Disclaimer: If you become easily angered by things out of your control, don't read! All well-thought-through opinions and other versions of 'money talk' in the events described below are highly welcome.
In 1902, the Rothschilds sent one of their agents, Paul Warburg, to America with his brother, Felix, to ‘rearrange' US banking to suit Rothschild and Elite interests. Another brother, Max Warburg, stayed at home in Frankfurt to run the family banking business there. After arriving in the USA, Paul Warburg married Nina Loeb (of the Rothschild controlled, Kuhn, Loeb, and Company) while Felix married Frieda Schiff, the daughter of Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co Hardly surprisingly, both brothers became partners in the company and Paul was given an annual salary of half a million dollars (in the early years of this century!) to prepare the ground for the imposition of the Federal Reserve System on the people of the United States. It was all arranged by the Rothschilds, probably even down to the Warburg's marriage partners. These banking and Elite families like to interbreed whenever possible. It keeps the genes up to scratch, you know, and keeps the money (control) in the family. When Jacob Schiff arrived in America to join Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, he married the daughter of Solomon Loeb. Jacob Schiff was to be one of the key manipulators in the first half of this century. The Schiff and Rothschild families were as one and shared the same house in Frankfurt in the days of Mayer Amschel. The Federal Reserve Bill became known as the 'Aldrich Bill' and it was Warburg and Aldrich who organized the covert meeting on Jekyl Island. Many years later, Frank Vanderlip, the Rockefellers' agent at the time, would say:
"Despite my views about the value to society of greater publicity for the affairs of corporations, there was an occasion, near the close of 1910, when I was as secretive - indeed furtive - as a conspirator ... I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyl Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. " (15)
The Federal Reserve System is a cartel of
private banks, of which the Bank of New York is the most powerful. To this day it controls the US economy and thereby affects all of our lives. Through its US offshoots and connections like J.P. Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb, and Co, the Rothschild Empire controlled the principal New York banks and, through them, the Bank of New York. This gave them control of the Federal Reserve System and the American economy. (16) This Federal Reserve cartel is nominally controlled by the government-appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, which is another way of saying the Elite control it. The cartel lends money to the US government and has thus ensured that the country - and therefore the people - are drowning in debt to the banks. By 1910, the behavior of the banks had made them deeply unpopular with the people. The Elite had to think of a way of persuading the public to accept a banking coup on the American nation while thinking the power of the banks was being curtailed. So when the bill the bankers had written was introduced by their front politicians they publicly and vehemently opposed it. This gave the impression that the bill was bad news for the banks and it was passed into law in 1913, in the belief that it curtailed the power of the money manipulators. It didn't. It gave them total control. Just to be safe, the Federal Reserve Bill was put before Congress shortly before Christmas, 1913, when many Congressmen were already at home with their families for the holiday.
Now the Elite controlled the US government's borrowing and interest rates, and it could create booms and busts whenever it wished. The way they introduced the Federal Income Tax was even more outrageous, although you have to admire their cheek. For this to be passed into law, it required the consent of at least thirty-six states because there had to be an amendment, the sixteenth, to the United States Constitution. Only two states agreed. In a democracy you would think that the bill would be ditched. Not so. The Secretary of State, Filander Knox, informed Congress that the necessary agreement had been achieved and Federal Income Tax became `law'. Or rather, in reality, it didn't...
