> New Business http://www.colorado.gov/cbe/stepsNew.html
>> Establish Business Entity with Secretary of State’s Office http://www.sos.state.co.us/biz/FileDoc.do
>>> Limited liability company (LLC) (первый пункт)
вводим название, и открывается большая форма с контактной и прочей информацией.
Среди прочего есть секция
Поясните насчет последнего MUST ... Что значит "registered agent"?The registered agent name and registered agent address of the entity's registered agent are
Name * (If an individual) Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix
(If an entity)
(Caution: Do not provide both an individual and an entity name.)
Street Address Mailing Address (Required if different from street address)
Address 1: Address 2: City: State: CO Zip:
(Caution: The registered agent MUST consent to being appointed as the registered agent.)
(The following statement is adopted by marking the box.)
/здесь checkbox / The person appointed as registered agent has consented to being so appointed.
Ставить этот checkbox или нет?
Два документа, ссылки на которые есть вверху
прочитал, но это никак не прояснило картину.This document is entitled to be filed pursuant to sections 7-80-203 and 7-80-204, C.R.S.