Felicie wrote:Т.е. что я хочу сказать? Погромы, резня существовали всегда на уровне народа. И не только против евреев, и не только в Европе. Тут ничего нового. А в данном случае затронута была культурная элита, правящий класс. И поэтому методы уничтожения оказались более изощрёнными, бюрократически организованными и эффективными. А также амбиции оказались более всеобъемлющими.
Jews experienced a period of legal equality from 1848 until the rise of Nazi Germany. In the opinion of the historian Fritz Stern, by the end of the 19th century, what had emerged was a "Jewish-German symbiosis," where German Jews had merged elements of German and Jewish culture into a unique new one. A higher percentage of German Jews fought in World War I than that of any other ethnic, religious or political group in Germany. German Jews enjoyed full equality in the Weimar Republic, many receiving high political positions like foreign minister and vice chancellor. The Weimar constitution was the work of a German Jew, Hugo Preuss, who later became minister of the interior. Marriages between Jews and non-Jews became common from the 19th century; for example, the wife of German Chancellor Gustav Stresemann was Jewish.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of ... in_Germany
Погромов в 20-ом веке в Германии (ест. до прихода Гитлера) не было в связи с достаточной ассимиляцией.
Jewish social life in the inter-war period consisted of a struggle between Jewish nationalism and assimilationism. While many Jews tried as hard as they could to assimilate, and to distinguish themselves from their "Eastern" counterparts– i.e., the Jews in Eastern Europe who were still largely observant and traditional– others advocated a return to Jewish autonomy, either within Europe or in Palestine. The foremost proponent of Jewish autonomy was Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of political Zionism, who lived in Vienna, Austria. In terms of scholarship, German Jews enjoyed a "Jewish Renaissance" in the early twentieth century. Many books and treatises were published, the Hebrew language was resurrected as a living language and Yiddish drama and newspapers flourished. .
http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso ... rmany.html
Кстати примерно такая же картина наблюдалась и с еврейской иммиграцией в Америке. Богатые немецкие евреи, прибывшие сюда гораздо раньше восточно-европейских родственников, охотно интегрировались в общество и старались <distiguish> себя от бедных,ультра-религиозных и часто необразованных собратьев, прибывших в начале 20-го века.