Скажите пожалуста, какой примерно процент откровенного вранья она сварганила? Не просто "расставить правильно акценты", а конкретно враньё интересует.Inters писал(а):В итоге заказал резюме у одного достаточно разрекламированого в Линкедин человека: длинные анкеты, долгое интервью, резюме ориентированое на определный рынок. Она мне уже послала финальный драфт для редатирования и пожеланий, но тут я нашел работу.![]()
Хотя сейчас собираюсь опять к ней обратиться и ориентироваться на другую нишу.
Посоветуйте resume writer
- Stanford Wannabe
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- Сообщения: 13565
- Зарегистрирован: Сб дек 19, 2009 8:45 pm
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Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
- Tiffany
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 6785
- Зарегистрирован: Пт янв 18, 2002 4:01 am
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Можно имя пожалуйста? Если тут не комильфо, можно в личку? Спасибо.Inters писал(а):В итоге заказал резюме у одного достаточно разрекламированого в Линкедин человека: длинные анкеты, долгое интервью, резюме ориентированое на определный рынок. Она мне уже послала финальный драфт для редатирования и пожеланий, но тут я нашел работу.![]()
Хотя сейчас собираюсь опять к ней обратиться и ориентироваться на другую нишу.
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Поскольку за рекламу на форуме могут забанить то напишу личное сообщение.
Вранья там не было: то есть никакой отсебятины от писателя. Если что то и было приукрашено то только то что я сам писал.
Резюме было больше ориентировано на бэк офис. Теперь я хочу больше сдеалать ударние на operational/management consulting.
Вранья там не было: то есть никакой отсебятины от писателя. Если что то и было приукрашено то только то что я сам писал.
Резюме было больше ориентировано на бэк офис. Теперь я хочу больше сдеалать ударние на operational/management consulting.
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Вот предварительный драфт моего резюме (пишу сейчас коментарии - некоторые вещи не нравяться)
Recognized as a Self-Motivated, Focused and Contributive Team Player who Succeeds in Leveraging Established Alliances to Develop and Deliver Effectual Solutions to Challenging Trade Transactions.
Encompass In-Depth Knowledge of Trading Life Cycle from Inception to Execution, Plus, Trading Models and Systems.
Startup with rich parent – New York NY
Product Specialist 01/2013 Present
Charged with advancing clients in creating original trading strategies on FX market, developing documentation, proposing new features, and performing efficiency analysis for proprietary trading platform.
Manage customer relationships, including providing support/analytics and resolution of system discrepancies.
Conduct client (Hedge Funds and Investment Banks) training to increase and maximize system functionality.
Assisted international clientele each contributes approx. $20,000 - $40,000 to monthly revenue generated.
Corporate Finance Instructor – New York, NY 10/2011 12/2012
Worked with college students to promote their comprehending topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included: Legal Liabilities, Fixed & Variable Costs, Net Present Value (NPV), Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), Operations Management, and Corporate Strategy.
Small Hedge Fund – New York, NY
Futures Specialist 01/2008 06/2011
Executed futures contracts in compliance with Asian, European and U.S. Exchanges.
Produced and calculated real-time P&L monitoring/slippage analysis and adjusted positions/trading robots.
Reconciled daily trading positions; allocated broker fills and adjusted trading limits.
Created virtual trading workspaces, including: proprietary graphs, trading models (robots), Bloomberg data and trading platforms which provided ability to open all platforms simultaneously.
Promoted from initial role of Trading Assistant to Trader – 2010.
Successfully executed approximately 250-300 contracts daily; oversaw robots executing 2500-3000 contracts per day and maintained a 90+% execution rate.
Instituted trading strategies founded on testing results of trading models that provided a single condensed platform, which expedited trade allocation process by 300% +/- and enabled three-fold increase in volume and reduced required manpower from 90 minutes to less than 20.
Big Corporation IT Financial Control – New York, NY
Consultant 08/2007 12/2007
Maintained, modified and utilized tables/queries in Microsoft Access databases and Excel.
Formulated and facilitated communication structure with multinational branches that resulted in seamless coordination of activities between offices in multiple time zones.
