вот например что стоит $80K salary... вышел на наш проект вчера:
• Around 8 years of experience in Systems Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of various applications using Microsoft .NET Framework(CLR,FCL,CLI), C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Visual Basic 6.0/ 5.0 and 2G, 2.5G, 3G technologies.
• Good experience in front-end database programming using ADO, ADO.NET and ODBC.
• Extensive experience on applications using C#, VC++,C++,MFC,ATL COM, VB,COM+ / DCOM, MTS,MSMQ Win Sock 2.2 and Multithreading Programming in C#.net and VC++.
• Expertise in database design and database programming (Stored procedures, Triggers, Packages) using SQL 2000/ 7.0. Specialist in Data Analysis, DTS Packages, Data Modeling, Database Design and Data Migration.
• Good experience in development of reports using Crystal Reports and Data Reports.
• Good experience in Web-Development technologies like HTML, DHTML, VBScript, Java Script, IIS 4.0/5.0 and ASP/ASP.NET.
• Good knowledge on MS Commerce Server 2002, MS Content Management server 2002, BizTalk Server 2004, Share Point Portal server 2003, Microsoft Reporting Services, Microsoft Analysis Services .
• Good experience in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/OOD) using UML.
• Knowledge on application life cycle design tools and methodologies, e.g., Microsoft (MSF), Rational (RUP), Extreme Programming.
• Good experience on traditional Client/Server applications into .NET Framework conversions
• Good experience on Banking and Financial sectors.
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Communications) From Institution of Engineers, India
DECE from State Board of Technical Educational Training, India
Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCP ID# 136xxxx)
• Developing Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
• Microsoft Windows Architecture 1
• Microsoft Windows Architecture 2
• Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
Technical Skills:
Operating Systems: Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95, UNIX, Sun Solaris
Languages: C#, VB.NET, Visual Basic 6.0, VC++, C++, C, Ado.Net, Win
Forms, Web Forms, .Net Controls Winsock 2.2, PL/SQL, SQL, T-SQL.
Databases: MS SQL Server 2000/7.0, Oracle 8i, 9i, MS Access
Programming Environments: Visual Studio.NET 2003, Visual Studio 6.0
Web Technologies: ASP.NET, WebServices, ASP 3.0, XML,EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) XSL, XSD,XSLT, SOAP, DTD, XML Schemas, HTML, DHTML, IP Works API
Web Servers: IIS 6.0/5.0, PWS
Middleware: ATL COM, COM+, COM/DCOM, .Net Remoting, Web Services,
MTS, Queue (MSMQ), Active directory API.
Data Access: ADO.NET, ADO, SQLDMO.
Scripting Languages: VB Script, Java Script
Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports 8.5, 9.0, 10.0, Data Reports, MS Reporting services.
Tools: Microsoft Visio 2000, EA 5.0+ (Enterprise architect), Rational Rose, Rational
XDE, Clear Quest, Clear Case.
Modeling: UML, Model-View-Controller (MVC), Enterprise Architect
Version Control Tools: MS Visual Source Safe 6.0, CVS (concurrent versions system), Clear case.
Others: MS Office, MS Excel 2000 & 2003, TCP/IP, UDP, OLAP, LDAP, MS-OLAP,
LDAP,Directory Services (ADSI).
Professional Experience:
Persystent Technology Corporation, FL Jan 06- Till Date
Persystent Automate desktop Repair
Description: Persystent Enterprise provides automated, policy-driven desktop repairs to drastically reduce the costliest support incidents and protect PC availability. Our solution provides the flexibility and granularity to meet the unique needs of organizations across industries and of varying size.
Persystent's automated, policy-driven support software gives IT departments a proactive way to support increasingly connected and geographically diverse user bases. With every boot cycle, Persystent automatically repairs the operating system, registry, applications and settings — all based on policy, and all without human intervention.
. Involved as Sr. Software Engineer.
