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Post by ShellBack »

Те, кто хоть немного интересовался историей вопроса, наверняка знают что эталоном стабильности монетарной системы на сегодня является Византийская империя. Полтысячелетия, с пятого и до одиннадцатого века нашей эры золотая Номизма или Солид не меняла веса и формы. А если учитывать изменения, золотой стандарт просуществовал там целую тысячу лет, вплоть до взятия Константинополя турками. Если верить апологетам "твёрдых денег", в Византии должен был произойти небывалый расцвет экономики. На удивление, Византия встретила 15 век точно такой же земледельческой рабовладельческой монархией какой она была в 5-м. Ну, наверное, простое совпадение. :pain1:

Введение банковской системы, "ненастоящих денег" и прочего опиума для трудящегося народа началось в западных странах примерно с конца 18 века. Интересный факт, одновременно в этих самых странах начался невиданный ранее в истории рост экономики, за которым вскоре последовал беспрецендентный прогресс в технологии, науке, повышение уровня жизни, социальные изменения, ну и всё остальное что мы с вами увидели за последние пару сотен лет. Ну это, видимо, опять совпадение. :pain1:

На наше счастье, в двадцатом веке в отдельных странах нашлись люди с горящими глазами, которые знали что "New World Order - не есть карашо". Эти люди скинули власть ненавистных банкиров и ввели "настоящие деньги". Населению этих отдельных стран крупно повезло. Так в одной из осчастливленных стран "настоящие деньги", хотя и печатались на бумаге, но свободно обменивались на золото и просуществовали практически без инфляции с 1961-го аж до 1985-го года. Невиданный экономический прогресс постиг ту страну. Соседи, у которых инфляция в отдельные годы достигала 15% мучались чёрной завистью. :roll:

Такой вот очень краткий исторический обзор. Как говорил чукча из анекдота: "однако, тен-ден-ция!" Никого ни за что не хочу агитировать, люди все взрослые, выводы сами делать умеют. Для приобретения элементарных знаний "почему так происходит" рекомендую начать с классики - Адама Смита. :umnik1:

Disclaimer: Above is just a personal opinion in regards to the quoted article. Author has no intent to discuss level of intellect, educational achievements or moral characteristics of any person on this thread and will ignore anybody who attempts to do so.
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Post by ESN »

Kastet wrote:Отчетность банка:
Какие деньги являются "настоящими" а какие "do not exist"?

Да все они - настоящие.
Просто в данной схеме показано каким образом банковская система (группа частных лавочек) позволяет увеличить денежную массу не прибегая к печатанию денег...
Не вдаваясь - хорошо это или плохо.

Наверное хорошо, раз все так делают....
По крайней мере до тех пор, пока все не решат вдруг свои деньги обналичить. Чего практически никогда не случается...
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Post by Елена »

Люди, я правильно предполагаю, что многие здесь понимают разницу между "монетарной системой" и "кредитной системой", а также между "плохим долгом" и "хорошим долгом"?
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Post by ESN »

Ну тк.. Это ежу понятно...
Монетарная - это где за все надо платить монетой, а кредитная - где дают в кредит...
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Post by Kastet »

Хороший долг, когда тебе. Плохой, когда ты!
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Post by ESN »

Kastet wrote:Хороший долг, когда тебе. Плохой, когда ты!

Не всегда...

Ночью в постели:
- Абрам, ты шо не спишь?
- Ой, Сарочка, я должен Хаиму рубль, надо отдавать - так не могу успокоиться!
Сара хватает телефон, набирает номер:
- Алло, Хаим? Абрам тебе должен рубль, так он тебе его не отдаст! - опускает трубку, ложится в кровать и, уже засыпая: - теперь пусть он не спит!
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Post by Kastet »

Пральна, если плохих долгов накопилось, дефолт обьявить самое оно! Вот за ето я уважаю Кириенку.
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Post by lozzy »

ESN wrote: Наверное хорошо, раз все так делают....
По крайней мере до тех пор, пока все не решат вдруг свои деньги обналичить. Чего практически никогда не случается...

