentials. I look forward to your reply.


I am very pleased to hear of the _______________ position available with your company. I have enclosed my resume for your review that outlines how my experience would prove beneficial to your company.

You and I share a professional history in the _______________ industry. Over the last year or so, I have been exploring my next career step. I am convinced that the best way to apply my talents and interests is to pursue a position in _______________. In that light, I would appreciate meeting with you personally.

If you have any current openings, or anticipate any in the near future, I would welcome the opportunity to interview for them. I will be calling in the coming days to discuss opportunities with your company and a possible interview. Have a great day and I thank you for taking the time to review my credentials.
Last edited by jj on 06 Apr 2003 06:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jj »

Cover Letter

If _______________ (company) requires a high-energy _______________ (title) with a no-excuses attitude and is up to any task, then I’m the person you’re seeking. My qualifications and experience will enable me to fulfill your expectations.

I am conscientious in my personal and professional life. I take pride in myself and my work, and derive considerable satisfaction from doing an assignment well. I cope well with high-stress situations and can manage a variety of projects simultaneously. My specific proficiencies include _______________. I am seeking a responsible position that offers challenge and opportunity.

I believe my background provides the skills you require for this position. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview to further discuss my qualifications.


I am a highly capable _______________ professional seeking an employment opportunity in the _______________ area. I have enclosed my resume for your consideration.

Adept at applying myself to a wide variety of responsibilities, I know I would be an ideal candidate for your consideration. I am a talented, detail-oriented professional. I take pride in my work and I am seeking a challenging position which utilizes my _______________ skills.

I would like to stop by and meet with you personally. Please expect my call in the coming week so that we might be able to get together in the near future.


Enclosed is my resume outlining more than _______________ years extensive experience in _______________. As you will see, my credentials include progressive responsibility with documented success in the areas of _______________ at various organizational levels.

My impressive background will provide your department with a self-motivated, helpful, and flexible associate who knows what is needed to get the job done. I am both persuasive and capable of developing rapport and trust, as well as experienced in influencing the attitudes and ideas of others.

Should you have an appropriate _______________ opening, I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you personally to explore the contributions that I could make to your corporation.


I bring a unique blend of tenacity, humor, flexibility, leadership skills, and other motivating qualities, and I am able to give you a lot for your employer investment. I am adept at both oral and written communication and interact effectively with individuals of all levels. I have earned a reputation as a valuable and cooperative coworker by being fair, honest, and willing to help others when needed; effectively resolving conflicts at appropriate times; and assisting new managers and other staff to become familiar with policy and operations.

I am looking for a growing firm where I can contribute my skills and dedication. I believe I would be a valuable asset to _______________ (company).

If it appears that my qualifications meet your needs, I will be happy to discuss my background in a personal meeting. I will be contacting you in the near future to follow up on the status of my application.
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Post by jj »

FAX Cover Sheet


To: Emmuel Lackey Fax: (617) 555-4295
From: Drew Sterling Date: 12/24/97

Re: Resume for Drew Sterling Pages: 2

In response to your ad, I am faxing my resume outlining more than _______________ years extensive experience in _______________. As you will see, my credentials include progressive responsibility with documented success in the areas of _______________ at various organizational levels.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and further discuss how your requirements and my experience make a great match. I will contact you early next week to arrange a convenient time for us to meet.



To: Renee Martin Fax: (617) 555-7793
From: Drew Sterling Date: 12/24/97
Re: Resume for Drew Sterling Pages: 2

Please note the attached resume that I have faxed in response to your advertisement. I found the wording of your advertisement with emphasis on leadership, innovation, and change quite intriguing. It is in response to such challenges that I have excelled during my career.

I look forward to meeting with you personally and discussing the needs of _______________ in greater detail. I can be reached at the above telephone number.



To: Lisa Peterson Fax: (410) 555-4016
From: Drew Sterling Date: 12/24/97
Re: Resume for Drew Sterling Pages: 2

The position of _______________, as advertised in the _______________ edition of the _______________, is a perfect match for my skills and experience. In my current position as _______________, I _______________. Perhaps I can make similar contributions to your firm.