• Used dot Net Technologies such as C#, Asp.net.
. Developed Windows service using VC++.
. Application for network communication developed using VC++, MFC.
. Involved in Design using UML methodology (Includes Collaboration, Class, Activity diagrams)
Using Rational Rose tools.
• Involved in User Interface Design Win forms.
• Application heavily utilizes ADO.net for record retrieval information.
• Creating web services Using C# for the applications.
. Integration of all the components for the final solution and worked for Production support.
• Used Visual SourceSafe to keep track of version control.
Environment: This project is implemented under.NET Framework, , VC++, MFC, COM, C++, C#.Net,VB.net,ASP.net,Ado.net,Win Forms, Web services, .Net emoting, XML , UML , SQLSERVER 2000, T-SQL, Windows 2000 / XP / 2003.
Department of Public Welfare, PENNSYLVANIA June 05- Dec 2005
Child line Millennium (Millie)
Description: The ChildLine Millennium (Millie) application is system responsible for collecting, storing and processing suspected / confirmed child abuse and neglect information. It provides information counseling and referral services for families and children to ensure safety and well being of children of Pennsylvania. The Millie application caters to:
.Receiving suspected child abuse cases.
.Updating reported cases with investigation results (Unfounded, Indicated, and Founded).
.Issuing verification and history clearances for people who intend to work around children.
.Providing information and referral for services.
• Involved as Sr. Software Engineer in integrating the databases between different applications.
• Used dot Net Technologies such as vb.net, C# and supported applications that are developed in VB6.0
. Involved in Design using UML methodology (Includes Collaboration, Class, Activity diagrams)
Using Rational Rose tools.
• Involved in User Interface Design Win forms.
• Application heavily utilizes ADO.net for record retrieval information.
• Creating web services Using C# for the applications.
. Integration of all the components for the final solution and worked for Production support.
• Engineered DTS packages for large data transfers between SQL SERVERS and did automation using SQL jobs.
• Used Visual SourceSafe to keep track of version control.
• Involved in creation of new crystal reports like Master detail, cross tab and chart reports and executing those reports using vb.NET forms.
Environment: This project is implemented under Windows 2000, SQLSERVER 2000, T-SQL,.NET Framework, , C#.Net,VB.net,ASP.net,Ado.net,Win Forms, Web services, .NetRemoting, VB6.0, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Reporting Services, XML and RationalXDE, UML.
Idealsoft Inc, CA Aug ’04 – May 05
IdealSoft Mobility@School is a flexible and comprehensive system that is customizable to enhance the school administration and move towards paperless environment. Through the use of Wireless LAN and PDA, the solution aims to ease the operation of the school and improve the efficiency of the school personnel. It empowers the teachers to enjoy greater mobility and flexibility while carrying out their daily duty.
Mobility@School consists of modules designed to cover the major aspects of the school operation:
Student Profiling & Discipline System:
With instant access to the centralized database, school personnel are able to check the students' particulars and disciplinary record. Any update or feedback can be recorded and updated easily.
Automated Attendance Marking System:
This system is designed to reduce the paperwork of the teachers. It allows them to take attendance anywhere in the school and upload the database back to the server. Disciplinary Master will instantly know and will be able to take note of the absentee.
Project Progress Tracking System:
With this system, teachers are able to keep track and monitor the project status given to each student/group in the class. During project review, the teacher will retrieve, edit and update the status or results to the record information from the central database (repository).
Examinations Conducting System:
With this system Teacher would create tests for students of different classes. Upload tests to master database. Students download the assigned tests to local database, write the examinations and up load tests to master database in due date. Teachers down load written tests , mark the tests and upload the marked tests to master datbase.after which students can view marked tests of written by them.
Parent/Guardian Authentication System:
As part of the effort to step up the security of the school, this system allows the parents/guardian to be authenticated through their identification card. Any outsiders that enter the school compound will also be record and verified.
