С предпринимательством понятно - там деньги как бы твои. А как в LLC? Платится себе зарплата? А когда платятся налоги с зарплаты, каждый месяц или раз в год? Или как-то кроме зарплаты?
LLC is a partnership for tax purposes. So you are supposed to file a partnership tax return each year. You cam make capital distributions to the members of LLC, or pay a salary to yourself.
If LLC is a single-owner LLC, then it is treated just like a sole-proprietorship and the income is just included on your tax return.
You cannot pay salary to a partner because partner/member is not an employee. Partner can have a draw, but will pay taxes (income and self-employment) on net income reported on K-1.
ElinaSF писал(а):You cannot pay salary to a partner because partner/member is not an employee. Partner can have a draw, but will pay taxes (income and self-employment) on net income reported on K-1.
A partner can be an employee, although most of the time there is no benefit of being an employee.
Partner can have a guarantee payment, but he is not and employee for partnership vs. shareholder/officer in corporation-employee of corporation (getting W-2)
ElinaSF писал(а):Partner can have a guarantee payment, but he is not and employee for partnership vs. shareholder/officer in corporation-employee of corporation (getting W-2)
I hope you agree that this kind of situation rather unusual then usual in ordinary course of business and in majority of cases partners become partners to act as partners.