Eliminated 30 day back log of payments due via astute account review, interaction with vendors, identification of arrears and construction of billing/tracking and payment summary reports.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Finance/Investments Baruch College/CUNY
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I Passed
FINRA Series 3 34
Bloomberg Business Objects PeopleSoft X-Trader TT M-Trader Pro QuickBooks
Microsoft Office (Excel PowerPoint Word Access Outlook)
Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2010 Expert Microsoft Office Specialist Access 2010
Recognized as a Self-Motivated, Focused and Contributive Team Player who Succeeds in Leveraging Established Alliances to Develop and Deliver Effectual Solutions to Challenging Trade Transactions.
Encompass In-Depth Knowledge of Trading Life Cycle from Inception to Execution, Plus, Trading Models and Systems.
Startup with rich parent – New York NY
Product Specialist 01/2013 Present
Charged with advancing clients in creating original trading strategies on FX market, developing documentation, proposing new features, and performing efficiency analysis for proprietary trading platform.
Manage customer relationships, including providing support/analytics and resolution of system discrepancies.
Conduct client (Hedge Funds and Investment Banks) training to increase and maximize system functionality.
Assisted international clientele each contributes approx. $20,000 - $40,000 to monthly revenue generated.
Corporate Finance Instructor – New York, NY 10/2011 12/2012
Worked with college students to promote their comprehending topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included: Legal Liabilities, Fixed & Variable Costs, Net Present Value (NPV), Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), Operations Management, and Corporate Strategy.
Small Hedge Fund – New York, NY
Futures Specialist 01/2008 06/2011
Executed futures contracts in compliance with Asian, European and U.S. Exchanges.
Produced and calculated real-time P&L monitoring/slippage analysis and adjusted positions/trading robots.
Reconciled daily trading positions; allocated broker fills and adjusted trading limits.
Created virtual trading workspaces, including: proprietary graphs, trading models (robots), Bloomberg data and trading platforms which provided ability to open all platforms simultaneously.
Promoted from initial role of Trading Assistant to Trader – 2010.
Successfully executed approximately 250-300 contracts daily; oversaw robots executing 2500-3000 contracts per day and maintained a 90+% execution rate.
Instituted trading strategies founded on testing results of trading models that provided a single condensed platform, which expedited trade allocation process by 300% +/- and enabled three-fold increase in volume and reduced required manpower from 90 minutes to less than 20.
Big Corporation IT Financial Control – New York, NY
Consultant 08/2007 12/2007
Maintained, modified and utilized tables/queries in Microsoft Access databases and Excel.
Formulated and facilitated communication structure with multinational branches that resulted in seamless coordination of activities between offices in multiple time zones.
Eliminated 30 day back log of payments due via astute account review, interaction with vendors, identification of arrears and construction of billing/tracking and payment summary reports.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Finance/Investments Baruch College/CUNY
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I Passed
FINRA Series 3 34
Bloomberg Business Objects PeopleSoft X-Trader TT M-Trader Pro QuickBooks
Microsoft Office (Excel PowerPoint Word Access Outlook)
Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2010 Expert Microsoft Office Specialist Access 2010
- himik
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 271
- Зарегистрирован: Пт фев 25, 2005 6:59 pm
- Откуда: Kazan-UT-ID-DC-VA
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Я не профессионал в написании резюме и работаю в области очень далекой от финансов/трейдинга. Но волею судеб несколько раз мне пришлось заниматься отбором людей. Так что вот мои впечатления об этом резюме. Первый параграф совершенно бесцелен. Вы знаете сколько таких self-motivated focused team players хотят попасть на это место? И все они highly motivated etc. Через несколько десятков таких резюме, они начинают сливаться в одно и хочется просто стреляться. Здесь нужно воткнуть сильные стороны которые заинтересуют человека просматривающего ваше резюме и buzz words которые использовались в обьявлении. Что-нибудь вроде Expert in day trading using XXX and XXX systems; In-depth knowledge of XXX; Extensive experience of working with clients on X, Y, and Z; Successful team leader and contributor. Детали будут далее, ваша задача заинтересовать HR что бы они прочитали все. Не надо писать каждое слово с заглавной буквы и старайтесь избегать больших вычурных слов вроде contributive, effectual, leveraging established alliances. А что это за astute account review? - это случайно не creative accounting за который можно сесть ? 
