Недвижимость в Сакраменто

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Post by Bosev »

GarikToo wrote:Тут я ваще офигел:

http://www.ziprealty.com/buy_a_home/log ... sacramento

Так это разве не южный Сакраменто? На сити дата народ страшные вещи пишеть об этом уголке. :upset:
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Post by GarikToo »

Bosev wrote:
GarikToo wrote:Тут я ваще офигел:

http://www.ziprealty.com/buy_a_home/log ... sacramento

Так это разве не южный Сакраменто? На сити дата народ страшные вещи пишеть об этом уголке. :upset:

Так я вот и не знаю - какя часть Сакраменто хорошая какая плохая. А что там в Ю. Сакраменто - негры лютуют?

Помоему West Sakramento - тоже задница
Оливье готовлю, холодец варю, посуду мою, пылесоса не боюсь. Скупой.
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Post by Bosev »

GarikToo wrote:Так я вот и не знаю - какя часть Сакраменто хорошая какая плохая. А что там в Ю. Сакраменто - негры лютуют?

Помоему West Sakramento - тоже задница

В целом сам не знаком с ситуацей, но когда читаешь подобное:
If you like constant sirens day and night, volleys of shots on the weekends that sound like 4th of July, and the all night police helicopter searchlight fly overs, you will probably enjoy the area.

I saw on the news the possible serial sniper that's been killing Mexican guys around town. The three men killed are Mexican nationals in their early 30s and have been shot outside their cars around Sac Executive Airport to Florin road between 12-6am over the past two months.
I cannot believe how violent so much of Sacramento has become.

Ok, just for fun....

in the short time I lived there (meadowview in the new houses by the freeway...)

We heard, saw, and even were followed home frequently by the police helicopter. By heard and saw I mean just about nightly. Seriously. It routinely did circles around our neighborhood. Fun.

While lying in bed on warm nights with the windows open I heard gun shots pretty often. Cool.

One night with the window open I awoke to screeching tires, revving engine, more tires, then "crash", then more revving engines and sirens. A police chase ended with the bad guys crashing into the neighbors car that was parked in the driveway.

Neighbor's house was broken into while he was away, going for his guns, apparently he knew the kids and gave then a few "jack johnsons" ! Ha, good for him.

Hmmmm.... that is all I can think of.

Oh, and a teenager got shot a killed right on our street (down a ways in the old neighborhood) at a house party.

как то не по себе становится
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Post by GarikToo »

Bosev wrote:
GarikToo wrote:Так я вот и не знаю - какя часть Сакраменто хорошая какая плохая. А что там в Ю. Сакраменто - негры лютуют?

Помоему West Sakramento - тоже задница

В целом сам не знаком с ситуацей, но когда читаешь подобное:
If you like constant sirens day and night, volleys of shots on the weekends that sound like 4th of July, and the all night police helicopter searchlight fly overs, you will probably enjoy the area.

I saw on the news the possible serial sniper that's been killing Mexican guys around town. The three men killed are Mexican nationals in their early 30s and have been shot outside their cars around Sac Executive Airport to Florin road between 12-6am over the past two months.
I cannot believe how violent so much of Sacramento has become.

Ok, just for fun....

in the short time I lived there (meadowview in the new houses by the freeway...)

We heard, saw, and even were followed home frequently by the police helicopter. By heard and saw I mean just about nightly. Seriously. It routinely did circles around our neighborhood. Fun.

While lying in bed on warm nights with the windows open I heard gun shots pretty often. Cool.

One night with the window open I awoke to screeching tires, revving engine, more tires, then "crash", then more revving engines and sirens. A police chase ended with the bad guys crashing into the neighbors car that was parked in the driveway.

Neighbor's house was broken into while he was away, going for his guns, apparently he knew the kids and gave then a few "jack johnsons" ! Ha, good for him.

Hmmmm.... that is all I can think of.

Oh, and a teenager got shot a killed right on our street (down a ways in the old neighborhood) at a house party.

как то не по себе становится

Это весь Сакраменто такой 8O 8O
Оливье готовлю, холодец варю, посуду мою, пылесоса не боюсь. Скупой.
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Post by Bosev »

GarikToo wrote:
Bosev wrote:
GarikToo wrote:Так я вот и не знаю - какя часть Сакраменто хорошая какая плохая. А что там в Ю. Сакраменто - негры лютуют?

Помоему West Sakramento - тоже задница

В целом сам не знаком с ситуацей, но когда читаешь подобное:
If you like constant sirens day and night, volleys of shots on the weekends that sound like 4th of July, and the all night police helicopter searchlight fly overs, you will probably enjoy the area.

I saw on the news the possible serial sniper that's been killing Mexican guys around town. The three men killed are Mexican nationals in their early 30s and have been shot outside their cars around Sac Executive Airport to Florin road between 12-6am over the past two months.
I cannot believe how violent so much of Sacramento has become.

