Assault weapon ban

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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by Vlad1977 »

xKing wrote:А в UK вроде нада регистрировать телевизоры? :)
А когда их конфисковывать начнут?! :D
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by Helmsman »

Как только налог на него не заплатишь, так и конфискуют. В Израиле такая же хрень. Купил ящик в магазине, через какое-то время в почте бумажка - плати. Еще и на радио в машине налог берут, даже если этого радио там нет.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by texan »

Registration leads to confiscation. Надо только задрать налог а потом спокойно собрать/отобрать все телевизоры :) .
You know, Dude, I myself dabbled in pacifism once. Not in 'Nam of course.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by brrdrr »

Как я понял, что оружейный бан не пройдёт. Или?
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by xKing »

Судя по последним сообщениям от NRA и GOA - на этой неделе рассматривают bill о universal background checks. Но расслабляться всё равно не стоит!
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by brrdrr »

Нужно не только не расслабляться, а переходить в контратаку и требовать отмены неэффективных ограничений на автоматическое оружие и большие объёмы магазинов.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by ThreeSixteen »

Вчера посмотрел немного коммунистический канал msnbs и британскую свинью по cnn, приглашённые прогрессивные гости говорили что universal background checks это только первый шаг, за которым год за годом последуют другие. У них большие планы.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by Trespassers W »

Они это даже и не пытаются скрывать. Куомо уже говорил про конфискацию. Реально даже у бэкграунд чека шансы в сенате сомнительные, про хаус я уже не говорю. Но начнется законотворчество на местном уровне, вон Нью Йорк уже отличился.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by Trespassers W »

А вот и свежий пример работы нового Нью Йоркского закона: New York resident has gun license wrongly revoked, concerns raised about law
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by xKing »

Вот апдейт от GOA:
GOA wrote:The Battle Will Take Longer than We’d Hoped
But there’s still a very good chance we can win!

“Gun Owners of America [has] been pressing lawmakers who may have wavered on this emotional issue of background checks.”
- CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, April 10, 2013

We've been fighting these gun control battles for almost 40 years now. And we almost always win. But it's almost always a nail-biter.

And so it is on Obama's gun control agenda.

We'd hoped that we could stop the gun control bribe-o-thon early (and risk-free) by blocking the motion to proceed to the package. But thanks to sell-outs like Pennsylvania's one-term senator, Pat Toomey, we're going to have to take a different battle position and defeat the package at a later stage.

The Senate today overcame the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster and voted to move to proceed to Harry Reid’s gun control bill (S. 649). Where Reid needed 60 votes, the tally was 68-31. Click here to see if your Senator sold you out by voting to “move to proceed” to the bill.

Republican defectors who voted anti-gun were: Alexander (TN), Ayotte (NH), Burr (NC), Chambliss (GA), Collins (ME), Corker (TN), Coburn (OK), Flake (AZ), Isakson (GA), McCain (AZ), Heller (NV), Hoeven (ND), Kirk (IL), Graham (SC), Toomey (PA) and Wicker (MS).

So, here's where we are. Right after the Senate proceeded to the gun control bill, Harry Reid used his privileged recognition to put a bunch of amendments in place. In Senate parlance, they are referred to as an "amendment tree;" and they contain the universal registry bill, the Feinstein gun ban, and the magazine ban. These will be voted on in upcoming days.

As for the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer universal registry bill, don't believe the press' efforts to sugar-coat it. If you have ever had an "Internet ... posting" on (or related to) your gun, you can sell it only by going to a dealer and filling out a 4473 and getting the government's approval. Only a cave man would be exempt.

And once you have a 4473? Well, the ATF is going from dealer to dealer, copying the information on these forms, and feeding it into a database. But, says Toomey, he's against universal registries. This is where it would have helped if Toomey had consulted someone who knew something about guns.

Registration and violation of privacy.

First of all, Toomey’s anti-registry language prohibits photocopying the 4473's, but it doesn't prohibit going into the FFL with a laptop and copying all the information. Second, ATF takes the position that the data it's accumulating in a database is not a "registry," so Toomey's ban does no good. Third, guess what the sanction is for violation of Toomey's anti-registry language? Answer: Eric Holder has to choose to prosecute himself and his own department.

But this isn't the only bad thing about Toomey-Manchin-Schumer.

Section 107 of the sell-out also waives any federal privacy prohibitions under HIPAA to sending the names of Americans with PTSD, ADHD, and post partem depression to the gun ban database. But that’s not all.

Believe in Jesus, hand in your guns?

Because private shrinks will be able to add patients names into a federal database of the mentally ill - without due process - you will be at their mercy.

As Red State editor, Erick Erickson says, “Activist mental health providers will probably be overly aggressive in adding people to the list. Give it five years in liberal areas and people who believe in the physical resurrection of Christ will probably get automatic entry onto the list.”

And as for veterans? Toomey-Manchin-Schumer reinforces the proposition that bureaucrats in the Department of Veterans Affairs can take away veterans' rights without any due process. If a veteran has $30,000 to spend getting back the rights Toomey-Manchin-Schumer wrongly took from him, the sell-out creates yet another redundant money-trap for restoration of rights that shouldn't have been taken away in the first place.