The attached resume, which is being faxed with this cover, will give you a brief summary of my abilities. But there is more to share. As your _______________ (job title), I know I can help your company achieve its goals and objectives in this fast-paced, high-tech environment. I am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss this exciting, challenging position in more detail.



To: David Coleman Fax: (817) 555-6051
From: Drew Sterling Date: 12/24/97
Re: Resume for Drew Sterling Pages: 2

I noted your ad for a/an _______________ in the _______________ edition of the _______________ with considerable interest. This sounds like an excellent opportunity. I would appear to have the qualifications you seek and am therefore faxing you my resume for consideration.

I look forward to your reply and hope that we will have the opportunity to meet in the near future. Thank you for your consideration.
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Post by jj »

Follow-Up Letter

I appreciated meeting with you on _______________ (date) and learning more about _______________ (company). The more I learn about your firm, the more I believe I am the person for the job.

As I thought about your company’s tight deadline requirements as described to me, I realized that my experience in _______________ has given me the ability to meet such schedules. As a/an _______________, I know the value of working with someone who cannot only meet immediate needs, but be able to work within a budget and a time frame.

Perhaps we should meet again to further discuss the contributions that I could make to your firm if employed as a/an _______________ of your team. Should you agree, I can be reached during office hours at _______________ or at _______________ in the evening.


I appreciated meeting with you on _______________ (date) and learning more about _______________ (company). The more I learn about your firm, the more I believe I am the person for the job.

As you get closer to the decision of whom to hire for this position, I would like to restate that skill and adaptability are the first two words that come to mind when asked to describe my qualifications. "Can Do" and "Will Do" are the watchwords that describe my attitude. My progressive background was detailed on my resume. Whatever your expectation, I know that I can exceed it!

I will contact you in a few days to review my qualifications and your requirements for the position. Thank you for your consideration and time.


Although it was discouraging to learn that you have chosen another candidate for the _______________ position, I wanted to let you know that I still feel my qualifications and skills can benefit _______________ (company). If anything changes, or another position becomes available, please give me a call.

As a member of your firm I would bring a positive mental attitude, experience, education, and a goal-oriented mentality. I work well with others, have an insatiable appetite to gain and apply new knowledge, and have gained valuable business sense through everyday experience.

I am certainly interested in exploring how I may be a part of _______________ company’s future growth in the field.


Having recently moved to _______________, I was pleased to see a name that I recognized when I attended the first employment seminar at _______________ (company). Although we didn’t have time to speak at length, I would like to point out that I have a background in _______________, and a thorough knowledge of _______________ and _______________. At _______________, I played a major role in _______________.

I believe my work experience record reflects my determination and desire to produce exceptional work. My management style is to lead by action, assess the situation, and create consensus through effective communication at all levels.

I will contact you during the week of _______________ to discuss our next step. I am confident that, working together, we can bring my job search to a successful conclusion.
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Post by jj »

Networking Letter

For the entire time we’ve been acquainted, I have been in the field of _______________. Although I have enjoyed my years of experience and broadening opportunities, I feel it is time for a change. I have always wanted to be involved with _______________ (field), and there is no better time than the present to make this change. Naturally this led me to think of you, since you have contributed so much to this field throughout your career.

I believe my enclosed resume demonstrates that I have a reputation as a self-sufficient, innovative problem-solver with a background in teamwork and superior performance. I also believe that I could be just the type of employee that companies in this industry are searching for.

I would appreciate any advice or referrals you might be able to give me and will be in contact with you early next week.


Your name was given to me by _______________ (name), from _______________. I was led to believe that you both knew each other from previous opportunities you had to work together in the past. _______________ and I have also worked together, both as _______________ (title or field) and as _______________ (title or field).

As an upcoming graduate in _______________, I am interested in joining the staff of a progressive company in the field of _______________. My interest in this area developed from independent research that I completed during my final year at _______________ (school). I learned to appreciate the need a dynamic and growing firm has for capable and efficient personnel.

