винипух - пожизненный през. банит эфемизмы

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винипух - пожизненный през. банит эфемизмы

Сообщение geek7 »

новость уже несвежая, но мимо меня как-то прошло. пока ВВП робко увеличивает себе срок с 4 до 6 и занимается чехардой с медведёнком, вини решительно поменял конституцию:
проблемка в том, что китайсы ещё помнят почему ограничение ввели.. и ,гады такие, не сильно рады.. протестовать чревато, но и поиронизировать недают: банят эфемизмы со скоростью их возникновения в народе..
начали с "мой император" потом "долгие лета" и дальше дошло до того что забанили общеупотребительное "несогласен"
вот ребята прикалываются:

Social media users began to criticize the term limit announcement shortly after it was made, but posts that were critical of the proposed amendment were quickly deleted by Chinese censors and word bans were put into place.

When users attempted to publish banned terms over Weibo, a message said: “Sorry, the content violates the relevant laws and regulations or Weibo’s terms of service.”

The condom manufacturer Durex even found itself in the political censorship battle after a past advertisement was circulated with the phrase “doing it twice is not enough,” referencing the possibility of Xi continuing to rule after he serves his two presidential terms.

Internet searches for similar terms were blocked by censors along with social media posts. Searches for the terms “immortality,” “incapable ruler,” and “I oppose” were all blocked from the microblogging site.

There was also a dramatic increase in web searches for the term “migration” a few hours after the proposed amendment was announced, which lead to it being banned from searches.
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