Вот, что бывает в Чикаго с теми, кто не следует "нудной букве" оружейного закона:
I immediately volunteered my FOID card stated my business and told them where to find my encased unarmed
pistol. (Unknowingly I gave up my Miranda rights).
The police chose a different abuse for me, far more satisfying than death. Punish an innocent man forever, with a
felony charge of unlawfully using a weapon I had never fired out side of a shooting range.
But for transporting a
weapon I was about to be charged with a Class IV felony, Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapons (UUW)
As a result my car was impounded and retrieving it carried a seven-hundred dollar price tag. I was sent straight to
jail. Photographed and fingerprinted. I sat next to murders; I had conversations with rapists. Too afraid to sleep, I
laid on the floor of an overcrowded jail next to crack addicts going through withdrawals. I shared open toilets with
homeless people, consumed with the smell of death, and all I could do was think about my family.
I was handcuffed to walls and then in the back of a pitch black truck, that hit every pot hole. I remember being
thrown around like a rag doll then handcuffed to benches as I was moved around from jail to jail.
I though the worst was over, until I got to my final destination, the Cook County jail. There, stripped naked,
searched, threatened and ridiculed by police officers. As a child I was taught not believe in Santa Claus or the
Easter Bunny. I was however taught to believe in real people, real super heroes. Heroes like "officer friendly." But
In reality, in the world of reality there is no officer friendly. Just guys with badges versus guys like me...without a