Gospoda finansisty!

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Gospoda finansisty!

Post by ror »

Dajte poszalujsta kakije-nibud ssylki na temu bankowskoj sistemy w USA. To est kakije accont i na kakix uslowijax moszno otkryt (osobenno dla California). Prijexal paru nedel nazad - 4ajnik polnij :pain1: A s4et to otkrywat' nado :umnik1: ...
Счастье есть... оно не может не есть...
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Post by PostoronnimV »

For day-to-day operations a *checking* account in any bank would do.
Any accounts are Federally insured up to $100,000 (hundred thousand) so your money will be safe. Simply select a bank with zero or minimal monthly fees, no checking fees and no ATM fees. Some options coming to mind would be
1) credit union through your profession,
2) Washington Mutual bank,
3) Bank of America.
After that you can take sweet time to figure out some interest-bearing accounts that suit you best.
*You can have as many accounts as you want in as many banks as you want.*
There are regular savings acounts, there are time deposits (~"srochnyj vklad"), aka CDs, with higher interest, there are also Money Market accounts with even higher interest, but the latter are not Federally guaranteed, so you are putting your money at risk.
Moving money between your checking and saving accounts is free if you use paper checks or online banking. Time deposits and money markets are considered "investments", and you can move money out of them only at certain maturity dates (same as "srochnyj vklad").
Finding good Time deposits or money markets for your investable money is a non-trivial and individual matter - collect and compare literature from your local banks, browse Internet. While you do, your primary checking account will serve your needs just fine.
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