English Test (check it out)

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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 06, 2002 7:19 pm
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English Test (check it out)

Сообщение Kolyan »

English test

Fill in the space giving the correct answer.

1. If the figures arrive on time I _____ them. (process)
2. The phone rang but I didn't hear it. I______ asleep. (be)
3. You look tired. ________ hard? (work)
4. Have you started the report? Yes I _______already_______ it. (finish)
5. Dick_______ off his chair while he________ the fax machine. (fall/fix)
6. What would you do if somebody_________ you a lot of money? (give)
7. You'll recognize him. He _______ a dark grey suit. (wear)
8. I ________ how to use the computer on a course 2 years ago. (learn)
9. I _______ at university for 3 years. (study)
10. What _________ you at 10.00am yesterday morning? (do)

Choose the correct answer to fill the gap in each sentence.

11. Anticipating the stock market is ______________thing in the world (more difficult, most difficult, the most difficult, difficult)
12. He was __________as he went along (making it on, making it up, making it out, making it in)
13. The meeting has been _____. ( put in, put on, put out, put off)
14. The action we take depends _____the sales figures. (on, of, in, to)
15. I haven't read it yet. I'll _____________it later. (look up, look after, look at, look to)
16. It is ________fantastic deal. (so, such, such a, a so)
17. He is very ________when dealing with the unions. (political, diplomacy, diplomatic, tender)
18. It's important not to ______mistakes.(make, do, put, made)
19. We were given a lot of information but I'm afraid I didn't___________.(take all, take away, take it in, take it over)
20. Could you ________ me to send this demo? (remind, remember, recall, advise)
You have bigger fish to fry.
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 06, 2002 7:19 pm
Откуда: Restorante

Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение Kolyan »

kak ni stranno no pokazhetsja chto English Test prostoi no ... vipolnit' ego na 100% ne tak to i prosto
Poprobuite i ubedites'
You have bigger fish to fry.
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение Lisa »

По-моему тест совершенно примитивный. :pain1:
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение MicroX »

По-моему, тоже.

А что у Вас вызывает затруднения?
На вопрос: "Есть ли Бог?", мы, коммунисты, отвечаем: "Да, Бога нет!"
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение FUBAR »

Этот тест от сюда http://www.businessenglishstudy.com/?page_id=36

Вот как я заполнил:
Fill in the space giving the correct answer.

1. If the figures arrive on time I will process them.
2. The phone rang but I didn't hear it. I was asleep.
3. You look tired. Worked hard?
4. Have you started the report? Yes I have already finished it.
5. Dick fell off his chair while he was fixing the fax machine.
6. What would you do if somebody gave you a lot of money?
7. You'll recognize him. He is wearing a dark grey suit.
8. I learned how to use the computer on a course 2 years ago.
9. I have been studying at university for 3 years.
10. What were you doing at 10.00am yesterday morning?

Choose the correct answer to fill the gap in each sentence.

11. Anticipating the stock market is the most difficult thing in the world.
12. He was making it up as he went along.
13. The meeting has been put off.
14. The action we take depends on the sales figures.
15. I haven't read it yet. I'll look at it later.
16. It is such a fantastic deal.
17. He is very diplomatic when dealing with the unions.
18. It's important not to make mistakes.
19. We were given a lot of information but I'm afraid I didn't take it in.
20. Could you remind me to send this memo?

И вот какой у меня результат:
You scored 17. According to our test,
your English level is Advanced.
Try again.
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение vm__ »

FUBAR писал(а): You scored 17. According to our test,
your English level is Advanced.
Try again.
17 out of 17? 20? 100? 100000? :pain1: How it compares to Credit Score? :mrgreen:
А почему "try again"? Намекают что-ли как бы на что-то? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Зарегистрирован: Пн окт 29, 2007 1:59 am
Откуда: Мне не повезло, я не такой как все, я живу в Бруклине-е... бууу-э-э-э! :(

Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение FUBAR »

vm__ писал(а):
FUBAR писал(а): You scored 17. According to our test,
your English level is Advanced.
Try again.
17 out of 17? 20? 100? 100000? :pain1: How it compares to Credit Score? :mrgreen:
А почему "try again"? Намекают что-ли как бы на что-то? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Там высшая оценка должна быть 20, потому что всего 20 вопросов :)
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение *Lora »

У меня такое впечатление, что 17 -- это максимум, который можно получить за этот тест. То есть даже если все ответы правильные, больше баллов не получится: им же надо вас убедить, что ваш английский требует доработки и за это (то есть за их уроки) надо платить. :-)
You will never have this day again.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 21, 2005 3:18 pm
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение starkiller »

3. You look tired. Have you been working hard?
7. You'll recognize him. He will be wearing a dark grey suit.

+= 2
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 05, 2007 10:10 pm
Откуда: Crimea ->Watertown, MA

Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение *Lora »

То есть удалось дойти до 19? Я пробовала поменять на "will be wearing"; количество баллов осталось 17.

Я вообще пробовала менять планомерно многие ответы, в том числе и просто убирая их. Результаты были не вполне ожиданные.
You will never have this day again.
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Re: English Test (check it out)

Сообщение Datafeed »

Мне удалось набрать 18. В словаре написано, что можно употреблять learnt наравне с learned. Но это, конечно, нечестно считать learned неправильным ответом на 8-ой вопрос: learned это более правильный ответ, потому что это не только официально правильная форма, но и гораздо более часто употребляемый вариант. Не удалось подобрать ничего на 2-ой и 3-ий вопросы. Если на второй вопрос ответить was, а не ххх как в моих ответах приведенных ниже, то балла это не добавит :angry:

1. If the figures arrive on time I will process them.
2. The phone rang but I didn't hear it. I ххх asleep. :%)
3. You look tired. ххх hard? :%)
4. Have you started the report? Yes I have already finished it.
5. Dick fell off his chair while he was fixing the fax machine.
6. What would you do if somebody gave you a lot of money?
7. You'll recognise him. He is wearing a dark grey suit.
8. I learnt how to use the computer on a course 2 years ago. :shock:
9. I have been studying at university for 3 years.
10. What were you doing at 10.00am yesterday morning?

11. Anticipating the stock market is the most difficult thing in the world
12. He was making it up as he went along
13. The meeting has been put off.
14. The action we take depends on the sales figures.
15. I haven't read it yet. I'll look at it later.
16. It is such a fantastic deal.
17. He is very diplomatic when dealing with the unions.
18. It's important not to make mistakes.
19. We were given a lot of information but I'm afraid I didn't take it in.
20. Could you remind me to send this memo?

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