Избранные места из переписки с INS офицером... Замечу, что ответы на e-mail стали приходить, после того как я пожаловался сенатору.
Это к тому, что EBGC всё-таки не 100% лотерея, есть место и для приложения своих усилий.
Читать в обратном порядке.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 1 June, 2006
Your daughter's case was approved today and the permanent resident card is currently in production. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the card to be completed and mailed. Thank you.
Officer *****
California Service Center
Congressional & Customer Service Relations Division XII
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 May, 2006
That's right. If that's going to be the new cut-off date (I haven't checked yet), then I'll put this one as one of my reminders to order this case at the beginning of June. In fact, I just double-checked and her fingerprints will expire about June 5, 2006 so we need to get this case approved before that date so she doesn't have to be refingerprinted. Thanks for the update. I'll definitely have this pulled and ready for June 1.
California Service Center
Congressional & Customer Service Relations Division XII
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 3:31 PM
Dear *****,
The current VISA BULLETIN FOR JUNE 2006 sets cut-off date July 01, 2001 3rd preference for all other countries.
Can I assume there are no more obstacles to make the adjudication of my daughter' case, which priority date is May 25, 2001?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 10:43 AM
This case cannot resume processing at this time because according to the Dept.
of State's visa bulletin for December 2005, 3rd preference for all other countries have a cut-off date of Mar. 15, 2001 or earlier. Accordingly the priority date in this case is May 25, 2001. Therefore, a visa is not currently available to the applicant. We will continue to monitor the visa bulletin on a monthly basis and will complete the adjudication of this case when a visa becomes available. Thank you.
Center Adjudications Officer
California Service Center
Congressional & Customer Relations Division
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Date: 11/4/2005 8:05 PM
Dear Immigration Officer,
More than 6 months ago I received the following e-mail. However my daughter case is still pending. According to the USCIS web-link
https://egov.immigration.gov/cris/jsps/ ... Center=Cal
nia the current processing date for I-485 forms is 2 June 2005. Taking into account that my daughter case has Receipt Notice Date 1 November
2002 could you please explain how it could be that her case was sent to an Adjudicating Officer in line for adjudication more than 6 months ago and still there no action has been taken?
Thank you in advance.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:34 AM
Please be advised that this case has been sent to an Adjudicating Officer in line for adjudication. Please allow sufficient time for processing.
Thank you,
Center Adjudications Officer
Congressional & Consumer Relations Division XII California Service Center
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Date: 04/01/2005 6:41 PM
Dear Immigration Officer,
On March 24th, 2005 my case ***** was approved. Also dependent cases for my wife ***** and my son ***** were approved too at the same day. However my daughter case ***** is still pending. On March 5th, 2005 her fingerprints were taken at the processing center in San Jose CA, and according to the FBI check the results were cleared and sent to USCIS California Service Center on the next day.
Can you just clarify what is the current status of my daughter's case?
Thank you in advance.
The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next. --Henry Ward Beecher