IBM Telum Processor: the next-gen microprocessor for IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE.

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IBM Telum Processor: the next-gen microprocessor for IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE.

Post by zVlad »

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Re: IBM Telum Processor: the next-gen microprocessor for IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE.

Post by zVlad »

Ну вот сам мэйнфрэйм новый появился - z16.
В отличии от предыдущих семейств в виде одной модели:

The new core IBM Telum™ dual processor chip has 16 cores, leverages the density and efficiency of 7nm chip technology, runs at 5.2 GHz, and delivers increased performance and capacity across a wide range of workloads. There are up to 200 customer configurable cores. The IBM z16 comes with up to 200 configurable cores in a single model - the Model A01. The IBM z16 A01 is available with five options of core capacity – Max39, Max82, Max125, Max168 and Max200. The system offers up to 40 TB of Redundant Array of Independent Memory (RAIM) per system.

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