ax3816 wrote: ....
Ну Ну

Совсем неплохой такой кризис. Спекулю - остановили.Теперь наконец можна будет купить нормальный домик без "гони-оффер-на-месте-или-вон-от-сюда." Фсе вернулось в прежнее русло.
Moderator: Komissar
kanada wrote:Совсем неплохой такой кризис. Спекулю - остановили.Теперь наконец можна будет купить нормальный домик без "гони-оффер-на-месте-или-вон-от-сюда." Фсе вернулось в прежнее русло.
A. Fig Lee wrote:U.S. could face $2 trillion lending shock: Goldman
But unlike stock market losses, which are typically absorbed by "long-only" investors, this mortgage-related hit is mostly borne by leveraged investors such as banks, broker-dealers, hedge funds and government-sponsored enterprises.
And leveraged investors react to losses by actively cutting back lending to keep capital ratios from falling -- A bank targeting a constant capital ratio of 10 percent, for example, would need to shrink its balance by $10 for every $1 in losses.
"The macroeconomic consequences could be quite dramatic," Hatzius said in the note to clients. "If leveraged investors see $200 billion of the $400 billion aggregate credit loss, they might need to scale back their lending by $2 trillion."
ILT wrote: К сожалению кроме спекулянтов пострадало и пострадает много нормальных людей. И это ужасно не справедливо по отношению к ним. Я не вижу причин радоваться.
ax3816 wrote:unemployed black man sitting on a crumbling porch somewhere in Alabama in his string vest.
Occasion had it that we had to travel into the wilds of Loudoun County, to a subdivision of elegant brick townhouses surrounded by… piles of dirt.
To be fair, this particular subdivision was nicer than most of the particleboard and vinyl shantytowns that pass for development in eastern Loudoun County.
What was lacking in human activity was made up for by For Sale signs--dozens of them, each more desperate looking than the next. “Buy Me!” one said plaintively. Many added the ominous word “Foreclosure” to the cat-bird spot at the top of the sign usually reserved for such teasers as “I’m Beautiful Inside!” or, in happier times, “Under Contract.” A sign taped to the window of one home for sale warned that it had already been winterproofed, urging Realtors not to turn on the water or flush the toilet on the off chance they had someone to show the home to before spring rolls around.
Then, as we were sitting in the deserted green space, we finally saw movement. Two Loudoun County sheriff department cars pulling up to a townhouse whose furniture had been disgorged to the curb. An honest to goodness foreclosure! Of course, neither the foreclosers nor the foreclosees were anywhere to be seen, so the deputies settled for getting out of their cars and milling around for a few minutes before driving away. No lights, no sirens. Just another day as part of Loudoun’s Special Foreclosures Unit, we guess.
Then it was time to walk back through the deserted, faux-urban streets to our car and drive home. For some reason, the phrase “nuclear winter” kept flitting through our heads. Somehow, it fit.
Tired wrote:Вот что происходит в самом богатом (по median household income) большом (with population 250К+) county страны:
ILT wrote:kanada wrote:Совсем неплохой такой кризис. Спекулю - остановили.Теперь наконец можна будет купить нормальный домик без "гони-оффер-на-месте-или-вон-от-сюда." Фсе вернулось в прежнее русло.
К сожалению кроме спекулянтов пострадало и пострадает много нормальных людей. И это ужасно не справедливо по отношению к ним. Я не вижу причин радоваться.
genka8 wrote:Ой, скажите какого!serginfo wrote:helg wrote:В MD к власти пришли демократы. Закон о комплексном повышении всех на свете налогов находится на последней стадии принятия. Sales tax, personal/corp income tax, property tax, gas tax и все остальное по мелочам. Успокаивает лишь то, что 90% повышения пойдет из карманов жителей всего лишь одного округа штата.
И мы даже знаем какого...И это не успокаивает...
kanada wrote:Капитализьмнада было смотреть, что покупать. Из моих правильных знакомых никто не посрадал. Пострадали только те, кто спекулировали без резерва. А спекуляция без резерва это грех. Так что фсе тип топ.
The chief financial officer, Stephen Swad, said in the call that some of the $670 million in provisions for credit losses on soured home loans that Fannie wrote off in the third quarter likely would be recovered.
"We book what we book under (generally accepted accounting principles) and we provide this disclosure to help you understand it," Swad said.
When it reported a more than doubling of its third-quarter losses last week, Fannie said it changed how it calculates the ratio of its credit losses from mortgages in default.
Using the new method, it reported, on an annual basis, a credit-loss ratio of 4 basis points for the first nine months of this year -- meaning the company lost money on four of every 1,000 mortgages it holds on its $2.4 trillion book.
Yet the Fortune article points out that if the old method were retained, the credit-loss ratio for that period would be 7.5 basis points -- far exceeding Fannie Mae's forecasts.
Several analysts asked the executives in the conference call why the company couldn't disclose what proportion of high-risk mortgages it is able to refinance into fixed-rate loans and save from default.
BOBAH wrote:Tired wrote:Вот что происходит в самом богатом (по median household income) большом (with population 250К+) county страны:
Это замечательное место где-нибудь в лесу, три дня на оленях до ближайшего места скопления работы и как раз на пути взлетающих и садящихся джамбо джетов?
Tired wrote:BOBAH wrote:Это замечательное место где-нибудь в лесу, три дня на оленях до ближайшего места скопления работы и как раз на пути взлетающих и садящихся джамбо джетов?
Новые кирпично-облицованные таунхаусы в Ashburn? Работа - вот она, вся по 267-й, а джеты там не летают.
406 Williamsburg Road, Sterling VA 20164
3 br 1 ba
Single-Family Home
Exceptional opportunity on this bank owned property: 3 BR's, full bath, and 1-level living at its best; huge rear fenced yard; 1-car garage; wood floors; updated vinyl double-pane windows, a...
Sales History
Historical home sale price (1): $410,000
Prior sale date: Apr 27, 2006
Change since this sale (1): -37%