Privet wrote:Нет, я не читал этот документ полностью. Тот факт, что Бен Ладен активно призывал убивать американцев и участвовал в подготовке терактов против США сомнений не вызывает. Своё он заслужил. В этом тоже сомнений нет, но это преступление - слишком знаковое событие и роль БЛ хотелось бы знать конкретно. За общими проклятиями в его адрес его роль в этом событии остаётся не совсем ясной. Возможно, я что-то пропустил...
Что касается роли Бен Ладена, то вот лишь отрывок отчета, стр. 155:
The Plan Evolves
Bin Ladin reportedly discussed the planes operation with KSM and Atef in a series of meetings in the spring of 1999 at the al Matar complex near Kandahar. KSM’s original concept of using one of the hijacked planes to make a media statement was scrapped, but Bin Ladin considered the basic idea feasible. Bin Ladin, Atef, and KSM developed an initial list of targets. These included the White House, the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, and the World Trade Center. According to KSM,Bin Ladin wanted to destroy theWhite House and the Pentagon, KSM wanted to strike the World Trade Center, and all of them wanted to hit the Capitol. No one else was involved in the initial selection of targets.40
Bin Ladin also soon selected four individuals to serve as suicide operatives: Khalid al Mihdhar,Nawaf al Hazmi, Khallad, and Abu Bara alYemeni. During the al Matar meetings, Bin Ladin told KSM that Mihdhar and Hazmi were so eager to participate in an operation against the United States that they had already obtained U.S. visas. KSM states that they had done so on their own after the suicide of their friend Azzam (Nashiri’s cousin) in carrying out the Nairobi bombing. KSM had not met them. His only guidance from Bin Ladin was that the two should eventually go to the United States for pilot training.41
Этот отрывок описывает самое начало подготовки к теракту. Но поверьте, таких мест в отчете очень много. Если вы сделаете поиск по слову "Ladin", то получите аж 1138 результатов.
А вот что утверждает Вики:
...September 11, 2001 attacks
The first hijack plan that Mohammed presented to the leadership of al-Qaeda called for several airplanes on both east and west coasts to be hijacked and flown into targets. His plan evolved from an earlier foiled plot known as Operation Bojinka, which called for 10 or more airliners to be bombed in mid-air or hijacked for use as missiles. Bin Laden rejected some potential targets suggested by Mohammed, such as the U.S. Bank Tower in Los Angeles.[39]
In late 1998 or early 1999, bin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot.[37] A series of meetings occurred in spring of 1999, involving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Osama bin Laden, and his military chief Mohammed Atef.[37] Bin Laden provided leadership for the plot, along with financial support.[37] Bin Laden was also involved in selecting people to participate in the plot, including choosing Mohamed Atta as the lead hijacker.[40] Mohammed provided operational support, such as selecting targets and helping arrange travel for the hijackers.[37]
After Atta was chosen as the leader of the mission, "he met with Bin Laden to discuss the targets: the World Trade Center, which represented the U.S. economy; the Pentagon, a symbol of the U.S. military; and the U.S. Capitol, the perceived source of U.S. policy in support of Israel. The White House was also on the list, as Bin Laden considered it a political symbol and wanted to attack it as well."[41]
"Bin Laden had been pressuring KSM (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) for months to advance the attack date. According to KSM, bin Laden had even asked that the attacks occur as early as mid-2000, after Israeli opposition party leader Ariel Sharon caused an outcry in the Middle East by visiting a sensitive and contested holy site in Jerusalem that is sacred to both Muslims and Jews. Although bin Laden recognized that Atta and the other pilots had only just arrived in the United States to begin their flight training, the al-Qaida leader wanted to punish the United States for supporting Israel. He allegedly told KSM it would be sufficient simply to down the planes and not hit specific targets. KSM stood his ground, arguing that the operation would not be successful unless the pilots were fully trained and the hijacking teams were larger."[42]...
пыточные методы работы российских спецслужб не становятся известны общественности, так как они уже много лет запрещены и не применяются нигде и никогда (petrovich999)