• Involved as Team Lead and in GUI analysis and design of various modules using UML diagrams, Rational Rose tool, Model-View-Controller (MVC) and documentation.
• GUI module development using Win forms in C#.NET, Vb.net, ADO.NET, Multithread programming in C#.net and Web services, XML.
• Various drafts functional specs documentation for sign-off (Includes Use cases, Object diagrams, state charts).
• Coordinating with vendors for third party solutions.
• Architecting the application for different modules involved.
• Design documentation in UML (Includes Collaboration, Class, Activity diagrams).
• Generate the reports using Crystal Reports 8.5.
• Involved in using MSMQ for dot net to manage the 'queued' processes for SQL Server databases.
• Developing database schema (constraints, stored procedures, triggers, sequences), DTS packages using SqlServer 2000 Oracle 9i.
• Involved in preparing test suits, test cases for various modules, also involved in SIT/UAT/UT planning unit testing, functional testing, integrating testing and System testing based on the test cases.
Environments: C#.net, VB.net,Asp.net,Ado.Net, Win Forms, Web services, .NetRemoting,.NET Framework, UML,Rational Rose,CVS, Crystal Reports 8.5,MSMQ 2.0,MS Share point Portal Server 2003, Direct X SDK 9.0, HTML,DHTML, XML, SQLServer2000,Oracle 9i Windows XP / 2000.
Aculearn Inc, CA Jan’03 – Jul’04
Acuconference (Video conference)
The Acuconference is project is being developed for video conference. Current technology is used in moderation so as to make Acuconfernce accessible to a wide range of people,
E.g. people who cannot afford expensive technologies or even people who want to attend seminars from their own houses or offices. Therefore, no video-conferencing is used as it requires too much hardware. Microphone and speaker are used for audio communication, and a computer provides the browser for visual aids such as slides.
Video is captured from camera using Direct show 9.0 SDK filters.
The Project involves development of the 2 Way video transfer system with features
(1) Sender to capture video via DirectX 9.0 Sdk programming.
(2) Receiver Receive video through video server .which developed using Winsock 2.2.
(3) Compression during video packet sent and decompression at receiver.
(4) Communications and video transfer over TCP/IP. Aculearn Inc is a software development firm having its development centre in CA, USA . We have Developing the Web Based Video Conferencing system for our enlace customer.
which will help us in providing you the better and cost effective solutions.
Our Current Video server also has capability to check Client internet speed and send Video streaming according to speed. Video server is developed using winsock 2.2 Sdk. Client/Server Security Systems Developed in VC++ (for Windows ) .It has features Like . Video Conferencing for NT system .Chat Server on Vc#.net using COM DLL . Audio and Video CODEC ( H263 for video and Speex.dll for audio).
Web services are developed using C#.net for remote communication.
• Involved in Design and implementation for Video conference server and client for capture video and audio using UML and Rational Rose tools.
• Understanding the requirements of client and according that development will be done.
• Coordinating with vendors for third party solutions.
• Architecting the application for different modules involved.
• Design documentation in UML (Includes Collaboration, Class, Activity diagrams) using Rational Rose tools.
• Checking the network performance using Network monitoring tools.
• Training the production support team.
• Generate reports using Crystal Reports 8.5.
• Building the Multithreading Application in C#.net,WinForms, Vb.net, ASP.Net, Web services, .NetRemoting, VC++ (MFC),COM, WinSock 2.2 ,XML, EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) ,Direct Show SDK 9.0.
• Involved in preparing test suits, test cases for various modules, also involved in SIT/UAT/UT Planning unit testing, functional testing, integrating testing and System testing based on the test cases and MSVSS, CVS are used for Version controlling.
Environments: C#.net, Asp.net, VB.net, Ado.Net, Win Forms , Web services, .NetRemoting, HTML,DHTML ,XML, Crystal Reports 8.5, VC++,ATLCOM,MFC,XCOM/DCOM, Winscok 2.2, Direct show SDK 9.0, UML,Rational Rose, MSVSS, Commerce Server 2002, SQLServer2000, Windows NT / 2000.
