Н-ский wrote:
The social logic of Ivy League admissions.
wow, феноменальная статья...everything is spelled out...
мне теперь как бы все понятнее стало - есть пример перед глазами - 2 человека - one went to <Chicago>, the other one to <Yale>, и вроде тот который <Chicago> - умнее, и test scores лучше, и жажда к знаниям больше, зато тот, который <Yale> - solid test scores + formidable physical presence, former high school football player, 2 метра ростом...
короче, ето не было случайностью куда попали ети 2 человека, this is just a pure illustration of admission policies of both universities...
To him, the answer was obvious. If you let in only the brilliant, then you produced bookworms and bench scientists: you ended up as socially irrelevant as the University of Chicago (an institution Harvard officials looked upon and shuddered). "Above a reasonably good level of mental ability, above that indicated by a 550--600 level of S.A.T. score," Bender went on, "the only thing that matters in terms of future impact on, or contribution to, society is the degree of personal inner force an individual has."