The power over political and human events on this planet was increased by leaps and bounds as this funny money system expanded its grip on the world. This gave the Elite's bankers the power to manipulate wars and revolutions, almost at will, in league with other elements within the Brotherhood network, which expanded and became even more focused on its goals during the same period that the banking system emerged. Another branch of the Brotherhood was
officially started by the German professor, Adam Weishaupt, on May 1st 1776, and this sought to infiltrate all the seats of power throughout Europe. It was called the Bavarian Illuminati. The term ‘Illuminati' means illuminated or enlightened ones and goes back to ancient times. Weishaupt's Illuminati was designed on classic Brotherhood lines with circles of apparently unconnected people who were, behind the scenes and without their knowledge, all manipulated and directed by the same controlling core at the center. He once said: "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another name, another occupation". That was a superb summary of the Illuminati/Global Elite approach. Some researchers suggest that it was actually in 1770 that Weishaupt was asked to launch the Bavarian Illuminati by the Rothschilds. (17)
Certain societies plotted to destroy the European monarchies, either by replacing them with republics or, less often, by removing their power and leaving them as purely symbolic heads of state. A powerful monarch was OK if he or she supported Illuminati/Elite plans for the New World Order, but if they didn't, or if they refused to be manipulated, it acted as a serious block to the unfoldment of the plan. The manipulators could assassinate them and hope the replacement would play the game, but you couldn't keep doing that again and again. Much better to replace the monarchies with elected representatives of the people, who could be replaced every few years. If you can control the money and the media, you can largely control (a) who gets to the top in political parties and (b) whom the people elect into government. You give financial backing and use the society network within
all political parties to manipulate your choice to the top; you activate your (controlled) media to advance the popularity of the one you want to win at election time, and to undermine his or her opponent. The illusion which is laughingly called democracy is a wonderful vehicle for the Global Elite. It was their creation and the last thing you can call it is democratic.
The French Revolution of 1789 was an Illuminati coup d'etat, the methods of which have been repeated over and over to replace undemocratic monarchies with undemocratic ‘people's parliaments'. The only real difference between these forms of rule was that one was clearly a dictatorship, while the other
appeared to be freedom. When people are ruled by a dictator in whatever form, the time will arrive when the desire for a say in a country's affairs will grow within the people and forms of democracy will be demanded. The people living under a dictator, in other words, know they are living under a dictator and eventually they will rebel. The system that replaced the monarchies, the ‘phony democracies' as I call them, were designed to give the illusion of `people power' while structuring the system to ensure that the few could run the entire show. By сontroling events and elections via direct intervention, corruption, or media power, the Elite could pretty much be sure that their choices became the presidents, prime ministers, and the leading names in governments. People ask why those who get to the top in politics around the world are often either corrupt or incompetent. Well, now you know. They are meant to be. What's more, it is harder to encourage people to rebel against the tyranny of the phony democracies, because they are programmed to believe that they live in a real democracy. With the fall of monarchy power during the Illuminati-engineered revolutions, one form of dictatorship was replaced by another, but very few noticed...
If we take a brief look at how the French Revolution unfolded, it will show you the background strategy which the Elite and their Illuminati offshoot use all the time to create conflict and hoodwink the people. It began as usual with a manufactured economic crisis. A country and its people, are first brought to desperate straits by poverty and economic collapse. The manipulators create the circumstances in which public opinion says: "Something must be done!" Once that stage has been achieved (by economic crisis, or wars, or whatever) you step forward in the guise of standing up for the people, and offer the ‘solutions' to the problems they themselves have created in the first place. Those ‘solutions' will be precisely the measures you wanted to happen all along, as part of the journey to the Better Future. It is the problem-reaction-solution scenario. In this case, they wanted the people of France to overturn the monarchy, and they sowed the seeds of revolt by their age old method of poverty and debt. In his book,
Napoleon: The Man, McNair Wilson says of his time:
"A change of a fundamental kind had taken place in the economic structure of Europe whereby the old basis had ceased to be wealth measured in lands, crops, herds and minerals; but a new standard had now been introduced, namely, a form of money to which the title `credit' had been given." (18.)
Debts were measured in gold or silver, neither of which France produced. Therefore the debts were bound to grow and become even more impossible to pay. The Elite had people on the inside as usual, including one in the key position of chief finance minister to King Louis. His name was Necker, a man who claimed to be a Swiss of German extraction. McNair Wilson wrote of him: "Necker had forced his way into the King's Treasury as a representative of the debt system and owing allegiance to that system". Necker had a reputation of being a daring and unscrupulous speculator before joining the King's administration and, after four years in the treasury, he had manipulated the French finances to add another $200 million to the national debt." With the French economy in tatters and the people growing restless in their poverty, the Elite moved into stage two and began the process of stimulating revolution. They did this through the Freemasonry network.