KLSE (Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Bhd , Malaysia Mar’02 – Dec’02
The MDEX Financial Data Disseminator (FDD)
IPDS(Internet Price Dissemination System)
The KLOFFE( Kuala Lumpur Options &Financial Futures Exchange Bhd)
(”MDEX”) Automated Trading System (KATS) is a fully automated electronic
exchange for financial derivatives instruments .
The MDEX Financial Data Disseminator (FDD) Service provides an electronic interface for customer computers to receive real time data about the financial instruments traded on the exchange. Data is read from COM Port using MFC application .Data is being sent as Hexadecimal and Alpha numeric character format .Customer computers communicate with KATS Financial Data Disseminator computers by exchanging messages in specific formats. These messages are initiated either by the FDD Service to supply customers with information, or by FDD customers to request FDD Service action. KATS uses X.25 protocol for data transmission. Customers may send three types of messages to the KATS FDD Service: logon requests, logoff requests, and FDD data retransmission requests. Data Feed Messages convey information about financial instruments traded on KATS. Each Data Feed Message consists of three parts: the header section, the identification section and the data section. The header section identifies the Data Feed Message's type, length, and sequence number. The Identification_section of a Data Feed Message identifies financial instruments within the KATS system. security code which identifies the product. Expiration_month represents the month in which the financial instrumentexpires.Security_code,Expiration_month,Expiration_Year, Strike_price_Generation, Currency_code, These messages represent the relative data of particular trading instrument. This product has been now made saleable in the markets of Australia and all European countries. SQL Server 2000 is database server. All trading prices of products now are being displayed in web. ASP and Java Applets are using for these INTERNET PRICE DESSIMINATION SYSTEM.
• Involved in Coding and Design for Serial Communication application.
• Involved in Design using in UML (Includes Collaboration, Class, Activity diagrams) and using Rational Rose tools.
• Understanding the requirements of client and according that development will be done.
• Building the Application in VB and Multithread programming in VC++ components.
• Designing database schema, SQL Queries, SQL stored procedures and triggers.
• Integration of all the components for the final solution.
• Involved in unit testing and integration testing of various modules and Clearcase, ClearQuest, MSVSS used for Version controlling.
Environments: VC++,VB, ATL COM, MFC, HTML, DHTML, ASP, SQLServer2000, MS Excel 2000, Windows NT, IIS, MSVSS, UML, Rational Rose, Req pro, Rational Clear case, Clear Quest
Motorola Software Center, Singapore Mar’01 – Feb’02
MWUT (Motorola WLAN Utility Tool)
The purpose of MWUT (Motorola WLAN Utility Tool) is to perform real-time diagnosis on WLAN along with Rainier product. MWUT enables real-time view of current status of WLAN, as well as statistics and site survey indicating on how data is being transmitted and received. In addition, MWUT enables user to analyze signal log and data log that are being captured from the Rainier phone via USB.
Format of the logs across all the MWUT components shall be standardized.
MWUT shall provide user level selection of pre-processing parameters Pre-processing parameters include:
Controlling the data log storage. Selection of layers for the analysis or diagnosis purpose. Allowing user for site survey, statistics, link test, signal trace and data trace simply by selecting GUI components on user interface layout. Messages receive from USB will be logged (Archived). All information logged from the logger data function calls will be stored in a common logging buffer. That is on get request to the USB the data captured will be the signal parameters and the other data bits will be logged to a common logging buffer. MWUT shall interface with the phone to display the Protocol Data Unit messages in a format as per the Pre-processing parameters. SQL Server 2000 is database server.
• Involved in Design and implementation for Motorola WLAN Utility tool.
• Understanding the requirements of client and according that development will be done.
• Building the Application in VC++ (MFC) .VB 6.0.
