И вот что я получаю в ответ:
People Finders values your privacy and, upon written request, can block your records from being shown in many, but not all, of our search results. To do so, you should contact us by writing a letter giving us your:
Complete Social Security Number
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial
Aliases and A.K.A.'s
Complete current address
Complete former addresses going back 15 years and
Date of Birth - including month, day and year
It is also very helpful to include a print out of the records that you wish to have suppressed.
Send this letter to:
Opt-Out/People Finders
1821 Q St
Sacramento, CA 95814
This information will be kept confidential and is used to ensure complete suppression of your records..

И это - для того, чтобы убрать email из базы данных !!!
Единственное, чего нет в этом списке - девичья фамилия матери, и номера кредитных и дебитных карт вместе с пин-кодами (для полного счастья телемаркетеров) .