I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you in more detail about my career plans. You no doubt have ideas and suggestions that I haven’t even thought of and possibly even names of other people whom I could contact. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.
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Post by jj »

Letter of Recommendation

_______________ was employed by _______________ from _______________ through _______________. During this time, he/she was responsible for _______________. In addition he/she retained responsibilities for the _______________ Division.

_______________ position at _______________ was _______________, a position that encompassed a broad range of _______________ and _______________ responsibilities. He/She successfully _______________, and made a significant contribution to the management of the division.

_______________ is an effective manager with an open communications style. He/She established good rapport with subordinates, peers, and superiors at the division and corporate level. I found him/her to be a good team player and a reliable professional.


I have known _______________ through his/her work experience with our firm during the _______________ when he/she served as an _______________ in our office.

_______________ has shown the kind of initiative which is necessary to be successful over the long-term in the _______________ field. He/She has excellent _______________ skills, yet remains focused on the overall needs of the client. I believe he/she will be a strong _______________ and has an excellent future in the _______________ field. He/She is a conscientious worker and has an excellent work ethic.

I recommend _______________ to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to his/her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to call me.
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Post by jj »

Relocation Letter

I have been exploring growth firms like yours in the _______________ area because I will be settling there in the near future. My research indicates that _______________ may be just the firm to utilize my experience in _______________.

While in the _______________ area, I had the responsibilities of _______________, _______________, and _______________. My experience includes working with _______________. The enclosed resume will give you more information concerning my work experience and education.

I would welcome a personal interview with you in which we may discuss my future potential contributions to your company. I will call you the week of _______________ to determine a convenient time when we may talk.


With _____________ (company’s) current decision to downsize, as you know my position is being eliminated at this time. I appreciate the help and assistance you have given me to explore new job opportunities and to find new employment. It is with pleasure that I wish to inform you that my search has been successful.

During the next two weeks, I am willing to help in any way that I can to facilitate a smooth transition for all concerned.

Thank you for your understanding and patience under these extreme circumstances.
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Post by jj »

Offer Acceptance

I would like to thank you for the offer of employment for the position of _______________. I have analyzed your offer deliberately and carefully, and am pleased to inform you that I accept wholeheartedly.

Thank you for the confidence you have shown. I look forward to working with you and the other members of your staff.

I look forward to my future association with your firm. As advised, I will report to your office at 8:30 a.m. on _______________.

Offer Rejection

I appreciated the time we have spent together and the opportunity I had to learn about your company’s goals and objectives. It is always rewarding to learn of new and creative ways to approach challenges in the workforce. I wanted you to know that I have chosen to pursue another path and will be removing my name from consideration for this position.

My current employer, _______________ (company), has made a counteroffer of a new position and raise that I simply could not refuse. Please know that it was a difficult choice, as I found your company to be a progressive and expansive firm. I would have enjoyed the opportunity to working with your talented staff.

I want to wish you well in your continued search for the right person to fill the position. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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Post by jj »

Resignation Letter

This will confirm our discussion of _______________ in which I advised you of my decision to resign from _______________ (company). My _______________ years at _______________ (company) have been an exciting and growing experience, but I feel the time has come to move on to new challenges.

I wish to thank you for your continued guidance, support, encouraging words and thoughts over the past _____________. It is due to the experience I gained here that I am now able to pursue this opportunity.

Thank you again. It has been a pleasure being a part of your team.

Thank You Letter

I want to thank you and the other staff members at _______________ for taking a day to get acquainted. For me, it was a day well spent. I see now why _______________ is so important to _______________. Furthermore, after a day of learning and reflection, I'm positive that I can contribute to the _______________ field in a positive way.

My career search has been a powerful and positive experience. It seemed likely that my next job would come from the recommendation of a friend and I’m glad it was you.

If at any time in the future with my new company I may be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.