Как минимум один раз случилось. Видимо забывается плохое ;)
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Post by 8K »

ShellBack wrote:Для приобретения элементарных знаний "почему так происходит" рекомендую начать с классики - Адама Смита. :umnik1:

... и Давида (Соломоновича?) Рикардо. :)
Увидев друга, Портос вскрикнул от радости...
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Post by Елена »

Disclaimer: If you become easily angered by things out of your control, don't read! All well-thought-through opinions and other versions of 'money talk' in the events described below are highly welcome.

Marx and his German industrialist friend, Friedrich Engels, produced the Communist Manifesto. Engels, the promoter of freedom for the masses from the yoke of capitalism, had made a fortune exploiting child labor in Lancashire, England. The Communist Manifesto was nothing new and certainly not the inspiration of Karl Marx. He got his 'ideas' from the works of others, which he read during his countless hours in the British Museum. His belief in a class war came from Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati. As the American researcher, Gary Allen, writes in his 1972 book None Dare to Call It Conspiracy:

“In actual fact the 'Communist Manifesto' was in circulation for many years before Marx's name was widely enough recognized to establish his authorship for this revolutionary handbook. All Karl Marx really did was to update and codify the very same revolutionary plans and principles set down seventy years earlier by Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Order of the Illuminati in Bavaria."

Marx was a member of a secret society in the Illuminati/Brotherhood network, called the League of the Just, which later became the Communist League. The League of the Just was an offshoot of the Society of the Seasons, which played a leading role in the French Revolution. Once again our eyes turn to Germany, birthplace of the Bavarian Illumaniti. The League of the just was called the Bund Der Gerechtan or simply the Bund. This was the force behind the rise of Marxism and he was yet another front man. Interestingly, May 1st ('May Day'), was chosen as the annual celebration for Marxist-Leninist and socialist countries and groups around the world. The Bavarian Illuminati, the creator of the Bund, was founded on May 1st 1776.

Marx had close connections with the British aristocracy through his marriage to Jenny von Westphalen, who was related to the Scottish Dukes of Argyll and the Campbells. One of her ancestors, Anna Campbell, the Countess of Balcarras and Argyll, was the governess to the Prince of Orange, later King William, who granted the charter to the Bank of England and caused such untold misery in Ireland. Archibald Campbell, the first Duke of Argyll, traveled with William on his journey to England to take the throne in 1658. The present Earl of Balcarras is related to Viscount Cowdray (Weetman John Churchill Pearson), whose mother was the daughter of Lord Spencer Churchill. These were some of the connections around the 'people's revolutionary', Karl Marx.

A tiny elite are coordinating all these apparently unconnected events. So when you see how the same people support and fund 'opposites' like Marxism-Leninism, fascism, and capitalism, it is not because they are confused or crazy. They are creating the opposing 'sides' which can then be brought into conflict to play one off against the other and create another force. This was expressed most obviously and destructively in the way the Elite created, funded, and brought capitalism and communism into conflict against fascism in the Second World War. The 'Cold War' between capitalism and communism was leading to another synthesis following the Elite-inspired 'people's revolutions' throughout the former Soviet Union.