Я может быть и не прав, просто мои мысли вслух...

Я может быть и не прав, просто мои мысли вслух...
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Это был первый драфт. Сейчас сделали измения и отправили на пруфридинг. Резюме расчитано не на трэдинг, а на консалтинг. Когда все будет готово - покажу.
astute account review - анализировал ситуация с биллами.

astute account review - анализировал ситуация с биллами.

- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 8643
- Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 09, 1999 4:01 am
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Inters писал(а): Assisted international clientele each contributes approx. $20,000 - $40,000 to monthly revenue generated.
Worked with college students to promote their comprehending topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included:

- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Фактически финальный драфт - ругайте
Recognized as a Self-Motivated, Focused and Contributive Team Player who Succeeds in Leveraging Established Alliances to Develop and Deliver Effectual Solutions to Challenging Trade Transactions.
Encompass In-Depth Knowledge of Trading Life Cycle from Inception to Execution, Plus Trading Models and Systems.
Startup with rich parent – New York, NY
Product Specialist 01/2013 Present
Charged with advancing clients in creating original trading strategies on FX market, developing documentation, proposing new features, and performing efficiency analysis for proprietary trading platform.
Manage customer relationships, including providing support/analytics and resolution of system discrepancies.
Conduct client (Hedge Funds and Investment Banks) training to increase and maximize system functionality.
Assisted international clientele each contributes approx. $20,000 - $40,000 to monthly revenue generated.
Corporate Finance Instructor – New York, NY 10/2011 12/2012
Worked with college students to promote their comprehending topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included: Legal Liabilities, Fixed & Variable Costs, Operations Management, and Corporate Strategy.
Small Hedge Fund – New York, NY
Futures Specialist/Trader 01/2008 06/2011
Executed futures contracts in compliance with Asian, European, and U.S. Exchanges.
Produced and calculated real-time P&L monitoring/slippage analysis and adjusted positions/trading robots.
Reconciled daily trading positions; allocated broker fills and adjusted trading limits.
Created virtual trading workspaces, including: proprietary graphs, trading models (robots), Bloomberg data and trading platforms which provided ability to open all platforms simultaneously.
Promoted from initial role of Trading Assistant to Future Specialist/Trader – 2010.
Successfully executed approximately 250-300 contracts daily, and oversaw robots executing 2500-3000 contracts per day.
Instituted trading strategies founded on testing results of trading models that provided a single condensed platform, which expedited trade allocation process by 300% +/- and enabled three-fold increase in volume and reduced required manpower from 90 minutes to less than 20.
Big Corporation IT Financial Control – New York, NY
Consultant 08/2007 12/2007
Maintained, modified, and utilized tables/queries in Microsoft Access databases and Excel.
Formulated and facilitated communication structure with multinational branches that resulted in seamless coordination of activities between offices in multiple time zones.
Eliminated 30-day back log of payments due via astute account review, interaction with vendors, identification of arrears, and construction of billing/tracking and payment summary reports.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Finance/Investments Baruch College/CUNY
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I Passed
FINRA Series 3 34
Russian Ukrainian
Bloomberg Business Objects PeopleSoft X-Trader TT M-Trader Pro QuickBooks
Help Studio Microsoft Office (Excel PowerPoint Word Access Outlook)
Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2010 Expert Microsoft Office Specialist Access 2010

Recognized as a Self-Motivated, Focused and Contributive Team Player who Succeeds in Leveraging Established Alliances to Develop and Deliver Effectual Solutions to Challenging Trade Transactions.
Encompass In-Depth Knowledge of Trading Life Cycle from Inception to Execution, Plus Trading Models and Systems.
Startup with rich parent – New York, NY
Product Specialist 01/2013 Present
Charged with advancing clients in creating original trading strategies on FX market, developing documentation, proposing new features, and performing efficiency analysis for proprietary trading platform.
Manage customer relationships, including providing support/analytics and resolution of system discrepancies.
