Дамы & Господа!
Стоит дилемма. Как и где продолжать образование?
Ситуация такова. Моя жена имеет склонность к техническим наукам, в т.ч. IT. Текущее образование - ПТУ по специальности "оператор ЭВМ". Правда было это лет семь назад и техника тоже была соответствующая (СМ ЭВМ).
В настоящий момент есть планы продолжить образование в IT направлении поступлением в ВУЗ по программерной специальности.
Закавыка вот в чем. Имеет ли это смысл (учиться всеже 5 лет), если я не собираюсь торчать в России больше 2-х лет и жена на 99,9(9)% поедет со мной? Будут лишь бессмысленно потрачены время и деньги.
Я думаю может лучше, перебравшись в Штаты, получать образование там?
Так вот, насколько(по сроку обучения - меньше=>лучше) и куда имеет смысл рассчитывать поступать учиться в Америке?
Какие могут быть соображения?
P.S. Докторами наук никто становиться не собирается... [img:c255ba339c]http://www.privet.com/ubb/wink.gif[/img:c255ba339c]
На перепутье IT образования...
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- Joined: 17 Jun 1999 09:01
На перепутье IT образования...
To: DB
A while ago I wrote a letter to my friend about different possibilities of getting a higher degree in US. Something in this letter might not be applicable to your situation but at least gives some understanding of getting degree in US. I just want to add to this letter that students must work very hard in comparison to Russian students. They have a lot of homework every day and grades they get very depend on this homework. For foreigner there are special rules to get offer from universities. They must pass a TOEFL (test of English as foreign language) and send some appropriate documents to the selected college. Special Educational Testing Services might help in that. The following is my letter, sorry if something is not interesting for you.
There are three levels of education which is considered in Russia as a "srednyaa shkola": elementary school, middle school and high school. All together there are 12 grades and students graduate a high school at the age of 18. The quality of the school really depends on state and location of the school. When we moved to the Bay Area we got the special School District Sufficiency Report, which told us about schools in this area. In our area some schools are better, some are worse. My daughter attended public high school in Los Altos - this is a small town (30000 population) where we live. All schools in our town are better then surroundings and majorities of kids attend public schools. There are also a lot of private (religious) schools. Sometimes it doesn't mean that private school is better then public. Before you make your decision you must take some investigation what is better. Private schools are expensive. The average tuition might be ~$800-1000 per month; public schools are free of charge.
Usually at 11th grade kids take SAT test and based on the score received they decide which university they are going to apply. The system of continues education is huge. And there are so many possibilities there. If the kid is highly motivated and takes sophisticated classes in public high school, has good scores on SAT test and very good Grade Point Average (GPA - sredniy bal), he has a very good chances to get to good universities. Even he might get some grants to pay for education. For example, my daughter applied into 5-7 different universities. In some of them she got Regional Scholarship (I think in 2 of them), some of them sad they put her on a waiting list, some of them took her. That was her decision to take any one of those universities that already gave her admission offer. She chosen California State University at Berkeley (this university didn't give her any scholarships but is considered to be a very good one even through the world known universities). Next year she will graduate with bachelor in history and creative writing major. The same way it works for graduate school graduee, she will apply to several universities and choose the right one for her among schools that give her admission offer.
University at Berkeley - is a state public university even it is a good one. The tuition there is not that expensive. Besides living expenses the tuition only cost ~$4500 in a full year (2 semesters) + ~$1000 for textbooks. Private universities are much more expensive. For example, Stanford University, which is also a world level of recognition university, costs about $25000 (including living expences) a year, there is another one private university which nobody knows, - Santa Clara University, it also costs about $20000 per year. If you do not have enough money to pay but already got admission offer, there is a system of student loans and grants the kid might apply for.
So, as you can see there are a lot!!! of different opportunities for highest degrees here. Most important part is - to be here as a permanent resident (the person who lives within the state more then one year) because foreigners have different pricing on getting degree.
end of letter
This is only information and hopefully it will help you to make a decision.
Good luck, Dushka
A while ago I wrote a letter to my friend about different possibilities of getting a higher degree in US. Something in this letter might not be applicable to your situation but at least gives some understanding of getting degree in US. I just want to add to this letter that students must work very hard in comparison to Russian students. They have a lot of homework every day and grades they get very depend on this homework. For foreigner there are special rules to get offer from universities. They must pass a TOEFL (test of English as foreign language) and send some appropriate documents to the selected college. Special Educational Testing Services might help in that. The following is my letter, sorry if something is not interesting for you.
There are three levels of education which is considered in Russia as a "srednyaa shkola": elementary school, middle school and high school. All together there are 12 grades and students graduate a high school at the age of 18. The quality of the school really depends on state and location of the school. When we moved to the Bay Area we got the special School District Sufficiency Report, which told us about schools in this area. In our area some schools are better, some are worse. My daughter attended public high school in Los Altos - this is a small town (30000 population) where we live. All schools in our town are better then surroundings and majorities of kids attend public schools. There are also a lot of private (religious) schools. Sometimes it doesn't mean that private school is better then public. Before you make your decision you must take some investigation what is better. Private schools are expensive. The average tuition might be ~$800-1000 per month; public schools are free of charge.
Usually at 11th grade kids take SAT test and based on the score received they decide which university they are going to apply. The system of continues education is huge. And there are so many possibilities there. If the kid is highly motivated and takes sophisticated classes in public high school, has good scores on SAT test and very good Grade Point Average (GPA - sredniy bal), he has a very good chances to get to good universities. Even he might get some grants to pay for education. For example, my daughter applied into 5-7 different universities. In some of them she got Regional Scholarship (I think in 2 of them), some of them sad they put her on a waiting list, some of them took her. That was her decision to take any one of those universities that already gave her admission offer. She chosen California State University at Berkeley (this university didn't give her any scholarships but is considered to be a very good one even through the world known universities). Next year she will graduate with bachelor in history and creative writing major. The same way it works for graduate school graduee, she will apply to several universities and choose the right one for her among schools that give her admission offer.
University at Berkeley - is a state public university even it is a good one. The tuition there is not that expensive. Besides living expenses the tuition only cost ~$4500 in a full year (2 semesters) + ~$1000 for textbooks. Private universities are much more expensive. For example, Stanford University, which is also a world level of recognition university, costs about $25000 (including living expences) a year, there is another one private university which nobody knows, - Santa Clara University, it also costs about $20000 per year. If you do not have enough money to pay but already got admission offer, there is a system of student loans and grants the kid might apply for.
So, as you can see there are a lot!!! of different opportunities for highest degrees here. Most important part is - to be here as a permanent resident (the person who lives within the state more then one year) because foreigners have different pricing on getting degree.
end of letter
This is only information and hopefully it will help you to make a decision.
Good luck, Dushka