Да, хорошие были времена до окончательной победы феминизЬма..
The above posting is not intended and should not be construed as a professional advice. One is encouraged to seek a professional opinion. Individual results may vary. Do not try this at home!
MYXOMOPP wrote: 13 May 2018 05:14
Да чего уж тут тогда... Одна из песен "всех времен и народов" (видео не совпадает):
Uriah Heep - Sunrise (Live at the Budokan 1973)
Хорошая песня...
Я, по-моему, такую раньше не слышал (или не запомнил)...
The above posting is not intended and should not be construed as a professional advice. One is encouraged to seek a professional opinion. Individual results may vary. Do not try this at home!
The above posting is not intended and should not be construed as a professional advice. One is encouraged to seek a professional opinion. Individual results may vary. Do not try this at home!
The above posting is not intended and should not be construed as a professional advice. One is encouraged to seek a professional opinion. Individual results may vary. Do not try this at home!