Conduct client (Hedge Funds and Investment Banks) training to increase and maximize system functionality.
Assisted international clientele each contributes approx. $20,000 - $40,000 to monthly revenue generated.
Corporate Finance Instructor – New York, NY 10/2011 12/2012
Worked with college students to promote their comprehending topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included: Legal Liabilities, Fixed & Variable Costs, Operations Management, and Corporate Strategy.
Small Hedge Fund – New York, NY
Futures Specialist/Trader 01/2008 06/2011
Executed futures contracts in compliance with Asian, European, and U.S. Exchanges.
Produced and calculated real-time P&L monitoring/slippage analysis and adjusted positions/trading robots.
Reconciled daily trading positions; allocated broker fills and adjusted trading limits.
Created virtual trading workspaces, including: proprietary graphs, trading models (robots), Bloomberg data and trading platforms which provided ability to open all platforms simultaneously.
Promoted from initial role of Trading Assistant to Future Specialist/Trader – 2010.
Successfully executed approximately 250-300 contracts daily, and oversaw robots executing 2500-3000 contracts per day.
Instituted trading strategies founded on testing results of trading models that provided a single condensed platform, which expedited trade allocation process by 300% +/- and enabled three-fold increase in volume and reduced required manpower from 90 minutes to less than 20.
Big Corporation IT Financial Control – New York, NY
Consultant 08/2007 12/2007
Maintained, modified, and utilized tables/queries in Microsoft Access databases and Excel.
Formulated and facilitated communication structure with multinational branches that resulted in seamless coordination of activities between offices in multiple time zones.
Eliminated 30-day back log of payments due via astute account review, interaction with vendors, identification of arrears, and construction of billing/tracking and payment summary reports.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Finance/Investments Baruch College/CUNY
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I Passed
FINRA Series 3 34
Russian Ukrainian
Bloomberg Business Objects PeopleSoft X-Trader TT M-Trader Pro QuickBooks
Help Studio Microsoft Office (Excel PowerPoint Word Access Outlook)
Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2010 Expert Microsoft Office Specialist Access 2010
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 8643
- Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 09, 1999 4:01 am
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Я не знаю, насколько большое значение в вашей индустрии придают грамотно написанному резюме.
Ваше резюме написано не очень грамотно. Мне за вас обидно, вы как-никак деньги за это платили.
Ваше резюме написано не очень грамотно. Мне за вас обидно, вы как-никак деньги за это платили.
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 8643
- Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 09, 1999 4:01 am
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
За бесплатно переделывать работу нанятого вами человека?..Inters писал(а):Можете конкретно покритиковать?
Если уж вкладываетесь, заплатите за 2nd opinion.
В частности, выделенные мною выше фразы имеют грамматические ошибки. В отредактированном варианте они остались без изменений.
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Сорри, я не заметил что вы раньше писали критику. Пошел на английский форум (в смысле там где обсуждают именно английский язык на английском языке) и задал вопросы про данные фразы. Мнения несколько разделились (правильно/неправильно), но согласились с тем что надо поменять так как эти фразы и слова звучат несколько confusing для многих людей (особенно с HR

- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 2281
- Зарегистрирован: Пн май 07, 2007 8:21 pm
- Откуда: DNK-NYC
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Посоветовались и решили поменять на
Assisted international clientele on projects that accounted for $20,000 - $40,000 in monthly revenue.
Worked with college students to enrich their understanding of topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included: Legal Liabilities, Fixed & Variable Costs, Operations Management, and Corporate Strategy
Assisted international clientele on projects that accounted for $20,000 - $40,000 in monthly revenue.
Worked with college students to enrich their understanding of topics covered in the Corporate Finance course that included: Legal Liabilities, Fixed & Variable Costs, Operations Management, and Corporate Strategy
- Уже с Приветом
- Сообщения: 8643
- Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 09, 1999 4:01 am
Re: Посоветуйте resume writer
Each забыли.Inters писал(а):Посоветовались и решили поменять на
Assisted international clientele on projects that accounted for $20,000 - $40,000 in monthly revenue.
Еще в резюме вперемешку настоящее и прошедшее время, активный и пассивный залог. Если и поработал корректор, то хреново.