<Financial History of WWI - snipped>


With the First World War underway, another coup was reaching fruition, the Russian Revolution of 1917. This took the same form as the French Revolution. The Elite created economic chaos and the ruling dictator, the Tsar, played into their hands by refusing to introduce democracy and empowerment for the people. In 1905, the Tsar was manipulated by the Rothschilds into a war with Japan to undermine the Russian economy and sow the seeds of unrest among the population. The Rothschilds promised the Tsar that they would finance the war, while in the United States, the Rothschild company, Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, was secretly funding the Japanese. Then the war with Germany came in 1914, during which the Russian Army was constantly weakened by outside influences. One way the Elite have controlled wars is to send inferior weapons to the side they want to lose or to delay the delivery of armaments altogether. In 1915, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer and soon-to-be Prime Minister, Lloyd George, realized that armaments ordered for the Russian Army were five months overdue. At one point there was only one rifle for every six soldiers. This fuelled the fires of revolution, exactly as planned. The plan was to demoralize the Russian soldiers so they would mutiny. The company responsible for the delay was Vickers Maxim, which was controlled by Sir Ernest Cassel, a business associate of the Rothschilds' Kuhn, Loeb, and Company. The largest holder of Vickers stock was the House of Rothschild. The British Cabinet dispatched Lord Kitchener to Russia to reorganize their army, but he was drowned on the way when the HMS Hampshire ‘mysteriously' sank on the night of June 5th 1916. Just another coincidence, I guess.

In Russia, dissension was being stirred. The first (and more moderate) revolution was begun by a Freemason, Alexander Kerensky. I say ‘first', in fact there was another revolution even before this, headed by Prince Lvov. He planned to create an American-style Republic and by this time Tsar Nicholas II had already abdicated. But, as in France when the momentum for revolution had been triggered, along came the next, more terrifying stage. Trotsky and Lenin arrived to take over and introduce the despotic rule known as Marxism-Leninism. This was not a Russian Revolution. It was a coup on Russia by the United States financial arm of the Global Elite largely controlled by the Rothschilds. Leon Trotsky, who had been living in New York after being expelled from Germany, left for Petrograd, Russia, on the SS Kristianiafjord on March 26th 1917, with $10,000 given to him by the Rockefellers. In his hand was a United States passport arranged for him by President Woodrow Wilson. Jennings C. Wise says in his study, Woodrow Wilson: Disciple Of Revolution: "Historians must never forget that Woodrow Wilson, despite the efforts of the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with an American passport" (16). This happened at a time when the US authorities were supposed to be tightening their checks on potential revolutionaries entering Russia on United States passports! But who controlled Wilson? The Elite's representative, Colonel Edward House.

When the ship docked in Canada en route, Trotsky was detained by the Canadian authorities, but he was released and allowed to continue his journey to Russia. Lieutenant Colonel John Bayne MacLean, the founder and President of Maclean Publishing, was known for his close contacts with Canadian Intelligence. In 1918, he wrote an article which appeared in his own MacLean's Magazine, headed "Why Did We Let Trotsky Go? How Canada Lost The Chance To Shorten The War". (17) MacLean made a number of revelations about Trotsky, many of which have been confirmed or supported by evidence that has come to light since then. MacLean's sources said Trotsky had been very publicly ‘expelled' from Germany in August 1914 to give him credibility for what was to follow. MacLean said that other Russian revolutionaries organized by Trotsky in the United States and Western Canada were "largely Germans and Austrians traveling as Russians". MacLean went on:

"Originally the British found through Russian associates that Kerensky, Lenin, and some lesser leaders were practically in German pay as early as 1915 and they uncovered in 1916 the connections with Trotsky, then living in New York. From that time he was closely watched by the Bomb Squad. In the early part of 1916, a German official sailed into New York. British intelligence officials accompanied him. He was held up at Halifax, but on their [British Intelligence] instruction, he was passed on with profuse apologies for the unnecessary delay. After much maneuvering, he arrived in a dirty little newspaper office in the slums and there he found Trotsky, from whom he bore important instructions. From June 1916, until they passed him onto the British, the New York Bomb Squad never lost touch with Trotsky. They discovered that his real name was Bronstein and that he spoke German much better than Russian."

Interestingly, both communism and fascism (which came into conflict in the Second World War) were created to a large extent in the same country - Germany, the home of so many secret societies and birthplace of Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati. After Trotsky arrived in Russia, he was joined by Lenin, who had been given safe passage across Germany in a sealed train, from Switzerland to Russia via Sweden, in April 1917, accompanied by thirty-two other ‘revolutionaries'. The trip was approved and paid for by the German General Staff under orders from German Supreme Command. The Germans were also spending big sums to fund the Bolsheviks propaganda inside Russia. Von Kuhmann, the Foreign Affairs Minister, told the Kaiser in 1917:

"It was not until the Bolsheviks had received from us a steady flow of funds through the various channels and under varying labels that they were in a position to be able to build up their organ, Pravda, to conduct energetic propaganda and appreciably to extend the originally narrow base of their party.” (18.)

