When I was ten years old, my father brought an owl home. He got that owl from the hunters at his workplace, who shot the owl in its wing. Basically, the damage was not too serious, but the owl could not fly. So we took the owl to our summer house in the countryside. The owl had lived with us for a couple of months, until he learned to fly again. Then it was Fall coming, we no longer lived in the sumer house, so we had to let the owl go in the forest. I remember how we stopped the car on the roadside, went deep into the forest and put the owl on a tree stump. Then we left. I looked back and saw the owl sitting there and watching us go away. It is a sad story, because I don't know if the owl survived - we did everything we should, but could we have done more?
Вот интересная фотография:
С виду филины довольно крупные, но когда дотрагиваешься рукой, чувствуешь как проминаются перья, а под ними находится совсем маленькое тельце. Любопытно, совы умеют поворачивать голову на очень большой угол. Причем, поворачивают они плавно, неотрывно следя за перемещающимся объектом.
Может быть у кого-нибудь тоже есть истории или фотографии про сов?