Хе-хе, давно не заходил сюда, а тут опять о МФ. Время бежит, крайние решения украйняются, но МФ люди остаются МФ. Альтернативы тоже бегут. Вот, ширпотребовские серверы (не суперкомпютеры, а примитивные серверы) масштабируются вверх, используют энергонезависимую память, и посягают на святое - на МФ.
Вот :
In addition to powering the cloud, the stability and scalability of Supermicro’s SYS-2049-TR4 makes it an ideal building block for enterprise customers who are looking to migrate from their current mainframe infrastructure. In a recent internal test conducted by Neeve Research, Supermicro Multi-Processor (MP) servers were able to demonstrate
superior performance against typical mainframe workloads.
“Using Supermicro MP servers, we were able to achieve real-time fraud detection against 10TB of data to process an astonishing 10 thousand transactions per second (TPS) with less than 10 microsecond response time.” said Grish Mutraja, CEO of Neeve Research, a pioneer in Next Generation in-memory computing technology. “The baseline today with current mainframes is around 800 TPS with a latency of 50 milliseconds.
Supermicro’s servers provide amazing performance and strong value proposition for any enterprises that are seriously considering mainframe migration strategies.”
Supermicro’s Multi-Processor servers are designed for
enterprise mission-critical workloads such as real-time OLTP + OLAP, in-memory analytics, virtualization and scale-up high performance computing (HPC). These servers are certified for a wide range of popular Operating Systems including RedHat, SUSE, Ubuntu, VMWare, and Windows.
Хе-хе, продолжаем разговор.