А вот уважаемые знатоки, помогите вспомнить режиссера...
Смотрела я один жуткий фильм что-то про Содом с Гоморрой (Или 7 дней Содома ). Снял его очень известный режисер, кажется на П. Там вообще кошмар. Если поможете вспомнить режиссера и название фильма, то не смотрите
smiley_pants wrote:... Интересен был факт, что Хантер по профессии журналист и книга вообщем-то написана в соответсующем стиле. Но на удивление кино получилось нескучное несмотря на многочисленные отступления/рассуждения за кадром.
Книга Hunter S. Thompson'a "Fear..." очень автобиографична. Aвтор был по самые "уши" в культуре 60-х годов: drugs, Hell's angels, etc. Так что писал о subj со знанием дела . Книга, говорят, намного лучше чем фильм.
FLLV was first published in the November 1971 issues of Rolling Stone. It was an immediate success as a book, in which HST and his attorney travel to Las Vegas, get stoned, destroy hotel rooms and infiltrate a District Attorney's conference. Destruction and degradency are only one tangent of the book; in between the fits of comic mayhem, Thompson makes some insights into What the Sixties Meant and What the Future Holds
the notorious Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975) (Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom), a relentlessly grim fusion of Mussolini's Fascist Italy with the Marquis de Sade which was banned in Italy (and many other countries) for several years. Pasolini was murdered in still-mysterious circumstances shortly after completing the film
Boriskin wrote:Посмотрите Deadman с Джонни Деппом. Одна музыка чего стоит - Нейл Янг постарался. Кино 1990 года, черно-белое, и только от этого выигрывает.
я помню пыталась найти soundtrack к этому фильму еще в Питере. В магазинах, где работали знающие продавцы-меломаны, мне сказали, что улетал этот диск мгновенно и посоветовали другой диск с soundtrack к фильму "Париж Техас" (музыка Рэя Кудера).
Я купила этот диск. Действительно что-то общее есть. Правда в Deadman практически одна музыкальная тема, а в Париж Техас, несколько. Вообщем, рекомендую.
Boriskin wrote:Посмотрите Деадман с Джонни Деппом. Одна музыка чего стоит - Нейл Янг постарался. Кино 1990 года, черно-белое, и только от этого выигрывает.
Абсолютно согласен. Фильм крышу сшибает.
Мое предложение:
"Mulholland Dr."
"Blue Velvet "
Tigra wrote:..Still-mysterious circumstances, но без особых загадок? Вот теперь действительно заинтереговали... ...
Pasolini joined the Communist Party as a young man - in his works he often explored ideological problems, but his relationship with Communism was questioning - like later the attitude towards him by his party members. The mutual schism led to his expelling from the party for alleged homosexuality. ...his body [Pasolini] was discovered on waste ground near seaside resort of Ostia. A young male prostitute was tried and convicted for the murder in 1976
я смотрел только один его фильм "Кантерберииские истории": мдаа..
Tigra wrote:Да, creepy по-английски. По-русски - омерзительно. Это я про "A Clockwork Orange".
Хотя фильм, может, и стоит посмотреть для общего развития.
По-моему надо с книги начинать. Один сленг чего стоит.
The chelloveck sitting next to me, there being this long big plushy seat that ran round three walls, was well away with his glazzies glazed and sort of burbling slovos like "Aristotle wishy washy works outing cyclamen get forficulate smartish." He was in the land all right, well away, in orbit, and I knew what it was like, having tried it like everybody else had done, but at this time I'd got to thinking it was a cowardly sort of a veshch, O my brothers. You'd lay there after you'd drunk the old moloko and then you got the messel that everything all round you was sort of in the past. You could viddy it all right, all of it, very clear--tables, the stereo, the lights, the sharps and the malchicks--but it was like some veshch that used to be there but was not there not no more. And you were sort of hypnotized by your boot or shoe or a finger-nail as it might be, and at the same time you were sort of picked up by the old scruff and shook like you might be a cat. You got shook and shook till there was nothing left. You lost your name and your body and your self and you just didn't care, and you waited until your boot or finger-nail got yellow, then yellower and yellower all the time. Then the lights started cracking like atomics and the boot or finger-nail or, as it might be, a bit of dirt on your trouser-bottom turned into a big big big mesto, bigger than the whole world, and you were just going to get introduced to old Bog or God when it was all over. You came back to here and now whimpering sort of, with your rot all squaring up for a boohoohoo. Now that's very nice but very cowardly. You were not put on this earth just to get in touch with God. That sort of thing could sap all the strength and the goodness out of a chelloveck.