Golyadkin wrote:Zombie416 wrote:sss1 wrote:Было ли кофе горячее или тетка такая слабая попалась - нужен эксперимент.
Товарищи, где добровольцы?
А вам не приходилось пробовать? Я вот пару раз обливался небольшим количеством воды из недавно закипевшего чайника. Ну да, больно, кожа краснеет, но если объем пролитой воды небольшой и энергично ее стряхнуть с себя (что происходит инстинктивно), то никаких следов. Если пролито не на открытую кожу, а на одежду, и вообще не вопрос. Крутым кипятком или паром гораздо неприятнее.
А теперь вылейте себе пол-стакан кипятка на джинсы в паховой области сидя за рулем.
I actually had done it to myself many year ago being a young student in Ex-USSR.
I spilled hot tea onto my pants.. 2nd degree burns. Absolutely.
Not funny at all. I was very fortunate - the burns were mostly on my ass. I have had children since then. But could be otherwise.
The real problem is (
people here clearly dont understand this part) that the wet clothing (especially 100% cotton) sticks to the body and is very hard to remove. You can NOT just shake it off. It sticks to you. And remember, you can get scolded badly even with 60-70C water IF contact with it is long enough.
In my case, it took me several loooooooooooooong secongs to get out of the pants and underware under severe pain.
When I finally tore my pants and boxers off, I was burned all over.
Fortunatelly, there was a bottle of cold kefir in the fridge next to me. I, basically, dumped it all over the burn. And kept applying it for several hours non-stop. Worked....
To Zombie416..... if you want to try the experiment, make sure to spill hot coffee on yourself
while clothed. We will watch what should happen next...
PS: sorry for English (I should be working..

Надоело. Самозабанен 11 ноября, 2015 - ....