Мапополис уходит с рынка PPC
Добавлено: Пт янв 19, 2007 7:29 am
http://www.gpspassion.com/forumsen/topi ... C_ID=76767
Очень печальные новости. Мне лично пришелся по душе продукт этой компании. Видно со временем прийдется искать что то еще. Уже зарегестрировался на форуме бета тестеров I-GO. Посмотрим что там.
Hi, Jim and other forum members,
Yes, it's true. Over the next few months Mapopolis will be ramping down sales of software products for PDAs and phones in order to concentrate on our core business interests. Product and support will continue to be available during this time, but I don't have any further specifics to mention at this time. Right now, you know about much as I do.
Added 1/12/07:
The current plan, I've been told, is to operate sales and support until March 31, 2007. The map server and customer support will be continued for one year afterward so that every customer's download term is complete.
The next generation Mapopolis product is to be integrated into another company's products. We will not disclose who that other company is at this time.
Thank you all for using Mapopolis, and thank many of you for participating as we tried to make the products better. Because of your help, we did.
Added 1-14-2007:
I'm going to be looking for a job! If anybody knows of a company that needs an American customer support person familiar with Palms, Pocket PCs, Windows Mobile devices, GPS devices, car mounts, and Windows XP who has a home office with a fast internet connection, please send them to me.
Added 1-15-2207:
Since there seems to be some confusion on other sites linking back to this thread, here's a clarification: Support will continue as long as anyone has an active Map Pack. This means it will run at least a year after the last day of sales. Nobody is going to be stranded without HELP.
Очень печальные новости. Мне лично пришелся по душе продукт этой компании. Видно со временем прийдется искать что то еще. Уже зарегестрировался на форуме бета тестеров I-GO. Посмотрим что там.