By 1730, Freemasonry had been introduced to France from England and had attracted notable names to its ranks, such as Phillipe Egalite, the Duke of Chartres, and the Duke of Orleans, who became a Grand Master. The Brotherhood used such people and others to establish the first foothold of the revolution, which was more moderate in its demands. Egalite was convinced that he would be made king of a democratic state once the existing king and queen had been overthrown. He had little idea of the scale of bloodletting that was to follow. It was the same with Lafayette, another revolutionary and friend of Benjamin Franklin. Lafayette wanted to see a democratic monarchy introduced under Louis, the present king. But these people were just used as vehicles to kick start the revolutionary fervor. The real manipulators knew exactly the sort of revolution it was intended to be. Once Egalite had served his purpose he was sent to the guillotine. Many different people are misled by the Illuminati manipulators to make sure they play their part in the overall plan, the true agenda of which is kept secret from them. Once they have done their job, they are discarded. Those reading this who are on the lower levels of the Brotherhood ladder might ponder deeply on this for their own sake, if not for that of others.
Another frontman was the Marquis de Mirabeau. He is known to have been financed by the German, Moses Mendelssohn, a member of the Illuminati. (21) Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman names Mendelssohn as a key manipulator for an inner clique which he believes has been seeking to destroy Judaism and all religion.(22) He says that this clique is a follower of what he, too, calls the All-Seeing Eye cult. He links this group to the House of Rothschild and says the cult was the force behind the French Revolution. Mendelssohn started the Illuminati front, the Haskala movement in 1776 - the year the Bavarian Illuminati was launched. Another figure close to Mendelssohn was the Illuminati member, Friedrich Nicholai. Rabbi Antelman described Mendelssohn as a "con man" who plotted the demise of Judaism while claiming to be a promoter of the religion and the "race". This is precisely what has happened since and continues today. The Freemasonry lodges in France, particularly those under the control of the Grand Orient form of the order, were infiltrated by Illuminati manipulators and used to fire the revolution. In 1786, Mirabeau formed an Illuminati lodge at a meeting at the Jacobin College in Paris. They became known as the Jacobins. In the same year, another All-Seeing Eye Illuminati group called the Frankists (after Jacob Franks) was created in Frankfurt. One of its leading lights was Michael Hess, an employee of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. These two groups, the Jacobins and the Frankists, were at the heart of the French Revolution.
The plan was openly revealed when a member of Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati was struck by lightning and killed at Ratisbon while carrying secret papers. These revealed the plans for world revolution and the New World Order and they had a remarkable resemblance to the
Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, of which more shortly.(23) The Bavarian government had the headquarters of the Illuminati searched. Much more information was found and the French authorities were told of the plan. But events in France had by now reached such a momentum that nothing could stop them. By 1789, more than 2,000 Freemasonry lodges had affiliated with the Grand Orient organization which, in turn, was controlled by the Illuminati. They were, themselves, controlled by the Global Elite.
The central organization of the revolution and the printing and distribution of propaganda was based at the Palais Royal, the home of Egalite. He was so in debt to the money lenders that he had to sign over his palace and estates to them. Part of the mind manipulation in any Elite operation is the character assassination of the opposition. One such example in the French Revolution was the famous diamond necklace ‘bought' by the Queen, Marie Antionette. She had been warned about Freemasonry by her sister in Austria some years before, but the advice went unheeded. She had informed her sister that in France, Freemasonry was open and ‘everyone knows all'. The ‘open' Freemasons were actually planning a bloodbath at the guillotine as she wrote those words. Bitterness with the monarchy in France was further fuelled when the propaganda machine announced that the Queen had bought a diamond necklace for a quarter of a million pounds when, in truth, it had been ordered without her knowledge by an agent of the Brotherhood, a close associate of Adam Weishaupt. This was political dynamite at a time of such poverty in France.