Ok, just for fun....

in the short time I lived there (meadowview in the new houses by the freeway...)

We heard, saw, and even were followed home frequently by the police helicopter. By heard and saw I mean just about nightly. Seriously. It routinely did circles around our neighborhood. Fun.

While lying in bed on warm nights with the windows open I heard gun shots pretty often. Cool.

One night with the window open I awoke to screeching tires, revving engine, more tires, then "crash", then more revving engines and sirens. A police chase ended with the bad guys crashing into the neighbors car that was parked in the driveway.

Neighbor's house was broken into while he was away, going for his guns, apparently he knew the kids and gave then a few "jack johnsons" ! Ha, good for him.

Hmmmm.... that is all I can think of.

Oh, and a teenager got shot a killed right on our street (down a ways in the old neighborhood) at a house party.

как то не по себе становится

Это весь Сакраменто такой 8O 8O

В данном случае насколько я понял народ высказывался про юг Сакраменто
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Post by Alaska »

Big "NO" - West Sac, Natomas, South Sac.
Big "Yes" - Rocklin 95765,95661, Roseville, Granite Bay 95746 (pricy-y-y!!!, but check CNN "best 100 cities in USA").
Everything else ... 50/50
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Post by Апрель »

Alaska wrote:Big "NO" - West Sac, Natomas, South Sac.
Big "Yes" - Rocklin 95765,95661, Roseville, Granite Bay 95746 (pricy-y-y!!!, but check CNN "best 100 cities in USA").
Everything else ... 50/50

Чем плох Натомас?

Не спорю. Просто интересуюсь :)
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Post by bvp »

GarikToo wrote:А цены то прогнулись в Сакраменто:


http://www.housingtracker.net/askingpri ... Roseville/
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Post by Анфиса »

На дома ценой 45-60К идут бидовые войны.
Знакомые купили 2 конды на севере, проиграв несколько раз.
Ситуация была хуже 5-6 лет назад по слухам.
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Post by Alaska »

Критерии обычные: школы, почернение населения (видимо сказалaсь близость юга), переизбыток строительства.
В дополнение future factor - огромные ровные просторы.

В такой комбинации ожидать повышения там цен. :pain1:
Обидно, в принципе симпатичный новый район, неплохое месторастоложение и такакя репутация. :(
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Post by GarikToo »

Анфиса wrote:На дома ценой 45-60К идут бидовые войны.
Знакомые купили 2 конды на севере, проиграв несколько раз.
Ситуация была хуже 5-6 лет назад по слухам.

Если не секрет насколько выше запрашиваемой цены удавалось купить дом.

Я тут посмотрел craigslist - помоему жилья на сьем полно и даже если купить кондо за $120-140K - получится отрицательный cash flow
Оливье готовлю, холодец варю, посуду мою, пылесоса не боюсь. Скупой.
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Post by GarikToo »

Alaska wrote:Big "NO" - West Sac, Natomas, South Sac.
Big "Yes" - Rocklin 95765,95661, Roseville, Granite Bay 95746 (pricy-y-y!!!, but check CNN "best 100 cities in USA").
Everything else ... 50/50

А про Elk Grove что скажете?
Оливье готовлю, холодец варю, посуду мою, пылесоса не боюсь. Скупой.
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Post by Хитачик »

Гарик, ты че - с дуба рухнул? Какое Сакраменто?!!! Там вокруг степь, строй во все стороны!!! Так недвижимость расти не будет еще лет пять-шесть как минимум!!!!!!
Политкорректность придумали сытые, могущественные и очень неглупые люди, чтобы все остальные посвящали свой досуг поискам политкорректных и не очень... и не мешали им кушать :gen1:
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Post by GarikToo »

Хитачик wrote:Гарик, ты че - с дуба рухнул? Какое Сакраменто?!!! Там вокруг степь, строй во все стороны!!! Так недвижимость расти не будет еще лет пять-шесть как минимум!!!!!!

Ну а где где бы ты посоветовал инвестировать?
Оливье готовлю, холодец варю, посуду мою, пылесоса не боюсь. Скупой.
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Post by Хитачик »

GarikToo wrote:
Хитачик wrote:Гарик, ты че - с дуба рухнул? Какое Сакраменто?!!! Там вокруг степь, строй во все стороны!!! Так недвижимость расти не будет еще лет пять-шесть как минимум!!!!!!

Ну а где где бы ты посоветовал инвестировать?

В индекс падения недвижимости в Сакраменто и East Bay :smoke:
Политкорректность придумали сытые, могущественные и очень неглупые люди, чтобы все остальные посвящали свой досуг поискам политкорректных и не очень... и не мешали им кушать :gen1:

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