As you know, sometimes it is a challenge to make the exact contact necessary in a job search that can truly make a difference. Thank you for getting me in the door at _______________ (company). The invaluable contact you gave me was certainly the right one. I have been able to talk with _______________ and schedule an interview. I am excited about the process of determining if an employment possibility exists at this time.

Since we last spoke, I have followed your advice and _______________. You were right, it has certainly helped me _______________. I plan to continue _______________ until I have _______________. Thank you for both your advice and career guidance. I know it will help me in my future quest for employment.

In the meantime, I'd also like to thank you for your help and cooperation in my career search. You provided necessary encouragement, motivation, and support and it has made a tremendous difference over the past few months while I have been looking for a new job.
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Post by LatvianAmber »

j' wrote:Cover Letter

If _______________ (company) requires a high-energy _______________ (title) with a no-excuses attitude and is up to any task, then I’m the person you’re seeking. My qualifications and experience will enable me to fulfill your expectations..........................................................................

Это из той Resume Программы? No offense, but it sounds a little pushy: "I would like to stop by and meet with you personally. Please expect my call in the coming week so that we might be able to get together in the near future."

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cover letters and ... tea

Post by star_gazer »

J - thanks for the sample cover letters!:) One acquaintant of mine recently "composed" a very interesting cover letter: he attached to it a tea-bag and wished the recruiters to enjoy their tea while reading it... I don't question the importance of formalities but I think the main thing about cover letters is to make you stand-off from others, provided it is not a manifestation of idiotism or ... some other mental desease. :) Eventually, he got this job (of course, not because of the tea-bag only :) )

Latvian Amber,
Это из той Resume Программы? No offense, but it sounds a little pushy: "I would like to stop by and meet with you personally. Please expect my call in the coming week so that we might be able to get together in the near future."

some companies do look for pushy and aggresive people. It's their trademark. Cantor Fitzgerald, for example. Though I agree "I would like to stop by..." can by no means be included in the cover letter. :)

Thanks for tolerating English! My keybord is in English! And I am not tolerant to "Nadsadskii" yazik! :) :)
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Re: cover letters and ... tea

Post by LatvianAmber »

star_gazer wrote:J - thanks for the sample cover letters!:) One acquaintant of mine recently "composed" a very interesting cover letter: he attached to it a tea-bag and wished the recruiters to enjoy their tea while reading it... I don't question the importance of formalities but I think the main thing about cover letters is to make you stand-off from others, provided it is not a manifestation of idiotism or ... some other mental desease. :) Eventually, he got this job (of course, not because of the tea-bag only :) )

Latvian Amber,
Это из той Resume Программы? No offense, but it sounds a little pushy: "I would like to stop by and meet with you personally. Please expect my call in the coming week so that we might be able to get together in the near future."

some companies do look for pushy and aggresive people. It's their trademark. Cantor Fitzgerald, for example. Though I agree "I would like to stop by..." can by no means be included in the cover letter. :)

Thanks for tolerating English! My keybord is in English! And I am not tolerant to "Nadsadskii" yazik! :) :)

Ой, спасибо, не знала!
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Post by Pness »

У меня есть неплохая програмка resume maker...я бы могла выложить
Да, хочу добавить:
вся информация - по NY...а New York

I was not able to send you personal e-mail. I live in NYC, just got laid off.
Was wondering if you can share with me your program. Would you please e-mail me at: kyzgaldak@yahoo.com
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Post by Primavera »

Хорошие советы, но у всех по разному. Когда я искала первую работу около полугода, посылала resume по е-маил, фах, почте, то не было никакого толку. Тоесть сначала контактировали, но после того как я посылал им resume не было никакого ответа. За все время было только одно интервью через одно агенство, и компания мне не понравилась.

Искать первую работу очень тяжело. Спрашивала знакомых как они свою первую работу искали и получалось что все "опрошенные" окончили хоть какие то местные курсы. Поътому бросила я все это и пошла учитсья. Вот тогда на то же самое resume меня приглашали по 6-8 интервью через университет. Так что не в resume дело.

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