This ‘peoples' revolution continued to discard its stooges and frontmen as each new layer of violence unfurled. Others were introduced like Danton, Marat, and Robespierre, who would also be removed once they had been used to their full potential. Mobs were organized to go out onto the streets and stimulate more violence and unrest. In September 1792, the `September massacres' came when 8,000 people were killed in the prisons of Paris alone, in the name of a revolution which was supposed to be about `freedom' from royal tyranny. At its core, the revolution wasn't even organized by French people. As Sir Walter Scott said in his
Life Of Napoleon: "The principal leaders of the ... [revolution] ... seem to have been foreigners" .(25) Robespierre was said to be the leading light of the revolution as it gathered pace, but this was just another smokescreen. In his book,
The Life Of Robespierre, G. Renier, says:
"On the 28th July, 1794, Robespierre made a long speech against ultra terrorists... uttering vague general accusations. 'I dare not name them at this moment and in this place. I cannot bring myself entirely to tear asunder the veil that covers this profound mystery of antiquity. But I can affirm most positively that among the authors of this plot are agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerful of all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic; I mean the impure apostles of atheism and the immorality that is at its base.' (26)
At 2 am that night, Robespierre was shot and the next day he was taken to the guillotine. He was getting too close to speaking the truth about the `glorious' French Revolution, and in the strange world of the Illuminati/Elite, that meant he had to go. From the French Revolution we can see the elements of manipulated wars and revolutions that are common to all the `peoples' uprisings' in Europe which ousted the monarchies and to conflicts around the world up to the present day. These are: the financial crisis to create suffering and the desire for change ("Something must be done"); the duping of influential people who support the ‘cause' without realizing the real agenda; the dumping of these people when they have served their purpose; the mass propaganda to exploit the public's natural sense of injustice, to disinform, and to lead opinion in the desired direction; the lies told about opponents of the plan and the assassination of their character to the point where people have great hatred for them; the organization of 'rent-a-mob' to cause agitation and encourage others to overthrow the established order; and, finally, the installation of a phony democracy or alternative dictatorship.
Look at the background of
any revolution or war and you will see most, usually all, of these methods at work. Divide and rule, control of the flow of information, secret manipulation, and conflict. Over the last three hundred thousand years or so, all these methods of control can be seen on Earth. One is merely another level of the other. Revolution and war continued throughout Europe during the nineteenth century, much of it coordinated by Lord Palmerston, the British Prime Minister, who directed the policies of his country to carry out the designs of the Elite. Lord Palmerston was the Grand Patriach or Grand Master of Grand Orient Freemasonry - another name for the Illuminati. It was Palmerston who was prime minister during the 'opium wars' when Britain forced the Chinese to import opium, a policy which addicted the population and made them easy to control. One result was the British ownership of Hong Kong, from where Britain ran its drug trade and, with the Americans and Chinese, still does.
There was another ambition on the Global Elite agenda during this period... In the very late 1800s, a controversial document came to light called the
Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. I call them the Illuminati Protocols. Some say they were a forgery made public only to discredit Jews, and I use the term 'Illuminati Protocols' to get away from the Jewish emphasis. If they were a forgery, something that is quite possible, what were they a forgery of, and by whom? The authors of the best-selling book,
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, conclude that the original Protocols were indeed authentic. They suggest that they were the work of an elite group called The Priory of Sion, the inner, controlling, core of the Knights Templars.(26) They believe that this original document was changed to make it appear as a Jewish plot. I certainly would not dismiss such a conclusion. It is the manipulation they describe that interests me, not who has been blamed for it. I believe their origin lies with the Illuminati, as does Rabbi Antelman. Whatever the arguments, one fact cannot be denied, given the hindsight of the last 100 years. The Protocols, from wherever they came, were a quite stunning prophecy of what has happened in the twentieth century in terms of wars and the manipulation. Whoever wrote them sure as heck knew what the game plan was. One protocol speaks of the way the manipulators intended to destroy the idea of God in as many human minds as possible:
`It is with this object in view that we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these [scientific] theories. The intellectuals of the Goyim [Gentiles] will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of it will put into effect all the information available from science, which our agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism... "
Protocol 2
It is indispensable to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the Goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put into its place, arithmetical calculations and material needs."