The plan was that the re-revolution would withdraw Russia from the First World War and make ‘peace' with Germany. This is precisely what happened. Once more, these events are multidimensional. The Russian 'revolutionaries' such as Lenin and Trotsky were being used to get Russia out of the war, to the benefit of Germany. But at the Elite level, the bogeyman called communism was being created to stimulate the division of fear and mistrust presented as communism v capitalism v fascism. Once you have fear caused by two or more distinct ‘sides', you have divide and rule: control. While Trotsky, Lenin, and their crowd were denouncing the capitalists, they were being financed by the London and New York bankers. Trotsky was quoted in the Russian newspaper, Russkoe Slovo, as saying that the "Russia cannot align itself. .. with capitalist America, for this would be a betrayal". Oh really, Leon? In fact, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks were supported financially and politically by the same people who would support Hitler and the fascists because the Elite has no political line. In his autobiography, Trotsky refers to some of the loans from British financiers. Many of these were arranged by Lord Milner of the Round Table and ‘Alexander' Gruzenberg (real name Michael), the chief Bolshevik agent in Scandinavia, who was a confidential advisor to the J.P. Morgan-owned Chase National Bank in New York. This was a London-New York revolution, with the Russian people once again the victims.

A Mr. Fixit between London, Wall Street, and the Bolsheviks was Olof Aschherg, who became known as the Bolshevik Banker. He owned Nya Banken, founded in Stockholm in 1912. Aschberg's London agent was the North Commerce Bank, chaired by Earl Grey, a friend of Cecil Rhodes and a member of the Round Table. Another close associate of Aschberg was Max May, the vice president of J.P. Morgan's Guaranty Trust and head of its overseas operations. Clearly Aschberg was the perfect middle man to channel funds from London and New York to the Bolsheviks. In 1915, the American International Corporation was formed to fund the Russian Revolution. Its directors represented the interests of the Rockellers, Rothschilds, DuPont, Kuhn, Loeb, Harriman, and the Federal Reserve. They included Frank Vanderlip (one of the Jekyl Island Group, which created the Federal Reserve) and George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of President George Bush and grand-grand father of President George W. Bush.

The Rothschilds were also directly involved in financing the revolution via Jacob Schiff, at Kuhn, Loeb, and Co in New York. International bankers from Britain, the United States, Russia, Germany, and France met in Sweden in the summer of 1917. They agreed that Kuhn, Loeb would deposit $50 million in a Swedish bank account for Lenin and Trotsky's use. In an article in The New York American Journal on February 3rd 1949, Jacob Schiff's grandson said that his grandfather had paid the two ‘revolutionaries' an additional $20 million. The payment of $20 million to the Bolsheviks by Elihu Root (the Kuhn Loeb lawyer and former Secretary of State), via a Special War Fund, is recorded in the Congressional Record of September 2nd 1919. It was quite an investment if, as some historians suggest, Lenin repaid Kuhn, Loeb, and Co the ruble equivalent of $450 million between 1918 and 1922. And this was nothing compared with the profits the bankers made from the exploitation of the Russian land, economy, and people, not least by stealing the Tsar's gold and vast financial holdings which were held abroad in the very banks that funded the revolution.

