coolstory wrote:... Если не секрет, какая страховая компания на сегодняшний день продает страховку пожилым? Я искал в интернете, мне выдавало "0 plans found" как только вводишь возраст за 65 ...
Почемы же ето секрет? Eto public info available for everyone
Не надо "искать в интернете", а идите на индивидуалныи site каждои (well-known) мед. страховои компании - Kaiser permanente, Blue Cross, Aetna, United health care - whatever is avalible in your area. И дальше смотрите их options and plans.
Мы использовали и испол'зуем Kaiser (но он ест не во всех штатах). Example по Kaiser- vот, толко что проверила, все есть для пожилых (я ввела г.р. 1948, Female)- plany ot $265 do 1160 per month - based on plan, deductables, etc. ... alth-plans
Select Plan Name Product Description Monthly Premium
KP 0/25/Rx COPAY With the KP 0/25/Rx, you pay specific costs (or copayments) for certain covered services, so you know your out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits and prescriptions in advance. $1160.00 Apply
KP 0/35/Rx COPAY With the KP 0/35/Rx, you pay specific costs (or copayments) for certain covered services, so you know your out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits and prescriptions in advance. $1025.00 Apply
KP 750/30/Rx DED With the KP 750/30/Rx you must meet the deductible for some services, but certain services, such as primary and specialty care visits, are available for a copayment before you meet your deductible and preventive care services are available for no charge before you meet your deductible. $818.00 Apply
KP 1000/30/Rx DED With the KP 1000/30/Rx you must meet the deductible for some services, but certain services, such as primary and specialty care visits, are available for a copayment before you meet your deductible and preventive care services are available for no charge before you meet your deductible. $737.00 Apply
KP 1500/30 DED This KP 1500/30 does not cover prescription drugs and is intended for those that don't expect high RX usage. You must meet the deductible for some services, but certain services, such as primary and specialty care visits, are available for a copayment before you meet your deductible and preventive care services are available for no charge before you meet your deductible. $628.00 Apply
KP 2000/30/Rx DED With the KP 2000/30/Rx you must meet the deductible for some services, but certain services, such as primary and specialty care visits, are available for a copayment before you meet your deductible and preventive care services are available for no charge before you meet your deductible. $649.00 Apply
KP 4500/20%/Rx DED With the KP 4500/20%/Rx, you pay full charge for covered services until your expenses meet an annual medical deductible. Then, for covered services, you pay a copayment or coinsurance. To encourage you to receive preventive care, preventive care services are available for no charge before you meet your deductible. $265.00 Apply
KP 8000/0%/Rx DED With the KP 8000/0%/Rx, you pay full charge for covered services until your expenses meet an annual medical deductible. Then, for covered services, you pay a copayment or coinsurance. To encourage you to receive preventive care, preventive care services are available for no charge before you meet your deductible. $268.00 Apply
KP 1250/20/HSA/Rx HSA The KP 1250/20/HSA/Rx HSA-qualified plan works much like a traditional deductible plan. When you enroll in one of these plans and choose to open a health savings account (HSA), you can use tax-free savings to pay for qualified medical expenses, such as deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. You pay full charge for certain covered services out of pocket until you reach your deductible, and then you are eligible to pay a copay or coinsurance. $538.00 Apply
KP 2500/30/HSA/Rx HSA The KP 2500/30/HSA/Rx HSA-qualified plan works much like a traditional deductible plan. When you enroll in one of these plans and choose to open a health savings account (HSA), you can use tax-free savings to pay for qualified medical expenses, such as deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. You pay full charge for certain covered services out of pocket until you reach your deductible, and then you are eligible to pay a copay or coinsurance. $429.00 Apply.