Photoshop, Fonts problem

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Зарегистрирован: Вс ноя 05, 2000 4:01 am
Откуда: NJ, USA

Photoshop, Fonts problem

Сообщение AndreiNJ »

Hi, I would like to install fonts to the the photoshop at school computer lab (version 6.01). Problem is that except for My Documents all other folders are Read-Only. The OS is XP. I was wondering if there was any way to install fonts in my documents and make Photoshop read them form there. There must be some trick. Thank you.
God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest.
-Swedish proverb
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Re: Photoshop, Fonts problem

Сообщение lozzy »

AndreiNJ писал(а):Hi, I would like to install fonts to the the photoshop at school computer lab (version 6.01). Problem is that except for My Documents all other folders are Read-Only. The OS is XP. I was wondering if there was any way to install fonts in my documents and make Photoshop read them form there. There must be some trick. Thank you.

I bet, that you must have administrator's rights to install new fonts in the Windows. Iam not sure, but you are unable to install these fonts into the 'My Documents' folder, and there are no tricks to do that. BTW, have you tried to remove 'read-only' flag from the Windows directory as well ?
Steel helmet protects your teeth from the morning to the evening.
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Уже с Приветом
Сообщения: 311
Зарегистрирован: Вс ноя 05, 2000 4:01 am
Откуда: NJ, USA

I found solution

Сообщение AndreiNJ »

2 lozzy: yes, i tried. i couldn't do it, I guess I'd have to have admin privilegies set.

However, I installed typograph, and tha's exactly what I needed in that situation. And it works from a ZIP disk also.
God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest.
-Swedish proverb

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