In 1917, the cover of a Red Cross mission to Russia was used to arrange the final details of the Bolshevik takeover. The Red Cross in Washington launched a campaign to raise $2 million. It was successful thanks only to substantial donations from New York financiers, including J.P. Morgan himself, who gave $100,000. The bankers and industrialists proceeded to take control of the United States Red Cross and, as John Foster Dulles put it, they "viewed the American Red Cross as a virtual arm of government..."(19). The personnel of this mission to Russia in August 1917 says it all. Only seven of the party of twenty-four were doctors. The rest were mostly New York financiers and their assistants, led by William Boyce Thompson, the first full-time head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The doctors returned after only one month and Dr. Frank Billings, Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago and the official leader of the mission, was reported to have been disgusted with the obviously political activities of its non-medical members. Also in the party were three Russian interpreters, all known Bolsheviks. One of them, Boris Reinstein, would become secretary to Lenin and head of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda (20). The Red Cross has been used on many occasions without the knowledge of its genuine staff.

At the same time that these bankers were creating organizations to support the Bolsheviks, they were also funding and setting up anti-Bolshevik organizations. Otto Kahn and members of the Morgan Guaranty Trust formed a group called United Americans, which circulated anti-communist and anti-Jewish propaganda. This allowed genuine opponents of the revolution to be dismissed as ‘anti-Semitic'. This has continued to happen up to the present day, with the Robot Radicals of the "I'm full of my own political purity" mindset dancing on the strings pulled by the Elite to denounce anyone who gets close to the truth. The Robot Radicals and their ‘opposition', the Robot Right, have their strings pulled by the same people. It's hilarious, really.

On his way back from Russia, William Boyce Thompson stopped over in London to meet the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George. They were joined by Thomas W. Lamont of J.P. Morgan, who had traveled from Paris (where he had been in discussion with Colonel Edward House on how to rearrange the world after the war). House had cabled President Wilson on November 28th 1917, urging him to suppress all media criticism of the Bolsheviks: "It is exceedingly important that such criticism be suppressed", the cable said. This telegram was placed in a confidential file and came to light only six years later. Historian Carroll Quigley, said that the House of Morgan was infiltrating Left-wing groups in the United States from around 1915. It was the brilliant strategy to hijack both `Left' and `Right' domestically and internationally (21).

The Russian Revolution was all part of the Big Plan, which is why the leading officials of the Rothschild-controlled Federal Reserve Bank of New York, including Thompson, supported the Bolsheviks. In this period, we are seeing them deciding on the post-war policies and ensuring that the puppet-politicians make it happen. Thompson and Lamont met Lloyd George to convince him that the British government's anti-Bolshevik stance was misguided and should encompass the reality that Lenin and Trotsky were there to stay (22). Lloyd George and his Cabinet - including the Round Table's Lord Milner, of course - accepted the Thompson-Lamont view. When you have your people in vital positions on all sides in this way, you can pretty much do what you like. The British decision to back the Bolsheviks is less surprising when you consider that Lloyd George was not a free agent in this. His private life left him open to blackmail and he was under obligations to an international armaments dealer called Basil Zaharoff (who made a fortune selling arms to both sides in any war he could find).

Zaharoff had a hold over Lloyd George after he arranged for the Prime Minister to have an affair with his wife, formerly Emily Ann Burrows of Knightsbridge. Zaharoff also sold peerages created by Lloyd George (23). In the 1963 book, The Mask Of Merlin (24) the writer Donald McCormick says that Zaharoff had so much power that "Allied statesmen and leaders were obliged to consult him before planning any great attack". Woodrow Wilson, Lloyd George, and the French Prime Minister, Georges Clemenceau, met a number of times at Zaharoff's Paris home. This is relevant to the Allied policy on Russia because Zaharoff was supporting the Bolsheviks and diverting arms away from those opposing them. He, too, intervened on the Bolsheviks' behalf in both London and Paris.