Protocol 4
Darwinism, of course, refers to Charles Darwin, who suggested in the mid-1800s that the potential of the
mind is developed by genetic inheritance. This is patent nonsense, but it did provide the justification for the eugenics (racial purity) movement that would follow and lead both to Adolf Hitler and the population control policies of today. His most famous theory, that of the survival of the fittest, didn't even appear in the
first four editions of his work,
Origin Of Species. He lifted it from the writings of a contemporary, Herbert Spencer. The word ‘evolution' did not appear until
the sixth edition, in 1872. I understand that even Darwin didn't believe his theory by the end of his life. Was Darwin but another stooge?
A small group of people known as the Lunar Society in Birmingham, England, was significant in this. Researchers into the background of the Lunar Society have shown that it mirrored (with remarkable accuracy) a group called the Invisible College, described in the Francis Bacon work,
The New Atlantis. Among its members were Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders of the United States and close associate of French revolutionaries, and ...Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin. What a coincidence! Another member of the Lunar Society was the Unitarian, Josiah Wedgwood, founder of the famous pottery, and his daughter was to become the mother of Charles Darwin after she married Dr Robert Darwin, the son of Erasmus Darwin. Nothing like keeping it in the family!
Six of the Lunar Society's members were educated at Edinburgh University, as was Charles Darwin. The society was a revolutionary organization which supported the overthrowing of the monarchies and the undermining of the human belief system. Benjamin Franklin became a sort of shuttle `diplomat' for the cause, in the same way that Henry Kissinger would come to be in the second half of this century. I cannot recommend too highly the book by the Canadian scientist and researcher, Ian T. Taylor, called
In The Minds Of Men: Darwin And The New World Order. This reveals the story of how modern theory was manufactured and sold as truth. With detailed, documented evidence, Taylor dismantles the edifice of the scientific claims, and manipulation. Every student of science would benefit enormously from reading it.
But, of course, most people don't read such books. They go through the schools and university system and absorb all the accepted claptrap that originates from Darwin's time. This affects the way many of them see themselves and life in general, and they create that reality in the world around them. It is a world of "What's the point? We are only cosmic accidents after all, and life is about the survival of the fittest. No room for sentiment; it's everyone for themselves". A movement which has emerged from the Darwin view of life is called Humanism, another vehicle for manipulation, even though the overwhelming majority of its advocates will not realize it.
In our brief history of the conspiracy, we are now back in the early years of the twentieth century. The banking and financial system was in place, this-world-is-all-there-is science was introduced, and through engineered revolution, a series of phony democracies was installed. In their brilliant minds the time was right to launch the next stage on the road to the Better Future. It was time to go global. (And the mother-Russia was ahead...)
14. The title `Colonel' was purely honorary. He never actually served.
Saturday Evening Post, February 9, 1935; p. 25.
16. George Armstrong,
Rothschild Money Trust, OMNI Publications, London, 1940; p. 41.
17. D.W.Pike,
Secret Societies, Oxford University Press, 1939; p109.
18. McNair Wilson,
Napoleon: The Man, London, UK John Murray 1927; p38.
19. Captain A.H.M. Ramsey,
The Nameless War. Omni Publications, London, 1952; p. 25.
20. Ibid p25.
The Nameless War, p26.
22. Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman,
To Eliminate The Opiate, Zahavia Ltd., New York-Tel Aviv, 1974.
Secret Societies, p. 110-112.
The Nameless War, p. 29.
25. Walter Scott,
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor Of The French With A Preliminary View Of The French Revolution, UK, A & W Galignani, 1828; p. 33.
26. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln,
Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Jonathan Cape, London, 1982; p.198-203.