36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004

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Nata Ivanova
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Re: 36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004

Post by Nata Ivanova »

Хрен редьки не слаще :х :

Clark Calls for Civilian Reserve Force
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s ... an_service

Democratic candidate Wesley Clark said Tuesday that if elected president, he would mobilize thousands of volunteers for a civilian reserve to respond to terror attacks and national disasters.
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Re: 36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004

Post by ALK »

Nata Ivanova wrote:
Хрен редьки не слаще :х :

Clark Calls for Civilian Reserve Force
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s ... an_service

Democratic candidate Wesley Clark said Tuesday that if elected president, he would mobilize thousands of volunteers for a civilian reserve to respond to terror attacks and national disasters.

И чем Вас не устроило это предложение? Key word "volunteer". Если Вы не хотите, то не записывайтесь. Я, например, не запишусь.
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Re: 36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004

Post by kisuk »

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Re: 36 Reasons To Vote For Bush and Republicans In 2004

Post by stoli »

Nata Ivanova wrote:

Хрен редьки не слаще :х :

Clark Calls for Civilian Reserve Force
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=s ... an_service

Democratic candidate Wesley Clark said Tuesday that if elected president, he would mobilize thousands of volunteers for a civilian reserve to respond to terror attacks and national disasters.

Кларк по-моему такой же демократ, как Буш и Шварцнеггер - республиканцы. В том смысле который изложен в начале статьи, что я постил.
Системный подход нужен, как тут:
The people of this country must understand that this Administration has a far different concept of the role of America in the world. This concept involves imposing our will on sovereign nations. This concept involves dismantling the multilateral institutions that we have spent decades building. And this concept involves distorting the rule of law to suit their narrow purposes. When did we become a nation of fear and anxiety when we were once known the world around as a land of hope and liberty?

On day one of a Dean Presidency, I will reverse this attitude. I will tear up the Bush Doctrine. And I will steer us back into the company of the community of nations where we will exercise moral leadership once again.


Но этот товарищ тоже в последнее время тон несколько сменил. Так что не знаю... 8)

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