In April 1919, the British Foreign Office issued a White Paper on Russia which revealed that the revolution had been organized and financed by international bankers. It explained how "Chinese criminals" had been imported to serve under Bolshevik officers in a terror campaign against the people of Russia. This document was quickly withdrawn and replaced with a shorter version - minus this information. (25) Some claim that the Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish Revolution, but I think that Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman reads the situation perfectly when he writes:

"The truth of the matter was ... that there was a conspiracy, but it was neither Jewish, nor Catholic, nor Masonic. It involved people of all types of religions and national backgrounds. Side by side with the Schifs, Warburgs, and Rothschilds were the Morgans and the Rockefellers. With Trotsky were Lenin and Stalin. " (26)

With the revolution established, it was arranged for the bankers' intelligence personnel to be sent to Russia. Alfred Milner selected an agent, Bruce Lockhart to go to Russia and to team up with the American, Raymond Robins, who had been left behind by William Boyce Thompson to lead the - now doctorless – ‘Red Cross' mission through 1918. The French chose to send the Bolshevik supporter, Jacques Sadoul, an old friend of Trotsky. The conspiracy then had control of the diplomatic and intelligence reports coming out of Russia to their governments. With that, the coup on the Russian people was complete. Lenin and Trotsky proceeded to dismantle any institutions and groups of workers which had emerged from the early days of the revolution. The hated Okhranka, the ‘secret service' of the Tsars, was revamped into what eventually became the KGB. The `People's Revolution', which would turn hundreds of millions of people into little more than prisoners in their own land and cause the death and suffering of so many in the concentration camps, had massively advanced the aims of the New World Order. The Soviet card would be played with great effect in the decades that followed.

16. Jennings C. Wise, Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution, Paisley Press, New York, 1938.
17. Quoted by Anthony C. Sutton in Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution. Morley, Australia, 1981; p.32-33.
18. Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p39.
19. John Foster Dulles, American Red Cross. Harper, New York, 1950.
20. Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p78.
21. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope, (Macmillan, New York, 1966) p.938.
22. Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution, p46.
23. The World Order, Our Secret Rulers, p. 37.
24. Donald McCormick, The Mask Of Merlin, MacDonald, London, 1963; p.208.
25. Dr Kitty Little, "Subversive Infiltrators Into Westminster And Whitehall. Promotion Of A Federal Europe." Submission to the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life. January 1995; p.4, paragraph 16.
26. Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Elbninate The Opiate, p.15.
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Post by ShellBack »

"Элита" в данной статье, видимо, является аналогом Великого Духа Горы в которого верят африканские племена. Деяния его загадочны и цели его туманны. :roll:

Первый вопрос, который задавали древние: "Кому Выгодно"? :umnik1: Предположим, я - Вася Пупкин, и мне завтра предложат стать великим гроссмейстером секты Иллюминати и потратить всю жизнь в борьбе за их дело. Зачем мне это нужно? Какую выгоду я с этого получу? Убедите меня, если кто разбирается. :pain1: Богатства тот же Троцкий не нажил, а вот кайлом по башке получил. Да и вообще смертность у этой "Элиты" повышенная. Потом, если у "Элиты" такая власть, зачем им совершать все эти нелепые движения: "funny money" печатать, коммунистов с фашистами лбами сталкивать? Чисто из любви к искусству? Все же и так под их властью. Приказали, и всё человечество отправилось на постройку пирамид. А кто против - бомбу атомную кинуть.

Ну вот с дворянской элитой, например, мне всё более-менее понятно. Богатство, уважение, крестьянские души, право первой ночи и другие приятные привилегии. Возможность передать это своим детям. Плюс - ненулевая вероятность стать монархом. За такое и побороться не грех, и жизнью рискнуть. У масонов всё гораздо более расплывчато. Бороться за то чтобы в далёком будущем, лет через 300 какой-то там непонятный Мессия стал Властелином Мира? :pain1: А нах мне это надо, если я не ортодоксальный фанатик, каковыми большинство предполагаемой "Элиты" вроде как не является? :pain1:
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Post by Capricorn »

ShellBack wrote:"Элита" в данной статье, видимо, является аналогом Великого Духа Горы в которого верят африканские племена. Деяния его загадочны и цели его туманны. :roll: ..:

А тут вроде за каждым истoрическим событием стоит Ротшильд.. 8O 8)

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