• Involved in unit testing and integration testing of various modules.
• Build application using C++(Vc++), win32 to read the data from Solaris system.
Environments: VC++, MFC, COM, SunSolaris (UNIX), UNIX Scripting, Reqpro, Rational Clearcase,
ClearQuest, SQLServer2000, Windows NT / 2000.
NetBAU, Germany July’99 – Feb’01
NetBAU for architect/construction
NetBAU is an enhanced version of a German Product ‘WINAVA’ (a product for architect/construction firms) already available in the market. NetBAU has been built on a Three-Tier Architecture with the front end in VB 6.0, the middle tier being MTS & business components implemented in VC++ and the database used is Oracle 8i. This product is targeted towards a multi user environment and its features include identifying building elements for construction & arriving at the quantities, determining the cost of the project, planning & tracking of various projects in progress, awarding contract to bidders based on their history of performance etc. The application comprises a NetBAU server from which applications can be plugged and launched. The application in NetAVA and plans for Net Facility in future versions. It supports the concept of Generic GUI, where the users can decide the look and feel of the front end at runtime, user-defined fields. For this project many components were built using ATL COM. Components are deployed in MTS Server and Oracle as back end. This product has been now made saleable in the markets of Germany, UK, Australia and all European countries.
• Involved as Module leader, Coding and Design for NetBAU application.
• Understanding the requirements of client and according that enhancement will be done.
• Building the components in VC++ using ATL COM
• Coding of PL / SQL procedures, Database Triggers.
• Isolation of software problems and suggestions for software requirement
• Integration of the components and additional programming for final solution and MSVSS used for Version controlling.
Environments: VC6.0, VB6.0, ATL COM/ DCOM, COM+, C++, Oracle 8.1.6, PL/SQL, VSS, MTS and Windows NT.
Reddy Constructions, India Jan’99 – Jun’99
Store Monitoring System
This project involves automation of Company stores activities, where in database of items, vendors are stored, maintained, retrieved. There is an option of addition & deletion of items/vendors. This system allows to know current stock, rate of material usage, and gives early warnings for orders.
• Involved in Coding and Design for intranet application.
• Understanding the requirements of client and according that development will be done.
• Involved in unit testing and integration testing of various modules.
• Building the components in VC++ using ATL COM
Environments: VB, COM, C++, ATL COM, Windows NT and SQL Server
Anna University, India Jun’98 – Nov’98
Library Management System
This package is an intranet based application in which users can do the following in online.
1. Search the list of books by author wise, department wise, title wise even in publisher wise.
2. Reservation the books in advance.
3. Renewal.
4. Request for new books.
In the server side, the application includes the modules for student’s details, books details, issuing and receiving the books, late fee collections.
• Involved in Coding and Design for intranet application.
• Understanding the requirements of client
• Building the components in VC++ using ATL COM
Environments: C++, COM, ASP, IIS, Windows NT, and SQL Server
Velammal Engineering College, India Jan’98 – May’98
Mailing System
The main objective of the mailing project is to send the mails to different users in the network of Velammal Engineering College. Users can create their mailing address to interact with others if they have account. It is limited to the network of Velammal Engineering College. The intention of the project is to interact each other and exchange their ideas toward software development.
• Involved in coding.
• Understanding in implementation of the project as per client’s requirement.
Environments: COM, ASP, IIS, Windows NT, and SQL Server
Easun-MR Tap Technologies Limited, India Mar’97 – Nov’97
Material Resource Planning
This System is useful for Planning of raw materials for production and also maintains stock details. The store in this system is a centralized store; the stock is transferred between the departments with respect to the stock requisitions. Based on the quotation the system generates the purchase order. It also helps the user to transfer the goods to the production department based on the Production Planning.
• Involved in requirements gathering.
• Involved in design and development of the application.
• Involved in testing of the application.
Environments: Visual Basic5.0, and MS-Access