Repealing gun owner protections.

What if you want to travel across the country? McClure-Volkmer allowed you to do that with an unloaded gun in the trunk (18 U.S.C. 926A). But, under the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out, unless you can "demonstrate," to the satisfaction of the New York police (1) where you came from, (2) where you're going, (3) that you're legally entitled to possess the gun in the place you can from, and (4) that you're legally entitled to possess the gun in the place you're going, they will arrest you in New York.

The Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out creates a Biden-like commission to insure that the cries for gun control continue.

Like sprinkles on a pile of dung, Toomey and Schumer steal some of the proposals we drafted and try to use them to get us to buy onto gun control. But it won't work.

The gun movement is united against this disgusting pile of gun control.

Here is the new battlefield. Because of the Senate rules, many of the upcoming gun control votes will need 60 (out of 100 votes) to move forward. That will almost certainly be the case with the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer proposal. And because the entire Second amendment movement - GOA, NRA, etc. - is against the Toomey language, it virtually ensures his amendment will fail.

And if Toomey-Manchin-Schumer doesn't pass, then Reid probably won’t have enough votes to overcome a second filibuster on the bill - as it would contain the original anti-gun language sponsored by Reid and Schumer. This all but guarantees that the legislation would die, as Republicans and a half-a-dozen Democrat Senators would then team up to keep the bill from getting the required 60 votes.

One last question or thought: Did we waste our time supporting the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster and fighting the motion to proceed? No, because we forced Obama to fire most of his ammunition, as he dragged his human props around Washington in an effort to exploit them for political gain.

If Obama had been able to wait to play this card until Toomey-Manchin-Schumer came up for a vote, that vote would be a lot harder for us to win.

But Obama has already played this card for his "they deserve a vote" theme. Okay, they're getting their vote. But by the time we reach the vote on cloture on Toomey-Manchin-Schumer, Obama's exploitation of the victims of Newtown will begin to be realized for the cynical exploitative political ploy that it is. And he will be less able to shift gears and use the victims for the theme “They deserve a ‘yes’ vote.”

ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators. Tell them to vote against cloture on the Toomey-Manchin-Schumer sell-out.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by Ion Tichy »

Нью Джерси сегодня/завтра:
"WE THE PEOPLE" Coming to a NJ County Near You!

Citizens are ready to rally in counties throughout New Jersey to show their disdain for the attack on our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our freedoms on April 13/14.

Rallies are forming as follows:

April 13th

10:00 am Middlesex County - Corner of Rte 35(Amboy Avenue) and Main Street in Woodbridge

2:00 pm Sussex County – Newton Green, Newton NJ 07860 (Located at the corner of 1 Spring Street & Rts 206 and 94 in Newton; across from the old courthouse )

April 14th

11:00 am - Union County - Union County Courthouse, Elizabeth

1:00 pm - Burlington County - Freedom Park, Union Street, Medford NJ

2:00 pm - Bergen County – Teaneck Green: Cedar Lane/Teaneck Road, Teaneck

Monmouth County – APP Building, 3601 Highway 66, Neptune

Passaic County – Veteran’s Alliance Park; 55 Mountain View Blvd., Wayne

Warren County – Warren County Courthouse 413 Second Street Belvidere

These rallies are for ALL who value their freedom and liberty:

If you are a conservative, Second Amendment activist, libertarian, reform, gun activist, gun/rifle club member you need to show up and be counted with others who have simply had enough of the assault on your rights and the liberty we all hold near and dear to our hearts.

Each group will have speakers who will give you hope and a pathway to become involved before it is too late. This brief time will bring you where you need to be to be involved and hear how you can be with a small amount of time and effort. If you don’t stand up NOW for your children and grandchildren, who will? Will you let them take the minds and well-being of the children without protest?

- Can you afford to miss this opportunity to network with others who feel the way you do?
- How can you sit home when you see all your rights being hijacked each day piece by piece?
- Can you really let others do this by themselves without your support?

Well the answer is YOU CAN’T! - BE THERE!

These rallies are supported by NJ2AS, the NJ Constitution Party, NJ Libertarian Party, NJ Fair Tax activists, and the NJ Tea Party Caucus. Find us on Facebook: We the People of NJ
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by brrdrr »

Вот интересно, смогут ли демократы использовать взрывы в Бостоне для проталкивания ограничения на продажу оружия? :wink:
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by Trespassers W »

brrdrr wrote:Вот интересно, смогут ли демократы использовать взрывы в Бостоне для проталкивания ограничения на продажу оружия? :wink:
Какого именно?
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by FreemanUSA »

Причём тут взрыв бомбу сечас сможет сварганить любой маломальский прыщавый щегол по рецептам итернета его тоже надо запретить итернет.
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Re: Assault weapon ban

Post by brrdrr »

Логика примерно такая:
Магазины к оружию это коробочки, в коробочки можно положить взрывчатку. =>
Если магазины будут маленькие, то и взрывы будут небольшие. =>
Ограничить вместимость оружейных магазинов до одного патрона! :love:
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